"More than 15 months after death data linked to vaccine status was requested, the UK Health Security Agency (UKHSA) have produced some figures." ?! 😳
Aw swell, Lioness... 🙄
My perpetual questions: When do the arrests begin? When will the monsters responsible for this, the greatest crime in human history, be held to account? When do the "…
"More than 15 months after death data linked to vaccine status was requested, the UK Health Security Agency (UKHSA) have produced some figures." ?! 😳
Aw swell, Lioness... 🙄
My perpetual questions: When do the arrests begin? When will the monsters responsible for this, the greatest crime in human history, be held to account? When do the "Guilty" verdicts ring out, loud and clear, when will they be drawn through the streets in a cart, to the howls of the mob, pelted with mud and shit, and publicly executed? Not by the gallows, but by the guillotine: No ambiguity, no possibility of faking it.
Those executions must be public, and televised; nothing less is adequate. And as for the bleeding hearts whining to me that I'm a "barbarian"? Public execution by guillotine represents the "Amnesty" they're now pleading for! These bastards should be burned at the stake for what they've done!
They got away with killing millions in so-called world wars. They bombed Vietnam. They took out JFK, RFK, MLK, John Lennon, and Princess Diana. They faked going to the moon. They did 911. They faked numerous phoney " terror " events like Sandy Hook, Boston, Paris, Christchurch etc. Now they did Covid. Their record of getting away with crimes is quite something to behold.
Add California fire, Hawaii fire and I am sure many, many more planned horrific events by the Over Lord's. I believe this has been going on for centuries, and will not stop till we, the people, hold them accountable.
When? The same time as last time the guillotine was used, I guess: when the people take matters into their own hands. If we wait for the so-called "elite" (ie, parasites) to arrest each other and put each other on trial, we are going to have a long wait. Justice belongs to those with the will to enforce it. Nobody is going to deliver justice for us. There is no savior or knight in shining armor. It's down to us. Change will only come from the bottom of the pyramid.
"More than 15 months after death data linked to vaccine status was requested, the UK Health Security Agency (UKHSA) have produced some figures." ?! 😳
Aw swell, Lioness... 🙄
My perpetual questions: When do the arrests begin? When will the monsters responsible for this, the greatest crime in human history, be held to account? When do the "Guilty" verdicts ring out, loud and clear, when will they be drawn through the streets in a cart, to the howls of the mob, pelted with mud and shit, and publicly executed? Not by the gallows, but by the guillotine: No ambiguity, no possibility of faking it.
Those executions must be public, and televised; nothing less is adequate. And as for the bleeding hearts whining to me that I'm a "barbarian"? Public execution by guillotine represents the "Amnesty" they're now pleading for! These bastards should be burned at the stake for what they've done!
They got away with killing millions in so-called world wars. They bombed Vietnam. They took out JFK, RFK, MLK, John Lennon, and Princess Diana. They faked going to the moon. They did 911. They faked numerous phoney " terror " events like Sandy Hook, Boston, Paris, Christchurch etc. Now they did Covid. Their record of getting away with crimes is quite something to behold.
Add California fire, Hawaii fire and I am sure many, many more planned horrific events by the Over Lord's. I believe this has been going on for centuries, and will not stop till we, the people, hold them accountable.
When they banned plastic straws they went too far:).
When? The same time as last time the guillotine was used, I guess: when the people take matters into their own hands. If we wait for the so-called "elite" (ie, parasites) to arrest each other and put each other on trial, we are going to have a long wait. Justice belongs to those with the will to enforce it. Nobody is going to deliver justice for us. There is no savior or knight in shining armor. It's down to us. Change will only come from the bottom of the pyramid.
I have no problem with that.