All the lies didn’t create fear it created anger in many of us including myself and an amazement at how willing people were to be played. COVID was a trial run and now they have to gin up something bigger to create the amount of fear necessary to further their Global Agenda. The border fiasco opens the doors to several ideas such as as a nuclear 911. Pray it isn’t so

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Use fear to get people off balance and then manipulate them. Keep ratcheting up the fear. Keep them demoralized so they'll fall for anything. The intent is to collapse America. Destroy the middle class and everything that's good and that worked. Then they can bring in what they always wanted, depopulation, CBDC, 15 min cities etc.

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Many were profiting from the convid psyop, while others were useful idiots or just watched too much TV:

The lies were versatile and innovative:


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Actually, they were pretty stupid. Especially, 'it stays in the arm' - a lettuce could figure out that was incorrect due to the known biodistribution of lipid nanoparticles. And this has been known for decades.


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😹 lettuce see how much of that stays in the arm.

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Imagine being willing put some unknown chemical in your very own body. Not asking about side effects being JABBED by janitor at CVS. JIM JONES paradigm. Then doing same to your kids. They will all go to hell.

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I don't know had I been 40 or 50 years younger I wouldn't have fallen for some of the lies and treachery. Now, no way. I am old enough to not give a rat's butt about the medical system and the tyranny of governments. Accept their tyranny and medical terrorism and they will murder you with poison mRNA injections. Resist and they might murder you anyway.

Who is on our side? We really won't know until the government goes full in and forces its hand with violence. Remember that government wonks and globalists are the most spineless cowards in the world. They want us dead but hire thugs to do their bidding.

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The globalists are also pretty damn stupid, and they panic easily.

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Indeed, living based on fear will do that to them. For me, as a now-ex-DDS in Chinada, the minute we were not fully informed about developments re- covid 19, the questionable nature of its existence at all, conflicting and changing top brass faucian idiocy(yes thats you, dr Fauci and Dr Tam the twit), add to that the secrecy around the jab contents, making informed consent impossible...every MD needed to Quit over it...sorry, I thought, I was not raised to be weak and follow those who have stolen our livelihoods since forever, and engage in virtue-signalling...yes mr trudeau you puppet weffer...it was time to quit and retire early...i love it, rather be without money than integrity.

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Interesting that high level ed, did not result in Covidiocy in your case.

Calling out the Medical Cartel, (well over 99%) is accurate assessment.

Trudeau the fascist will topple, once Candadians reach critical mass.

The same is true with France's Macron. Not soon enough...

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The Rothschilds may be quite inbred now - I'm not sure about the current Rockefeller bloodline - but when you're in the trillionaire class you can afford to hire intelligent talent to do your work.

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The only thing that saved me: I quit all social media 6 years ago. Substack is the only platform I participate in. I learn and grow daily, unlike the mass formation psychosis garbage, found within the other platforms.

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For sure!! Have not had a TV or taken programming in over 35 years. Currently its Tgram, Subs, and newsletters. Crystal clear about this insanity.

Not going to end well for many Sheeple.

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Honestly it was a very good write.. I cant agree more, it was very scary and strange to observe, and i cant fall for Dunning Krueger effect, i know im stupid and know basically nothing, yet people that i had been seen up to and had the biggest respect for, was doing these very irrational and outright murderous acts, it was terrible!

I know i went from pro vax to deep anti vax from this covid tyranny alone, i have been in discussions with many anti vaxxers who didnt really make all that much sense, yet here during the shit show, everything was bloody obvious how the vax didnt fix anything, only made everything much worse.

Also there is this theory that called Boenhoeffers law of stupidity - it kinda also explains alot. You can be very much educated with PhD and everything, and be stupid.

I find it funny that all you mention about the inconsistencies, i also was talking alot about, i still think kinda that the conspiracy theory about Wuhan was made up to make people chase a not excisting thing, to make people fear this "dangerous virus" that the evil Chinese had released.

I observed that there was much less colds during the lockdowns, even though i didnt really change much, went out to costumers as a plumber as usual, some were outright rediculous afraid, some didnt care at all..

What also here is note worthy, is if you know the theory about chemtrails, which i have not really bought yet, but during the lockdowns, all planes was grounded. --

But i really cant Imagine how people would die from this "virus" we in my family had "it" with the kids and wife had positive tests, i was sick and found it retarded to go get testet if you were sick - but have i had a really bad hangover, i would not have noticed i had it. Headache, nausea and general low energy, what does that sound like?

We even had an apprentice in the company i work at, that called in sick, because he had no symptoms, so he was sure he had covid 🤣 seriously it scared me to find out how stupid many people around me was which i thought was thinking individuals..

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I thinks, in the US at least, PhDs and the working class had the lowest uptake. Actually, the working class narrowly beat them.

The mid-wits with college education fell for it the most.

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good point on Bonhoeffer's law. That is universal and the old saying "it was ever thus" is true in all of human history.


"When we know something or someone is evil, we can take steps to fight it. With stupidity, it is much more difficult. Dietrich Bonhoeffer argues that stupidity is worse than evil because stupidity can be manipulated and used by evil. He also argues that stupidity tends to go hand-in-hand with acquiring power — that is, being in power means we surrender our individual critical faculties."

I was reading a little bit about Aristotle not long ago, he perfectly described how governments become an oligarchy or worse.

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My reading of Bonhoeffer also indicated that stupidity is somewhat forgiveable whereas evil gets called out, stamped out eventually. Hence the use of stupidity as a shield for evil. Excellent post!

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I would include in Dr,Fudge's essay, that in the US we are programed from day one of our life in the womb that the medical establishment and the professional stranger they train have all of the answers for us to live and stay healthy, and to live in fear of our bodies malfunctioning every step of the way if we do not consult with this fiasco of an organization on a regular basis.

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Yep! I have a 21yr old niece who doesn't ever want to live far from a hospital 🤦🏻‍♀️.

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yes trained from birth, as a birth support professional for the past 40 years I was not surprised to see the CV response, yet I am encouraged now as so many have awakened to the scam.

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You think many have awakened? I'm not of the same ilk because I don't see mass protesting against jabs...in fact 'keep silent modus operandi' prevails and the come for your c19 + flu shot offer at every cvs and Walgreens is order of the day.

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From my understanding the interest in the CV shots are down to 17%. Not saying that the corps are not offering them, I am saying the people lining up to take them has been greatly reduced.

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Dear Lord Kat Bro … if she only knew .

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I barely want to know 🫣. Still can't believe we are witnessing this 🤬.

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Same here . Twilight Zone daily . 😫

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The training kind of works, for awhile, then you get life experience and realize the absurdity of putting trust into authority and thinking that way. Of course some never will, they are the stupid people.

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yes, about 20%, perhaps 25. Scary.

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Yup, even otherwise bright billionaires like Steve Jobs fall for bizarre diets and medical hokum and ultimately die from their diagnoses and approved treatments.

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When one lacks critical thinking skills.. It was a Global Experiment. What could possibly go wrong? Lol. Many of those who failed the Global I.Q. Test asked their children what to do instead of trusting their instincts and TELLING their children what to do. #DefundTyranny #DepopulateTheDepopulators #FreedomIsNotFree #APECresultedInC19andmRNAbioweapons

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“Asking their children”

I personally experienced this big time.

My sister in-laws daughter had just graduated from medical school. We warned her and their other family members with documentation videos articles etc.

Who do you think all of their family members listened to ?

Same with my family members. They listened to their so called friend experts which had no proof of their claims of safe and effective except they did have PhDs and masters degrees. I was just the ridiculous sounding brother, with evidence, with only a 2.2 grade average in college.

Now some are dead or suffering from adverse effects.

Like my mother used to say.

They are too smart for their own good.

It just makes me angry and sad at the same time.

Thanks for letting me vent. My cat has already heard it a million times.

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appeal to authority works almost every time. You and I don't know anything because we're not experts. Occasionally experts are right. But you still have to have critical discernment.

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Excellent point.

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I know quite a few people who are irrevocably and immovably set on the entire Covid lie even when presented with well-researched evidence of the con but it’s a global issue. I can’t recall another time in my life where this kind of abject blindness against all sanity has occurred on this scale.

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That shows us the incredible FEAR that was created in us. The programming did

it's work, and got many to submit. FEAR arases humans ability to think, so we

graciously give up our rights and our health freedom.

My ENTIRE family for one, got jabbed, very learned humans.

At least you tried to help, but everyone made their own decision.

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I still don't see how the panic propaganda wasn't obvious. Since it was obvious, then the next question is why are they doing this?

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"They"? do you mean jab submitees--Or, globalists who propegated the illusions?

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The globalists/reptilians of course. I really can't blame the "jab submitees". They are only people. I imagine, as I was, at eighteen years old, enlisted in the Marine Corps and taking all those injections long before the plandemic. I never thought anything of it. But then time goes on and life experience is gained and you finally realize almost everything is a lie and a fraud and government doesn't exist for your benefit. Government exists of, by and for itself. Of course not watching TV or reading MSM for the last twenty years was helpful. As well as living in rural deplorable country.

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Okay I understand. You are unaware of globalist goals it seems.

Control, domination, subjugation, sickness, microchipping us,

severely reducing the population to 1/2 billion. and whatever it

takes to get there. To them, we are cattle, feeders, slaves, inferior...

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Of course. The globalists have said in print and film exactly what they intend for quite some time and are taking actions to carry out their goals.

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I grew up poor no tv, thank God. I lived in local library read read read was me. I read about thalidomide drug that resulted in deformed babies 30 years ago. I did not trust vaccines from then..My savvy pregnant daughter took my wife and I to lecture by holistic pediatrician in NY. From then to now I take nuttin in my arm...My immediate family does.

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Correction DOES NOT@

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I can never understand being motivated by fear in this way. I’m just not wired for fear-based motivation. I’m a wait and see, watch and observe, basically the anomaly in the brainwasher’s playbook. Never forget, knowledge *is* power and the more you know/learn the less likely you will fall prey to the psyop…that and having God Almighty on your side!

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I agree. But FEAR has been a means of control for many many years. Giving in to fear is a passive way of living, and submitting to authority. Yet, after all of the lifetimes we

have been through, you would think we would have learned...

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Tavistock Institute. Masters of fear.

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Understood. And MKultra

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...in a vaccine that had bypassed traditional safety trials...

It never was, and can never be a vaccine. It is a genetic shot that has been weaponised to act as a bioweapon, as Dr. Francis Boyle's Affidavit attests to. Given he wrote the freaking US Law on Bioweapons, he should know.

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This is so true!

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Great article thank you.

The programming started many years ago with people trusting their doctors, and that

they know best. Then came in the "vaccines" and flu shots, and people lined up dutifully

to get them every year or so. My mum was an R.N. yet every year she got her flu shot,

she got sick within 2 weeks.

Another big issue here were the video's of the chinese dropping dead in the streets.

That indeed is very scary. YET, they dropped dead because Wuhan was the first place

where 5G technology was installed. The effect of 5G includes sucking the air out of our

lungs. Anyway, THIS incident surely scared the sh*t out of many people who got their jabs...

Thank you to all who knew not to get jabbed and swabbed. Now, we must help others.

They will need to know remedies that can help. NAC, zinc, shikimic acid, pine needle tea,

Natto, D3/K2, etc".

Love to all.

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Up until 20 years ago I was a "kiss the ring" person. Then my 30 year old son had an aneurysm. That changed everything. I found out the truth of the "medical/pharmaceutical industry" as well as the "justice" system. It was a hard lesson for a "believer" to learn. The more research I did, the more eye opening the journey became. So when the pandemic malarkey came along, I had a wealth of research on "vaccines", medicines, procedures, LIES of the government..JFK, RFK, 9/11 and on ward. And it is totally unbelievable that people ignore the truth out there to blindly follow the government crap out there instead of searching for themselves. The government lies just don't make sense. ,"If it doesn't make sense, it's not true.." Judge Judy

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"The Dunning-Kruger effect is a concept" it fits in retrospect. There is a simpler exlanation that has predictive value.

Most people simply know precious little about health. It really is that simple.

As mentioned in the article, they actually expect to be told what to think and do.

If one contrasts that to a concept of Sovereignty it is diametrically opposed.

Many know they were hoodwinked and worse. They are angry.

The clowns cannot pull this off again and they know it. Hence the panic.

The beauty is that the Medical Cartel and their bosses Big P are teetering on the precipice.

That is a very good thing that will have horrible short term outcomes for some...

However out of those ashes Healthcare can rise...

None are safe, none are effective. Virus as a causitive agent for infective disease does not exist!!

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They may pull off something similar but different - if you catch my drift:).

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As COVID-19 was the greatest mass psychological operation to date, it is not surprising most fell for it. To me this is the most interesting aspect of the whole event. The psyop. But given that the Tavistock Institute is the world's preeminent brainwashing organization deploying the best mind manipulation techniques ever devised, it should come as no surprise that most swallowed the COVID fake narrative - hook, line, and sinker. Credit where it's due: the cabal showed us who's boss.

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Desmet with his mass formation stuff (I won't call it BS because the human herd does fall en masse for nonsense, be it Taylor Swift or Pokemon) is deflectiing attention from the fact that COVID was a planned operation by a bunch of criminals.

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Many seemed to also confuse obedience for patriotism.

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Many acted like like Freddy Krueger.

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