Thank you to all of you who are fighting for the right to grow our children in health ,wealth and happiness. As a parent of a vaccine injured child the pain of realising what has been done under my own loving watch is indescribable , It began unknowingly nearly thirty nine years ago and has fuelled us to resist the overreach we face from the medical and pharmaceutical companies.

Adults are here to protect children and now we are joining together to do that.

Free Rainer Fuelmich, assist the resist . Stop the Abusers.

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During the pandemic it was organised for children aged twelve to be able to give consent to the vaccine , lowered by four years from sixteen.

Given at school and away from concerned parents and sheilded from any information that could be given by protesters, children at age twelve are easy pickings to influence with peer and teacher presure , all supported by the abusers who make the drugs and vaccines.

Gardasil for HPV is a classic case of mist information. There are many instances of terrible "side effects " some quite instant and others such as this recorded below, by our own Health Department here in New Zealand that ARE happening many years later.


Retracted NZ Study Proved HPV Vaccine "Reduced Preterm Births" - By INVERTING THE DATA

Study Initiator Concealed Payments by HPV Vaccine Rights Owner




"The human papillomavirus (HPV) vaccine is woefully under-used in Aotearoa New Zealand (NZ). This is despite its excellent safety profile and evidence that it prevents cancer. Added to the NZ immunisation schedule in 2008, coverage has yet to reach the original 75% target. The World Health Organization now recommends a 1-dose vaccine schedule for 9-20-year-olds. Forty countries, including Australia and UK now follow this advice. NZ continues to follow the manufacturer datasheet (2-dose schedule), despite the science. Thus we waste scarce resources (vaccinator and vaccine) and give an extra injection of minimal, if any, value to our youth. This non-evidence-based obstacle needs to be removed. A single dose to prevent cancer helps promote HPV vaccine. We should ..."


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Demons are deceiving us.

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All they do when they invent a vaccine is to see if it doesn't kill the patient in the first week. After that, all bets are off as they know no vaccine is worth 2 cents as far as helping anyone become a healthier individual. I had very few injections growing up in the 1950's and have not taken any vaccines in adulthood. I am reaping the rewards as I require no vaccines now and no big pharma drug poisons.

The current vaccination schedule is horrendous and speaks of greed and avarice. Not to mention what 50-70 vaccines are doing to the long term health of children and young adults. This is criminal and should be stopped immediately. No more testing, trials or anything else. All vaccination need to be made illegal. No going back on that.

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Why have we allowed these evil-doers to sicken and kill our children for generations.

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Bcuz "healthcare" in the US is a for-profit, privately-owned cartel, to which our gov't of the 1%, by the 1%, & for the 1% gave a monopoly, which it enforces & subsidizes w/ our wildly-regressive tax $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$. And there ain't no profit in healthy ppl--that is, unless you can scare them into getting jabs which will, sooner or later, make them sick (if it doesn't kill them--killing them serves to make them more scared, though).

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Remember that they first fear-porned and conned in all the public with the cv19 shots tyranny before they began insisting on the jab for children and babies. They knew they couldn’t go after the children first or it would look really bad, but they didn’t wait long and the babes were targeted too, and governments were not batting an eyelid. These monsters will ALL answer to Almighty God for ALL of their terrible crimes against children and humanity — no one escapes His judgement and it is coming for them, whether they believe it or not. (Revelation 20:11-15


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Dr Hooker is a hero and so is Dr Couey...both fighting for the same things....... https://m.twitch.tv/videos/2278395477

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1962: only 3 shots. Now 72 shots plus mRNA, that is totally unnecessary.

Quite certain Trump Wins! RFK will be a good wingman on shaking up these vaxxine crimes against our babies becoming pin cushions.

40-50% people over weight, now add the many young deaths directly related to shots. Praying this

Industry of no safety and a terrible record of autism and injuries must immediately stop.

Fact is it’s an agenda: sick people are more compliant, takes an enormous amount of time and energy for care, enriching a medical community that created the injury in the 1st place. Twisted evil

Make it Stop!!! GOD. Jesus. Holy Spirit. RFK!!

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Please listen to this. https://rumble.com/v5juj99-first-lady-casey-desantis-discusses-why-floridians-should-vote-no-on-amendm.html It's six people making the case against #3 on the ballot that would be a Florida State Constitutional Amendment if it passes. PLEASE LISTEN. If you don't live in Florida, it could be coming to your state.

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Why is Robert F Kennedy, Jr, advocating for the marijuana amendment to the Florida Constitution? PLEASE listen to the Rumble discussion with Florida surgeon general Dr. Ladapo, a Florida Sheriff, the governor's wife Casey DeSantis, a pediatrician with decades of experience, and a woman who was nearly destroyed by pot starting at age 15. VOTE NO AMENDMENT #3. Not about freedom.


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We are privileged to see who was completely corrupt, and who tried to protect the public. The doctors who tried to save use should have statutes erected in their honor. The corrupt all have names.

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At the end of my description you will find some information on the treatment of vaccine-induced side effects.

It is the doctors who are ultimately responsible for the Sars-CoV-2 vaccine-induced mass murder. The Long Covid diagnosis was invented to falsify the actual number of vaccine-induced deaths and vaccine-induced side effects. At the same time, the Long Covid fairy tale serves to soothe the conscience of doctors who have de facto killed and poisoned countless people. Every Covid shot administered significantly increased the basic income of the vaccine-happy doctors. Source: March 15, 2021


Original text excerpt: Quote: CMS announced Monday that providers will receive an increase in Medicare reimbursement for administering the COVID-19 vaccine, with the goal of the increase being to “support important provider actions aimed at increasing the number of vaccines administered each day,” the agency said in a press release.

Beginning March 15, providers will receive $40 per dose administered, an increase of about $28 for single-dose vaccines. For two-dose vaccines, the amount will increase from $45 to $80. CMS notes that the reimbursement rate may vary depending on the type of facility (e.g., hospital, physician's office, pharmacy) administering the vaccine and is subject to geographic adjustments. End quote.

The toxic substances from the so-called vaccines were no secret. They were known to every medical professional from the beginning.

Example nanoparticles.

Title: Toxicity of positively charged lipid-based nanoparticles. Source: https://ia902208.us.archive.org/22/items/lipids/2010-06-11_the_systemic_toxicity_of_positively_charged%20_lipid_nanoparticles_and_the_role_of_Toll-like_receptor_4_in_immune_activation.pdf

Every doctor could read what the ingredients of the experimental vaccines consist of.

The experimental vaccines contain toxic substances and consist of lipid nanoparticles, an industrial fat coated with polyethylene glycol, a petroleum by-product found in antifreeze and used in the manufacture of car tires and plastic bags, as well as mRNA and spike proteins. Pfizer's Covid vaccine does not contain a single portion of the Sars-Covid-2 virus. The spike proteins from the vaccines are not identical to the viral spike proteins. Their amino acid composition clearly distinguishes them from the viral spike proteins. While vaccinated people form antibodies against the modified spike proteins of the vaccine manufacturers, the immune system of unvaccinated people reacts naturally after a Covid infection with antibodies that are perfectly matched to the Covid virus. It is now suspected that spike production in the bodies of vaccinated people may continue uninterrupted for years. There is a new Italian method that can now be used to clearly detect the vaccine-induced Sars-CoV-2 spike proteins in the blood and urine of vaccinated people. Title: Detection of recombinant spike protein in the blood of people vaccinated against SARS-CoV-2: Possible molecular mechanisms.

Source: https://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/full/10.1002/prca.202300048

It has now been proven that the artificially produced spike proteins mutate. This means that the already artificially altered spike proteins mutate during the

Mutation of vaccine-induced spike proteins.

Published: December 06, 2023

Title: N1-methylpseudouridylation of mRNA causes +1 ribosomal frameshifting.




We found that responses to +1 frameshifted spike peptides were significantly increased in vaccinated mice compared with untreated mice or those vaccinated with ChAdOx nCoV-19, which does not produce antigen from translation of N1-methylpseudouridylated mRNA22 (Fig. 2b). Vaccination with both BNT162b2 and ChAdOx1 nCoV-19 resulted in ELISpot responses to in-frame SARS-CoV-2 spike (Fig. 2c).

Conclusion: Original citation: These findings are of particular importance for our fundamental understanding of the effects of ribonucleotide modifications on mRNA translation and for the development and optimization of future mRNA-based therapeutics to avoid mistranslations that could reduce efficacy or increase toxicity. Original quote end. Personal note: Only after billions of people have been vaccinated with the experimental Covid vaccines do we realize that the spike proteins from the vaccines mutate.

This means that the cells of vaccinated people regularly produce faulty spike proteins that have a different structure to the spike proteins from the vaccines, which have already been artificially modified by the manufacturers. According to the researchers, these mutated spike proteins can reduce efficacy or increase toxicity.

Original text, quote: It is “unlikely that the main in-frame mRNA-encoded product will trigger an adaptive immune response, but the presentation of +1 frameshifted products could activate T cells that target host cells. If we were able to identify sites or sequences with +1 ribosomal frameshifting, it would be possible to alter the mRNA sequence to reduce such effects.

Personal note: The obsessive attempt to relativize the actual danger by conjecture fails because of the statements on the real possible health consequences. Assumption: (It is rather unlikely, but......)

Fact: (....... but the presentation of +1 frameshifted products could activate T-cells that target host cells. If we were able to identify sites or sequences with +1 ribosomal frameshifting, it would be possible to alter the mRNA sequence to reduce such effects).

Conclusion: Every doctor who administered the Sars-CoV-2 vaccines must be held responsible for the mass murder of millions of people and sentenced to long prison terms.

I have prepared a study that deals with the topic of Sars-CoV-2. In it I describe, among other things, the effect and use of the Asian medicinal plant Andrographis Paniculata against severe vaccine-induced side effects and against severe diseases.

If you are interested, you can request my study by sending an e-mail to dziembow@posteo.de.

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