Thank you for these links to your earlier material.

I have a lot of reading to do!


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As Dr Dixon said, his methods are only observational and he can't draw any conclusions. It would be nice if he was more precise. What vax? What magnification? What time span? But it's a good start. It's how advances in knowledge always begin.

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Dr. Mike Yeadon asked Nixon the BEST question on the Fuellmich hearing just recently: can you assure that the disappearing is not simple 'out of focus' effect of his microscope during the extremely long exposure??? He was NOT able to answer that in a 100% convincing way, because the answer would be: NO. If you integrate DAYS of exposure in an open environment a liquid sample, clearly not only crystallization of all the salts has to occur, but equally temperature, humidity, DUST from air, all will have an impact on the final video... Without a proper control, I do not see this being a valid 'scientific proof' of anything...

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Oh dear, but what kind of "proper control" would you suggest for experimental products with mystery ingredients that were tested on only 8 mice?

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The OFFICIAL INGREDIENTS list, is out there! Everyone can read it! Take that list, without the mRNA, and redo your experiment and see what you get. If it overlaps with the current 'show images' then I'm sorry, there are no chips or exotic stuff in the vials. I DEMAND REAL SCIENCE, not crap. And the mice have nothing to do with what'm saying. Hope you can get it better NOW.

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