RemovedJun 9
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The international courts, Rev'd Raymond, are as captured and corrupt as all our other institutions, "and there is no health in them" to paraphrase The Book of Common Prayer. We can await God's avenging justice I suppose, but personally, I'm not holding my breath.

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Didn’t do it for anyone.

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Neither did USA. Nobody cared about this. They rushed to get back to “normal” and I watched the madness mainly coming from NY and CA with their tv propaganda and lockdowns promising to get back to normal and “ We’re all in this together” . Well fuck that

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Covid-19 and The Lethal Injections are nothing but a scam, designed to profit from premeditated mass murder. Until the average blue-pilled pinhead comes to understand this, the situation cannot be rectified.

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It’s going to take a super-sized pill 💊 to penetrate these thick headed mules

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As I've written elsewhere: they don't need a "Red Pill": They need a "Red Suppository," about the size of a football, and forcefully administered. When the bodies start getting stacked like cordwood from The Lethal Injections they may begin to "get it"...

Then again...? They may not...

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May I suggest jamming it up their noses passing directly into what’s left of their brains much like the useless nasal swabbing PCR?

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I had a friend, a Medical Doctor, who complained that he wished he could take me on his rounds, see all his patients suffering from "Long Covid", asked me if I'd ever heard of it. When I replied that I'd indeed heard of "Long Covid" and asked him why was it, over the 4 years of "pandemic" I had yet to see one credible case of "Covid-19"... He cut me off... A medical doctor, 30 years' experience at least, and the stupid bugger drank a whole jug of kool-aid, all on his own...🙄💩

I've two other friends I'm still in contact with, who even now, believe the Official Narrative in its entirety. Everything I've said to them? In one ear. Out the other. You can't make them see it, don't even bother. Do what you can to help those who DO see it, otherwise? Keep your head down, look to your "preps": It's going to be a very rough ride.

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Hello Jursy Gurl, and vis-a-vis jamming it up their noses...

I just got to work this afternoon, invigilating access to HMCS "C------" which is on her end-of-life refit..🪦 The ship is in rather worse shape than this: https://www.startrek.com/en-ca/news/celebrating-the-ships-of-the-line-uss-constellation-ncc-1017.. Pretty apt metaphor for Canada after 8 years of Justin Castreau, but I digress.. 🤔

I relieved S----- who told me not to come too close 'cause he was exposed to B--- who's off sick with "Covid"🙄💩 ; told me he's going straight home to get "Covid Tested", never mind he's at 6 injections and counting, got pretty ticked at me when I expressed some skepticism.. What can you say to these pinheads? I think whenever any of the morons start going on about "Covid" I'm going to sing this: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tSbhCkPDIbU

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I also know someone who works for the Secret Service and is not a Xiden fan. I often wonder how you’re able to do your jobs in these crazy times and separate your point of view while having to work along side of these freedom hating assholes.

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My husband never will

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The thing is, most literally do not want to know, they'd actually prefer to just bend over and take whatever the "elites" send their way.

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Lol! Ain't that the truth!

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Even worse, they were intentionally “not tested.” Read Substacks of Katherine Watt (Bailiwick News) and Sasha Latypova (Due Diligence and Art) for better explanations on how the whole mirage of testing and approval was just that, not real or fake, under the PREP and EUA rules.

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In fact, legally speaking, not even a pharmaceutical, but a military countermeasure, and hence free of any legal requirements for testing, best manufacturing practices, etc.

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Well they were actually testing but as soon as the testing began to reveal the horrific effects, they unblinded the study, deleted the deaths, and made it look “safe and effective “ and this is based on whistleblower, Brook Jackson with Ventavia research

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Right...but the thing is, the "testing" was only for show. It was all predetermined long before that bullshit "trial" was ever done.

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Bingo! Vials were already bottled and ready to go before the "testing" was done. The later iteration which was "approved" by the FDA was never manufactured.

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The trail of patents, (including the so called SARs COV2 genome,) and US DOD involvement goes back many years prior to the scamdemic.

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Yup. The Pentagon in collaboration with pharma bioresearch companies initiated a program called " Super Soldier " over two decades ago. The idea was to develop "vaccines" for 150+ possible pathogens and inject them so that US grunts could perform their duties in any future war zone without fear of biological weapons attack. Of course this kind of Frankenscience is madness, but there was one guy at the Pentagon whose name I cannot recall who was pushing this agenda hard. Naturally it would be a billion dollar bonanza for any biopharma contractors involved.

I belive Covid and the entire pandemic preparedness racket might derive from Super Soldier. I might be off track, I don't know. It's my own take.

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I suppose the research data was all in the side of the Pentagon the "airliner" did a 180º corkscrew turn and hit, instantly and totally disintegrating in the process... 🤔

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A substantial proportion of global malfeasance seems to originate from that five-sided diabolical building:).

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Jun 9·edited Jun 9

They did not conduct such studies in US, either. Moreover, at birth defects professional conferences, CDC insisted that COVID jabs did not have any side effects among pregnant women and lamented about low “vaccine” uptake. Yes, they still gaslight OBGYNs to jab every pregnant woman they see against COVID. This is even worse than jabbing children.

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Every last individual in the CDC is complicit in Crimes Against Humanity and under the original terms of The Nuremberg Code merits the death penalty. Does that read "crazy"? It merely underscores the horror of what has been done, the enormity of crime that has been committed. 6.5 billion people have taken at least one dose of the Lethal Injections. According to Delores Cahill, all these people will be dead within 5 years. Let's pray she's grossly overstating the possibility, because that would make this crime over 1,000 times worse than the evanescent "holocaust."

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Someone in my family by marriage has a daughter who works for CDC. They love to remind anyone within earshot of this when it comes to medical issues especially in matters of Covid🙄. Last Christmas the father of Mis CDC, boosted his ass with the latest couf shot early in the week leading to Christmas (which is not enough time anyway to be effective 14 days?) and wound up sick with ….COVID! He did this FOR his crazy daughters so they would come visit with their babies and he wound up sick and alone! He also managed to shed his Covid onto my mother in law so she was mildly sick with a cold that tested positive! Of course I was happy and relieved that she was having a mild case but the fact that 3 years before, if I had managed to infect her with Covid it would’ve been unforgivable because I’m still not vaccinated. But he goes and gets the shot, then sheds all over us, and nobody says shit about it! AND he STILL fucking believes in the shots! 🤷‍♀️ I mean that’s a serious case of cognitive dissonance. Oh, yeah he also took Paxlovid 😂🤣💊😜

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He's a nitwit. Much like my husband

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I’m sorry you are married to him because you love him but he won’t listen. 😩

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That love is gone. He killed it.

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Because of this stupid pandemic and Covid kill protocol? Was that the event that wrecked your marriage? That’s awful if that’s the case. I told my children that this whole thing was designed to break up families. It’s so evil

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🤦‍♀️ I have heard that too. It’s like I want to be wrong but so far the sicknesses and deaths keep happening. What really annoys me is how they can offer up their advice to people and if I challenge it, I’m making a scene and being political. So I have to bite my tongue and be “nice”. I only see them a couple times a year so I can put up with it in small doses but if I had to be around that all the time, I’d have gone off by now. Tick tick time bomb for them.

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The jab was never safe. It seems to have not been regulated or safety tested anywhere. It could have been for various reasons? The safety data is not there. Yet, they always knew the side effects. The whole thing speaks volumes. An unsafe product was intentionally put on the market.

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What you have to understand Lisa, is that Covid-19 and The Lethal Injections was an orchestrated hoax designed to grossly reduce humanity's population. You may recall Bill Gates comment from a few years back?

"First, we’ve got population. The world today has 6.8 billion people. That’s headed up to about nine billion. Now, if we do a really great job on new vaccines, health care, reproductive health services, we could lower that by, perhaps, 10 or 15 percent."

He was actually talking about reducing the world's population – for a start – by 10 - 15%. Finding that quote is not hard. Finding it without bullshit "Fact Checkers" lying about it is the hard part.

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I was not meaning to sound ill informed. I am aware of event 201. I am aware of the Ted Talk videos of Gates telling audiences about harm of increased population. I know of the Club of Rome and the Bildenberg Group's views of population. I know some ills of the central banking system. I also know the UN, W.H.O., and WEF are illegitimate organizations helping others to gain control through bogus policies that enrich the elite at the cost of everyone else.

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Sorry about that... 😥 Yes, you would seem to be as realistically "Red Pilled" as anyone could be. The frustration is we're utterly helpless in the face of the megatsunami approaching us at Warp Factor 9...

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It's not just about population reduction alone, it's also about stripping the general populace of any and all accumulated wealth, thru debilitating chronic diseases for which they can now sell endless "treatments", engineered debt traps, ever increasing taxation, etc.. the end result being that as the die off happens, little to no wealth or property is left to the next generation.

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"And nobody seems to notice. Nobody seems to care."

-- George Carlin

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Overwhelming apathy seems to be the norm now. People care more about their Netflix and skip the dishes than they do about this.

All about the bread and circus....

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Agenda driven reflects the corruption defining the pandemic from engineering to mitigation including population reduction

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I begged parents I knew not to jab their kids, one parent jabbed her daughter from age 10-12, she died Dec 23rd 2023. The other parent jabbed both her young boys, they play hockey, now I pray they don't die from heart issues or worse.

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Politicized "healthcare" has been proven to be deadly.

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Might just have something to do with Death Canada's lack of rigorous evaluation.....

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Nonsense. They removed all risk of litigation and looked at the millions of benefits in their bank accounts.

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Let's cut to the chase shall we? As Br. Alexis Bugnolo observed back in July 2021, anyone with a brain had enough time to study the Scamdemic, and understand that it was false. Therefore, all our political leaders, all those "placed in authority" knowingly, deliberately, participated in a monstrous criminal fraud. (https://www.bitchute.com/video/ieDAFLLvXhbw/)

Under the original terms of The Nuremberg Code, subsumed in Canada (The Nuremberg Code is subsumed in legislation in ALL advanced nations), Theresa Tam merits the death penalty for what she's done: She knowingly, deliberated, foisted an experimental untested drug on Canadians.

This particular paragraph stands out:

“One Health Canada reviewer at least acknowledges that Pfizer’s “clinical study was not designed to assess vaccine efficacy on prevention of transmission,” but they “𝘦𝘹𝘱𝘦𝘤𝘵𝘦𝘥 [emphasis added] that an efficacious vaccine would convert severe cases to mild cases and mild cases to asymptomatic.” ”

What the Hell, exactly, is this? It takes very little reading into the history of vaccination to understand that it is largely a fraud; at this point a nearly 150-year-old fraud. Its methodology and research at best and to say the least is highly questionable; more usually it is completely bogus. Meanwhile in a much earlier settlment, Pfizer has paid the largest single fine in history, U$ 2.1 BILLION dollars, for what amounts to criminal malfeasance and fraud. The Board of Directors of Pfizer, its entire hierarchy, all its scientists, indeed all its salesmen – under the original terms of the Nuremberg Code, merit the death penalty for what they've done. And that was long before the Covid Fraudemic.

I imagine what I just wrote must read pretty crazy. The truth is, it's almost impossible to grasp how monstrous this crime – the utterly false narrative of "Covid-19" and the lethal injections – truly is: Nothing but a scam, designed to profit from premeditated mass murder. It is literally Satanic, and were justice truly to be delivered monsters like Theresa Tam and thousands of others should be publicly burned at the stake for what they've done.

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100% pure scam from day one. And no one in government, legacy media, the medical industry, etc is free from guilt.

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EVERYONE in authority that allowed the mass “vaccinations” (especially of children) to be foisted on the trusting public based on the scant evidence and their “feelings” should immediately be fired with no severence pay and should be held legally liable in forthcoming civil lawsuits and Nuremberg 2 trials.

These disgusting bureaucrats are grossly incompetent failed humans and an ongoing present menace to society, and should be stripped of their power TODAY, before the wheelchairs and corpses pile even higher.

Additionally, the government affiliated people at the very top of this health-bureaucratic food chain should be charged with crimes against humanity and punished accordingly.


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Your restraint is admirable. I've repeatedly called for their public, televised executions – nothing less is adequate – via the Guillotine: No ambiguity, no possibility of faking it.

And, as far as I'm concerned, those public executions adequately reflect the amnesty I've been reading of calls for: They should be publicly burned at the stake for what they've done.

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Heads rotting on pikes, lining the streets leading to all government and admin buildings would act as a great deterrent against this evil bullshit continuing. Because make no mistake, they're gonna do it again, and likely very soon.

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Have you noticed the gathering whispers in the Media about "Bird Flu"?

The morons will of course, once again swallow it whole.

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Agreed, sadly so few have woken up to what's going on. Even sadder, the propaganda is so well done that even many who have woken up somewhat I suspect will buy it anyway.

Also recently saw that speaking out against the coming bird flu jab is to be and arrestable offense here in Canada and the other 193 countries signed onto the WHO IHR amendments.

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Hangings would work as well....less equipment required, highly portable....

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Too easy to fake.

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Not if they're left hanging to rot and be picked to pieces by the ravens.

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Give the poor creatures some nasty indigestion... 🤔

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Garbage in … Garbage out. Evidently this was one big performance art. This is what the Parasitic Elites have planned for us.Through the eye of time it is clear as day that this time released Gain of Function Bio Injection Magic Juice Weapon and GOF C19 were created to destroy the human population. Eugenics delivered by Ba’al Gates of Hell. Amount others for Money namely the USD. This scheme has been in the works for the last 100 years. It has corrupted All of Humanity. The end game. Eugenics. To eventually kill off all but a few. So much corruption Everywhere. Canada is currently a captured country. Political, Judicial among almost all agencies are clearly Guilty of Treason and Homicide. You can best be assured that they have the boot on our necks. Fun fact. The Canadian Truckers did an amazing job. They stopped the inevitable. What’s that you say? Well those FEMA camps that are ready to go any time and are currently staffed are for everyone. Not just the unvaccinated. The method of reeducation? The high tech GUILLOTINES and GAS chambers are ready to go. So there you have it. This world wide Satanic System has been created and built for all of us by us. Humanity must stand together. It truly is clear no one is coming to save us. They mean to kill us All. Good or Evil.

Fight back. Do Not Comply. Use cash as much as possible. Stop going along to get along. Do your own research. Head on a swivel. Use your Discernment. Just because someone wears a ‘uniform’ or has a ‘title’ doesn’t mean they have authority over you. Most of these people are completely clueless and corrupt. Live your lives like free people and push back. Remember these garbage politicians, judiciary et al want to KILL YOU.

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The question is/was even simpler than some bureaucratic numbers game....do children actually need this poison? The answer was a resounding NO on so many levels. This whole Jab exercise was simply fear porn for profit. Those that went along with it and are dealing with the consequences should feel really STUPID. Harsh words...yes, but someone had to say it! Pax

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Even simpler than that....no one, not one single human on the planet, needed the clot shot ever.

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