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Feb 10, 2024
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I can think of stronger words for the lazy *******.

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Lioness I hope you don’t mind me sharing this. https://x.com/nazivogue/status/1756287761881940331?s=46

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thanks for sharing the link.

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Thank you! I am in the fight for my life. This was done nonconsensually for political revenge. Congress knows this is happening and ignoring. That means they are all FAKE CONSTITUTIONALISTS. Thank you again Lioness. 🌷

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That is very scary to think that medical professionals are that ignorant and passive. I know the drug inserts are long winded and boring to read but that's no excuse. The major problem with Allopathic medicine today is that it's owned by corporations that have captured their employees and tied their hands and are running the show.

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Furthermore, we cannot trust the package inserts because we cannot trust the FDA or big pharma.

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At least the the package inserts won't harm you unlike the pills which likely will to varying degrees. That's p-harm-ceuticals for you.

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It is true but it is also true that the major problem with Allopathic medicine IS Allopathic medicine.

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You'd think they'd have a curiosity... being scientists and all...

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Scientists were not the word I would have called them. 'its incests' is anagram of scientists which I think nicely sums up the incestuous relationship doctors have with big pharma.

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They are not scientists … they are trained to follow guidelines that are funded by pharmaceutical companies . If they start to think and do their own research they can lose their or license .

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How can a doctor NOT question anything injected?

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Especially to pregnant moms

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Easy. Hear no, see no, speak no evil of poisonous vaccines on pain of removal of license to practice harming your patients with pharmaceuticals.

The money helps too.

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Indoctrinated doctors -- Begs for a new spelling of the word, hence: “Indoctorinated”

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Very suitable. As a meaning of doctor is 'To falsify or change in such a way as to make favorable to oneself' this should be adopted as the norm.


Indoctrinated will anagram to 'dictator in den'. This seems apt, the indoctrinated doctor in his/her den or office dictating to the victims, sorry, patients what Nazi drug is currently recommended to add to all the others being taken.

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I heard this from a doctor and I was appalled, why on earth didn't they think to find out more, were they all that lazy with $$$ in their eyes, I think thats exactly what happened, they didn't care to learn more, they just wanted the $$$ for every visit and every jab, going back decades.

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They are bought with perks from the pharmaceutical sales reps. Simple really?

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And 25 years ago, the specialty of 'hospitalist' came about so that your PCP didn't need to go to the hospital to round on vax injured patients.

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Now that is an interesting observation, divide and conquer as it were.

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Frankly they aren’t really doctors then! The fact they weren’t “taught,” is as ridiculous an excuse I’ve ever heard! So someone comes in with health issues and you never really look into what they have take as far as injections and medications before assessing their health issues!!!! I was a victim of toxic asthma medications when I was 14-19! Instead of them reviewing my medications, they just prescribed sleeping pills because I wasn’t sleeping. They never once looked at the ingredients in the asthma medication which had amphetamines and barbiturates in it. No wonder my hands always shook and I was short tempered! Thank God my appendix almost burst at the age of 19 and it was then I realized how badly these medications were affecting me! They couldn’t get the pain medications to take! I saw a Prevention magazine on a table in the hospital that spoke about vitamin C and B, I went home and quit all the pills, the injections and the inhalers and started a regimen of vitamins!!! Fifty years later I have never take another asthma medication! Quit trusting your doctors and ask questions about everything, plus do your own research! At the time there were no computers, so I bought a Physician Desk Reference that had all the medications, their ingredients and the side effects! My dad was put on statins for moderately high cholesterol that didn’t really warrant it. He got dementia after being on them 25 years. It was too late when I discovered it and although I took him off of it, the damage was already done! Our brains need cholesterol! Modifying food and taking certain supplements can safely reduce it. It’s that doctors get kickbacks for prescribing all these drugs! That includes injections that insurers reward them based on what they give!

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You have succinctly described the modern stone age medical mafia.

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Forgive me my anagrams but 'medical mafia' can become 'facial maimed'. As I have a facial palsy, the cause of which was not diagnosed correctly by NHS doctors, this seems spot on.

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Statins [Baycal] class action lawsuit. Withdrawn. Deaths.

RIP: Mom

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I am not familiar with this class action lawsuit. I am sorry about your mom! Doctors push statins on everyone they can. It’s not about people’s health, but the money. I’ve warned so many family and friends about what they do, at least in my dad’s case. So at least they are staying away from them.

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Thank you. I really miss my Mom 💞

My Dad was so sad; he passed two years later.

I warn people all the time as well.

Everyone really needs to wise up to the fraud.

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Well said. They are only doctors in the sense they have doctored the truth to their financial advantage.

Interestingly I was given sleeping pills to help me sleep (they didn't so I quickly stopped) when I developed a facial palsy in 2018. In the end I had to work out what was wrong, sodium nitrite (E250) poisoning via food I ate. No one ever asked about my diet.


Well done for having the sense to buy a Physician Desk Reference I am very sorry about your dad and statins. I suspect my dad is on them although he is I believe boosting his vit D on my advice, over and above what the doctors say.


Keep up the good work in your mission exposing the truth!

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Thank you so much! I really miss my dad, but he had a good long life. At least he always knew the family and could do his basic care, as I stopped them in time that this part wasn’t destroyed. You are right about the financial advantage!

I have never heard of sodium nitrite poisoning. I quit all meats with nitrites, preservatives, hormones and antibiotics in my forties due to a health issue I had that was causing severe migraines. I now get pastured hogs and have it processed without nitrites, plus there a couple good brands that are free of them. The same goes for any lunch meat…organic only with no harmful preservatives. I am glad you found out what it was.

I’ve read numerous articles on statins and they aren’t prolonging peoples lives. Doctors are trying to put everyone on them these days, but of course, the money incentive is to great. You did a good job covering them and questioning why the natural ingredients aren’t better! We know they are!

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Critical thinkers seem to be few. For those of us that are, it's innate. My daughter (almost 40 years ago) had a reaction to her DTP. That's what it was called then. The Dr commented it must have been the pertussis component. I always wondered why he said that. She then developed whooping cough. I was always leary with vaccinations. They told me they would just remove that component (which was a lie) as we know the cocktail is made up into 1 shot.

My grandson had a febrile seizure after his MMR. After an ambulance ride to the emergency room, the Dr told my daughter that was normal. She knew better. We took a trip to DC for the vaccine rally on the mall. She was able to sign the Vax Bus. All the truth tellers were there. There was a lady quietly holding a sign with a picture of her child who died same year I almost lost my daughter. Cause? DTP. It send shivers through me. I bought the book Vaccine Court. Within the 1st 25 pages, it talked about court cases for babies who had died from the DTP injection. This was before Congress had given permission to pharmas to operate liability free.

My mom, heart valves after diet medication Fen Phen. Her recalled Stryker hip (there's a whole history on this as well) caused Metallosis poison in her blood. I believe that's what killed her.

Glad to have people like you in the critical thinker camp. God knows we need them.

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OMG Elle I am so sorry for what you and your family have been through, and especially the tragedy of losing your mom. My brother just had a hip put in about three years ago and he is having all kinds of issues and now they’ve said he may need a replacement. This is insane. We all have to keep fighting this together. I can’t believe the attitudes of these doctors. My sons are in their thirties and to this day I believe the MMR vaccine affected my oldest son and caused him ADHD. Although that is not deadly on its own, the medications they tried to put him on are. We determined this in first grade. The teachers are all for medicating the children and I had to resist him being medicated like they wanted. In third grade we put him on a low dose of Ritalin and that was very short lived, then changed to the others like Concerta, etc. I didn’t give him the twice a day dose and had the lowest dose possilble. I didn’t give it to him on weekends either or through the summer, but it still affected him horribly. I finally took him off after two school years. He’s was getting bad headaches, wasn’t eating since it’s like speed and I told him we would work together with supplements and watching his diet to help him adjust. One day in fifth grade he came home and asked to go back on the medications because they made him smart. I told him you are smart, you just need help concentrating. I quit my full time job to be home with both of them and to get my oldest through this. It wasn’t easy but today he is a well adjusted and successful adult. He understands what he needs to do to manage it. At no time does any of these pathetic doctors even try to work with children affected like this….its drug them up period! I’m have family who coach boys teams and he they said watching these kids drugged up on these toxic drugs are horrible. Everyday I read these tragedies and if we know so much on these, no doctor can honestly that they are not aware of what is happening. Its intentional that they are ignoring it. God bless you and continue to give you strength in this fight.

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Kimmel the criminal is just as culpable as anyone at the top of this psyop. It's so blatantly obvious he's getting kickbacks from pushing the deathvax.

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Don't forget Colbert's 'Vaxxscene' segments.

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🤮 Good one. The cringiest shit I've ever seen. However, being pureblood I was able to laugh through it 😆.

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His name is a giveaway. So far I can get these anagrams:

him merkels satanic Jim

AEC I jam stinks Himmler

me Jim ks Hitlers maniac

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I am very fortunate to have been taught in the mid 80’s about the research surrounding MRNA research and vaccines . Our professor warned us all. However typical vaccines MMR , DPT no discussion other than the product is given and our bodies mount an immune response through the various mechanisms of our innate immune system . What appeared on exams were the vaccine schedule memorization . The additives I learned as time went on , on my own , once in practice and connecting the dots . Indoctrination, not making any excuses for anyone nor even myself. Listen to Dr. McCullough talk about how many jabs he has taken .

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I asked my PPC what are the ingredients in the flu vaccine, he said I do not know but they are ‘safe and effective’ ...so in other words doctors are taught a marketing slogan, plus lies about vaccines saving us from infectious diseases.

Why do doctors push these meds given their complete lack of knowledge about how they are made, the ingredients, the adverse effects, the lack of true inert placebos, the rise of auto immune, neurological, and cancer diseases, concurrent to increased vaccination In the population? It comes down to money...close your eyes to the injuries and Pharma bonuses stream into the practice, particularly for pediatricians.

Having read several books about vaccines, including their controversial history from the beginning, it is clear that vaccines are a medical hoax and the long term injuries they cause far exceed any benefits. Infectious diseases dropped before mass vaccinations due to clean drinking water, proper waste disposal, and refrigeration leading to safe foods and better nutrition.

Doctors and all of us should read:

400 Critical vaccine studies (Neil Z Miller)

Dissolving Illusions (Suzanne Humphries)

Turtles All the Way Down(Anon. With vast references on the ‘science’)

*The Pfizer Documents Analysis Reports (project director Amy Kelly, forward by Naomi Wolf)

*The Pfizer Papers: Pfizer’s Crimes Against Humanity (Ed. Naomi Wolf, with Amy Kelly) pre-order for May 7, 2024 release.

*These two books report on the actual data from the CV 19 mRNA ‘vaccine’ clinical trials by Pfizer that were reported to the FDA, before and after the rollout of the CV19 vaccines, plus early results reveal 1200+ deaths within 90 days of the rollout. The pharmaceutical company knew by October/November 2020 (before rollout) that their vaccine was neither safe nor effective.

All of this, Pfizer and FDA wanted to hide for 75 years (so the injured would all be gone) but a Texas judge ruled the info requested under a FOIA had to be released. Naomi Wolf put out a call for knowledgeable people (scientists, doctors, statisticians, document analysts, lawyers, etc) for help to analyze the vast number of documents, on social media, and over 3,000 qualified people answered the call and volunteered their time. This is a modern day miracle from God. Please support this work if you can by buying these books.

Last vaccine book:


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Oops, sorry. The last book:

Vax-UnVax: Let the Science Speak. Robert F Kennedy, Jr and Brian Hooker, PhD. Over 100 peer reviewed published studies comparing vaccinated versus unvaccinated populations. It shows the unvaccinated groups are far healthier. These studies are never done with the vast amount of money big Pharma puts into ‘research’. The damages from several ingredients plus specific vaccines are explored. Available on Amazon 50% off (2/10/24) $17.50.

Some of these books may be available at public libraries.


If you work your way through most or even some of these books, you will know more about vaccines and their ‘science’ than most head in the sand ostrich-like doctors.

I refuse all vaccines and so does my husband, when asked, we smile and say ‘no thanks’...my doctor does not even attempt to talk me into it, as I launch into many incontrovertible facts about the so-called science and he does not want to hear it. Doctors do not have time to debate these issues, but one would think they should be interested in the failed science of virology.

Most importantly, we all need to become political and write to our Federal and State legislators, demanding an end to all mandatory vaccination for children from the day of birth through the public school ages and even colleges or for any ages in a so-called public health emergency. Write your Governor too.

Mandatory Vaccination needs to be abolished in every state in the Union for all ages and situations as it is clear, these poisons harm far more than they save. If vaccine schedules are maintained: move to states with medical, religious, and philosophical exemptions, or push your state legislators to enact these exemptions in the state where you live. START A MOVEMENT!!


On infants and children:

Do not allow your newborn baby to be vaccinated for HepB, have them in your room and do not allow them to be taken out of your sight. Write a refusal of the Hepatitis B vaccine (loaded with the brain damaging ingredient Aluminum) on your admission papers. Hep B is a sexually transmitted or IV drug use disease; mom can be tested for Hep B and there is no reason to vaccinate any newborn baby if mom does not have Hep B, and all newborns lack an immune system! Thus giving a vaccine is useless except for the money it earns the hospitals.

So how can an infant have an immune system reaction to any vaccine, without an immune system, this defies logic and defies science! Second, refuse a vitamin k injection (also contains aluminum) but allow vitamin k liquid by mouth.

Note: infant immunity is passed from the mother in natural pathways: vaginal birth canal, and from breast milk. These are the best methods to protect your newborn.

If you have an infant, the main purpose of well-baby visits appears to be to give vaccines. Search for a pediatrician who allows parental choice on vaccines. Immune system is established by age 3 and if you want to vaccinate or feel pressured to do so, wait until this age for any vaccine and do NOT allow any combination vaccines in one jab, or multiple vaccines in one visit whether several single vaccines or several multi vaccines in one vial. Safety has never been properly established for multiple vaccines given at one time.

Just one stand alone vaccine at a time. If your child has an adverse reaction to any vaccine, do not continue with any boosters for that vaccine or possibly stop all vaccines.

Read the Vaccine Friendly Plan (get from the library) by Dr Paul Thomas, MD (out of date now) and particularly look at the appendix on autism incidence among three vaccine patient groups: CDC schedule, age based Friendly plan, and unvaccinated patients. Zero autism In unvaccinated, low or no autism in Friendly plan, and ‘normal’ incidence of autism in those on the CDC schedule with 15 or 16 kids affected. Yet other doctors do not notice this incredible horrible disparity!

Pediatric practices make huge money by having a large percent of their patients ‘up-to-date’ on the CDC childhood vaccine schedule. If they meet the percentage (around 63 to 70%) they are purported to receive up to $400 per vaccinated patient. So, 500 patients =$200,000, or 1,000 patients =$400,000, no wonder vaccine injuries are invisible to these ‘doctors’. Greed supersedes truth.

The amount of compensation could be lower than $400, but seriously, no bonus for vaccines or medications should be allowed as doctor cannot make a recommendation for the particular child based on their health particulars, when it may impact the doctor’s own bonus performance incentive!

We are living through the dark times of medical ‘science’ when corporate funded research deliberately skews and distorts the results, so Pharma can push even known-to-be harmful medications.

Hopefully, the CV19 vaccine crises will wake up the vast majority of people to the horrible truth. Save your family and your friends!

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Such great advice. At 8 yrs old I had a measles vax (maybe a combo vax) and could not walk for 2 weeks. In college a friend developed HepB (likely from IV drug use) so other mutual friends told me the campus infirmary Drs said all his acquaintances should get a Hep B vax. Being a dumbass, I got one. Within 3 months I needed glasses.

At 45 I got freaked by my Mothers case of Shingles. So I got a “preventative” Zoster shot. Now when I get a sun or stress induced fever blister on my lip which I have had since grade school, I get them also on top of my head.

The fever blisters and all types of poxes of this sort originally come from vaxxes. NOT from some relative giving babies kisses as we are told.

I never took flu shots thank the lord, but I fell for taking 2 vaxes that should have been avoided after 17.

We’ve been lied to all along.

I wish my nephews who now have babies would listen to me, but they think only the C19 shot was bad. For them, At 25 to 30 yrs old, I’m too old at 68 to know anything right?

One said his 1 yr old was grumpy as the Dr said he would be when his 1 yr wellness visit vaccines started working. Oh, they are just the usual shots they give 1 yr. His wife told me.

I love this story too. While still in the hospital, nurses said the infant needed a whooping cough vaccine. And then mom and dad were told they needed to get one too, and they complied. Of course those people wear the white coats and know everything.

It’s so insane.

Thanks for your post.

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Hi Neal, Thank you for this...your story with vaccinations is not unusual. It is incredibly hard to go against the established narrative particularly from trained medical professionals who are supposed to have your best interests in mind. I too had many vaccines when younger which I absolutely regret, as I did not know the truth. I am 73 now. The younger generations are heavily vaccinated and indoctrinated to believe in the effectiveness of vaccines, so it is even harder for them to learn the truth.

I have lost all respect for the practice of modern medicine and its dogmatic approach to science, which depends heavily on NEVER asking questions or challenging a ‘known theory or fact’. This does not follow the scientific method which most students learn by high school age!

We the patients challenge this framework and have a tremendous amount of information available to us including direct access to the medical literature online via PubMed and other resources, including books, films, blogs, Substack, you tube and more.

I have noticed that a lot (not all) doctors are ingrained with a superiority complex that looks down on the knowledge patients have researched, since they assume we cannot possibly ‘understand’ what we read. Such doctors will gradually see abandonment by patients who seek an integrative approach to health and wellness and bring knowledge to their doctors and medical team for a constantly improved approach to health and well being.

Let our Doctors become what they wanted to be before medical school, the healers of humanity, not merely the purveyors of prescription drugs or enforcers of dangerous ineffective protocols.

Dr Peter McCullough is leading the way with The Wellness Company, www.TWC.com.

May God Bless and protect you,


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God brought the CV19 vaccine crises to wake up humanity. Many have and will, but sadly many won't.


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Another excellent book from 1950’s is “The Poisoned Needle” by Eleanor Mcbean. She exposed it all way back then. They are all poison and are used to cause most maladies that people suffer from. Then Drs. Have patients for life. Most “genetically inherited” diseases and health issues are not that, but from these vaxxes.

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Thanks Neil, I will look for it!

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Hey dumbo medical students...did you ever think to ask any questions about vaccines? And after you become a fake doctor, do you ever read the vaccine package inserts? Hardly. Do you ever question anything about medical science? Question the ingredients in all the drugs you freely dispense? You want me to trust you people? You are all dumber than a crate of pet rocks.

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And far, far more dangerous.

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Dr Patricia Ryan, in pink with glasses, she's amazing !

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I’ll never forget seeing the documentary Vaxxed in 2016 right after it got canceled from the Tribeca Film Festival. Not having kids myself so didn’t know anything about the current situation with so many shots mandated for children with no liability for big Pharma and big Med. The producers were able to screen the film at the Angelika Film Center in Greenwich Village so I was one of the very first people to see it. My mind was completely blown and never will trust the CDC FDA NIH AMA or any of these criminals disguised as health servants.

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Health serpents!

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This was one of the truly startling things we learned during the covid. In the place of teaching about vaccines, schools likely teach doctors how to file claims for the payments from pharma for dispensing poison.

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I will never trust anything on faith again about vaccines - ever!! And I’m taking a long look at medicines now. 😞

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