This stuff is heartbreaking because my wife and I are purebloods but, due to school and work, our children are not. I warned them and even found some “alternatives” to getting the actual shot that would satisfy the people demanding their compliance. The people who did this are evil and trials and punishments are a must for these monsters. Stay #pureblood people!!

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NO, HE DID NOT SAY THAT! He clearly states that he does not think it was a bioweapon. You are intentionally misrepresent what he said, maybe you should doublecheck your "sources" before publishing such misleading header!!


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I thought he said they are a product of bioweapon research due to the Furin cleavage site and spike protein?

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yeah, that's one of the thing he said, but at the time specified (the yt link) he clearly states "I'm not saying that it was a bioweapon, I don't think it was..." Joe interrupts with: "You're saying it's bioweapons research that created this virus" Bret: "jup"; Joe: "But not that the virus was actually a bioweapon".

He/Bret does speaks early to how “vaccines are also the product of bioweapons research" (mentioned in the article) but that has very little to do with the header of the article! Looks to me like clickbyte, very disappointing with such attitude to journalism!

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Rogan still thinks there WAS a covid virus?

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You both are right! 😂

He says everything over a given period of time because he is one the Cabal wannabees and does their biddings.

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He is part of the controlled opposition indeed.

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But you do get that it is a bioweapon designed for depopulation...Right?

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you mean the simpleminded people that believe in everything someone tells them? Well, I call that natural selection, everyone pays for their choices

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If by simpleminded, you mean people who refuse to read the actual patents. Well then, I commend you for your honesty!

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'9/11 impotence led to Virus Scam subservience.'


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Nothing about Covid ever made sense. But people swallowed the bs wholesale. They drank the Kool aid and lined up for more. Are some finally waking up after 17 million deaths? Most seem to be asleep. The Covid cover-up is ongoing. Excess mortality is being blamed on - yup - COVID itself! The fake disease! A virus can get away with anything it seems:).

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They blamed my nephews gastroparesis on a viral infection. Which turned out to be a glioblastoma that killed him. Seems viruses are deadlier than we thought 😒.

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Tragic, tragic.

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If they exist.

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Sheep took 5+ convid toxic shots! Hey my stroke and heart attack is long Covid! Sheep science!

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Rockefeller medicine in action.

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Why have I encountered a number of people on Substack who completely reject the idea of the toxic spike proteins due to the jabs?

The famous Dr Jane Ruby is a prominent example in this group.

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Are you talking about the people that do not believe that viruses exist?

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Yes, usually they are also convinced that viruses don’t exist (germs are not causing diseases, either). In addition, they specifically tell me there is zero scientific evidence for the spike protein and its toxicity. Dr Jane Ruby takes this position very seriously.

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I think the idea came from a bunch of doctors such as Cowan, Kaufman and the Baileys. They don't believe that illnesses are contagious either. I am not going to denigrate them for their views, but I know they are wrong, so it doesn't matter what they believe.

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Their claims are built on the premise that the scientific processes of separation/isolation of viruses are very inadequate. I agree with the critique. But they completely ignore the fact that we do contract diseases such as measles, chickenpox through viruses, and tuberculosis, and various infections through germs/bacteria. If the claim of “no virus” is true, the proponents are responsible for telling us what agents are causing measles, etc. in the first place. (Environmental toxins as the universal causes are full of BS.)

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I have read in a couple of their 'stacks' that they are not responsible for coming up with an alternative explanation. I don't agree with their critique because we can easily see giant viruses, which proves viruses exist.

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“What ‘they’ seemed to have done, possibly accidentally is to create” wow such polite language - THEY our government the DoD and HHS have inflicted a horror on the majority of our population not to mention the world via a multi injected purported “vaccine” that Weinstein correctly calls a ‘‘bio weapon’ the government used against its own citizens. Per other writers, after the second shot or booster administered 21 days after the first injection due to content in this injected poison the recipient will henceforth be prone to anaphylaxis or an allergic reaction that will disrupt their lives gravely for the remainder of their lives in various ways dependent on their personal bodily predispositions - this is a war wound that never heals or goes away and with no right to sue the government for injuries. You cannot make this up. Every church, synagogue, mosque needs to present this info to their adherents; protest outside medical practices to deter parents from taking the vaccine and persuaded to not vaccie their children for anything. Call a full closure of all schools and colleges until the government stands down and stops attacking the citzenry.

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Good ideas!

We need to do these things since it is within our power.

People are such chickenshits though. And then the chaos agents deflect. It seems there are so many of them. ..

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Lioness is correct Bret is part of the cabal - hoping to profit from this technology while playing both sides against the middle- he is Eric Weinstein’s brother a billionaire- you cannot become a billionaire without being a criminal from my perspective nor become a part of the MFM and invited to every questionable talk show hosted in the US - see Carlson, see Russell Brand snd other controlled opposition individuals who are shills for the government. Beware the messenger - spread the message.

Truth - it is a bio weapon - it will poison and eventually kill you if you keep taking it - think they are now pushing 10th booster for the purported new strain. Vaccine Destroys fertility, destroys the infants immunity and biome - the child vaccinated will suffer their entire lifetime unnecessarily.

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100% Accurate! What amaze me is even the so called truther does try to find some kind of excuses, explanations for what is absolutely obvious. BIO WEAPONS they are! We are at war, period!

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The Rothschild-Rockefeller cabal doesn't take prisoners. Forget any Geneva convention... the Rothschilds own Geneva:).

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Quatar too

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City of London, Vatican, Westminster...

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I don't think any disease in history has ever required TEN shots and you are still not guaranteed you won't "catch" the virus! Talk about gullibility. I'd love to sell a bridge to these folk.

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All those fake variants I have yet to catch!

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I was wondering why you posted this article. I think ....I understand now.

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Every future "vaccine" is being moved to the mRNA platform, too. Got to speed up the killing...

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Go search biodigital convergence. We are ALL screwed …. Even those of us that didn’t take a 💉https://www.facebook.com/share/v/vNCWgCLRwUfr2SmK/?mibextid=WC7FNe

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Psalm 91:5-6 ESV

You will not fear the terror of the night,

nor the arrow that flies by day,

nor the pestilence that stalks in darkness,

nor the destruction that wastes at noonday.

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RNA is a guise for what Dana Mccubbin posted here.

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Sorry he was slow on the trigger .

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Just wanted to let you know I finished the book you suggested for me to read. It was so insightful and unfortunately very true, but has some really good strategies on how to fight back.

I was so impressed with the book that I am buying copies to hand out to my pastor and my family members who are in leadership positions in their church and involved in mission outreach and church building overseas.

Hope it will make an impact on them as it did me.

Thanks again for your help. We have a lot of work to do to continue to wake up the church body before it’s too late.

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Evolution is another "theory" that has never been proven. It's most likely a myth moonlighting as a brain virus... Even Darwin knew it was a crock.

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Why they invented dinosaurs.

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And to sell kids' books:).

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Dr. Francis Boyle warned us in December 2020 that the shots were bioweapons.

He called them Frankenshots.

Link to interview with Alex Jones:


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Wait until people find out what they have done to us all for years without even taking a 💉. These people are evil beyond comprehension. https://www.facebook.com/share/v/vNCWgCLRwUfr2SmK/?mibextid=WC7FNe

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should have posted this from Ria. Humanity is going to be extinct if this is not immediately stopped


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Thank you, Lioness!

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He left something major out.

People better wake up quick,

Find out who is actually trying to save us.


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Wow. Thanks for the info one big question...is there any evidence that shows the 5G antenna system has the ability to affect this realm?

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Didn’t put a direct energy weapon on every corner for better cell service!

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