Guilty of murder and conspiracy to commit murder. Evil “Frankenshots” says it all. Crimes against humanity. Plain and simple — DARPA and FDA officials and many others need to be arrested NOW and prosecuted.

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how? do we EACH file a lawsuit? A CLASS ACTION SUIT with many plaintiffs will work better

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7 February 2020 - look at that date again.

Dr. Francis Boyle was the 1st one to warn that covid was a bioweapon.

Here is the link:


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I didn’t know this . Thanks KJ … I bet he knows what’s in every stack of papers , on the floor , shelf and desk . 😁

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In more recent interviews, the background has changed and it is a little neater.

But, you are right. I bet he knows where everything is...

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Does he speak often? This is an older interview, he thinks it was leaked , has he changed his stance regarding depopulation?

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No, Dr. Boyle has not changed his opinion about depopulation.

I actually watched that interview when it was broadcast on Infowars back in 2020.

Dr. Boyle also coined the phrase "Frankenshot" to describe the covid DeathVax.

Here is a link from 2 months ago with Col. MacGregor interviewing Dr. Francis Boyle. (Much tidier background.)


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Thanks , Good interview and admire Col. M .

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Your headline says weapom. If this letter doesn't stop the injections, nothing will.

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Can u fix the typo in the title? 'Weapom'.

Excellent post !

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Just as in the day of Noah...so will be the same before Christ returns to the earth. The rapture will happen shortly as a nuclear war and/or judgement that God has coming (like between NOW & the Feast of Trumpets - 2024) to America. See the sign of Jonah & the 3 Solar Eclipses 8/20/17, 10/2023 & 4/8/2024.

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“The individual is handicapped by coming face to face with a conspiracy so monstrous he cannot believe it exists. The American mind simply has not realized the evil that has been introduced into our midst. It rejects even the assumption that human creatures could espouse a philosophy which must ultimately destroy all that is good and decent.” ~ J. Edgar Hoover

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I don't care much for Hoover but he was right saying this.

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I'm not sure that it's a "philosophy" that we are up against, more likely a secret cabal of immensely rich and powerful families who intend to control the world's resources indefinitely and will deploy whatever means necessary to retain their privileges forever.

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If it is a biological weapon, which I think itvis. We are truly engaged in spiritual warfare. The people should not comply to the darkness. I also pray.

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I shared his video 3 years ago that called for all states Atty Generals to file murder charges against Fauci. #ArrestFauci #CrimesAgainstHumanity

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There are men and women who went as missionaries to third world countries even believing they were HELPING those people by administering vaccines. How terrible to learn the truth, when they truly were trying to do the right thing.

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The people behind COVID are above the law. They write the laws, and they buy and sell the lawmakers. And if that should fail, they ignore the laws and nothing happens.

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I was in a thrift store yesterday where they had a local radio station playing and the DJ read out an ad telling people to get their annual flu jabs and also the COVID latest "shot", the next bit I couldn't hear properly due to background noises but the DJ ended with a strange statement implying that if you didn't get these jabs you would be "spreading the germs around" so basically the next pandemic and lockdowns will be all the fault of the unvaccinated folk. This is where the psyop continues, to blame the unjabbed for everything as though they are the ones causing diseases. That there is no medical or scientific basis for these ludicrous assertions whatsoever.was not mentioned by this droid of a pharma-shilling government script-reading monkey of a radio jock.

Many unfortunately fully believe this crap.

I'm in the southern "hemisphere" so it's winter here, thus the flu and cold season and the constant jab peddling. They want to mRNA everyone in sight.

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Anyone wishing to mRNA me can fRO! 😬

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Yes, but they are bio-chemical and radiation poisoning weapons. And the shots are not one single weapon. There are some 30 of these weapons inside the covid shots, being placed in the food, the water, the air, the medicines. So there is no weaponized virus and there cannot be a spike protein for a weaponized virus. There is no virus created in Wuhan via gain of function. So what Dr. Francis Boyle states is true, but it goes very far beyond what he explains. Dr. Stefan Lanka already did a control experiment and proved that the so called 'covid' 'virus' does not exist. So if there is no virus, there cannot be any virus turned into a biological warfare agent. What we have are multiple weaponized technologies inserted into the fake vaccines, in the air, the food, the water, the medicines. And worst of all, now we have all of humanity infected with the ultra advanced SMART DUST which will connect humanity to the NEURALINK STARLINK MARK OF THE BEAST SYSTEM! I have written hundreds of PDF files on all of this over the last few years, but have published only a fraction of my work online. Here is a good starter:

How to remove the SMART DUST technology of the Mark of the Beast. This technology is to be activated next year and will enslave humanity!



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