You remember that movie, "Alien: Prometheus" where the thing pops out of his eye for a second or two. That's about how close I'm getting to sticking one of these swabs up my nose!

Is it alive, technically speaking, I'd say no, but why take any chances?

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The PCR "tests" have always been dangerous, humiliating, fraudulent, and toxic, but this finding looks different from the previous ones I've seen.

This looks like the latest type of morgellons, which reminds me of the electro-conductive bacteria in the blood:


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Stop sticking foreign objects up people's noses!

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This is really old news, but glad to see others are waking up.

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It’s the motb that marks the forehead.

Micro needles deliver stuff… https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC7535620/

There’s also a video on tumble explains and proving tgat swab delivers the motb to the brain https://rumble.com/v4p7d25-scoffers-mark-of-the-beast-proof-must-see.html?utm_source=newsletter&utm_medium=email&utm_campaign=Free%20Your%20Mind%20Documentaries

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It is not the mark of the beast. That hasn’t even happened per Revelation in the Bible. First of all the 7 year tribulation needs to begin and 3.5 years into the tribulation is when the mark of the beast will be revealed along with the Antichrist. Stop spreading lies.

Also, the vaccine and pcr tests were not mandatory for everyone to take and the mark of the beast will be.

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People involved in this are sick psychopaths and what do we do with psychopaths? We give them death sentences once we prove murder to a court!

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They get elected to congress… 🔥

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beware the international health regulations....check out citizengo.org and scroll through till you find the relevant article

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They want too kill us all. And it's like a walk in the park for these demons

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PCR is NOT A TEST!! 🤦🏻‍♂️

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This was news four years ago. I never had a PCR test because they are not tests at all. They are not standardized for starters and they do not tell you anything about diseases and viruses. You can never trust any medical clowns during a fake pandemic.

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Yet imagine they gave the poison to 1 billion...yikes..We come down birth canal with plan..only few took light path...most followed dark road to hxll

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I ain't takin no stinking test

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Never even considered getting jabbed. Got one of the free test kits out of curiosity. Considered the swab. Considered how feverishly this free kit was being pushed. Considered the pushers.

Used my own swab; never even opened the swab supplied with the kit. Now I see that I should never have opened the damn box. I am okay to this day; think I did have Covid last year, a cold for a week, nothing else. I am 78, one of the targets, um, protected groups, that the Covid pushers are aiming at. Nope. Never had a flu jab either, never had the flu.

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I'm 72. In 2021 I had an acute respiratory illness. At one point I was in major distress, couldn't breathe, and was able to get to the local emergency room. The nurses had all been jabbed, and the ER "doctor" said I had to be "tested" in order to allow the nurses to treat me. I refused. They gave me oxygen and said I had to have the test to receive further treatment. They used the "up the nose" one. In short order it returned a negative result, and THEY were relieved, but I knew the test was worthless and meaningless. They did give me a lung Xray and there were no clots.

The ER "doctor" was obviously disappointed that he couldn't use me as a cash cow with "covid". He insisted I be hospitalized. I refused and was forced to sign a release that I refused treatment in order for me to leave the hospital. I'm sure that is why I am still alive today.

But I still wish I wasn't forced to take the nasal swab. Of course, I never took any "vaccine".

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Dave, I understand! I lost my job of 23 years because I refused the swab test, and I was sent home. A few months later, I would have been “forced” to take the jab.

I was diagnosed with ovarian cancer shortly after being “fired” (forced early retirement). In order for me to be treated, I had to get a swab test. I prayed before I took it. I know it is all bullshit!

I had to choose my battle wisely (it barely went in my nostril).

I did an Advanced Directive before being admitted to the hospital: NO vaccines NO Remdesivir NO ventilator NO blood transfusions…and PRAYER!🙏

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Renee - thank you SO much for that heartfelt reply! I'm sorry you had to lose your job, but you did the courageous thing. I also did much praying, and I can testify that prayer does work wonders.

I hope you are recovering from the cancer. My local health practitioner told me Monday she is able to prescribe Ivermectin now, in certain circumstances. But it is available for purchase now also.

Blessings to you Renee!

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Prayer definitely WORKS! Also, faith that it DOES work!

“Your faith has saved you.” 😉

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God loves you, and guides you Dave! Blessings to you as well!

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Fenbendizol 👍🏽👍🏽👍🏽

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Fenbendazole 😉!

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You’re a critical thinker with God given Intuition!

Because of CONvid, I’m an anti-vaxer (for my cat as well).

I’m extremely cautious of the Medical Cartel. We must get back to natural cures! Doctors serve a purpose for various ailments-a broken leg, life saving surgery, etc. I no longer take “preventative” tests.

I’ve had no “vaccinations”, or flu shots (only when I was born in 1963).

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Why doesn't this surprise me....... You can bet that every motherf**ker working for this program, in every organisation attached to it including military, police & government hierarchy has never been near a PCR test & neither has any member of their family.... They are the only ones not included in the "cash cow agenda".

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I just got this substack in my inbox. He has links to a lot of videos about this and related subjects.


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Thank you for posting this, I never understood why anyone would stick one of those up their noses to see nothing, of course it was also used to assist them with their Bio Weapon. Remember folks, they still have not isolated any virus's especially Covid. Virus's do not exist.....why would anyone stand in a line when they feel healthy, to get one of those shoved up into your brain.

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And now they are charging a lot of money to buy these tests. A relative and her husband got sick last week after attending two funerals. She thought they needed to be "tested", and spent over $50 on them. Of course, they tested "positive".

IMO, she also tests positive for TDS and full brainwashing.

On a brighter note, her local health practitioner, which is also mine, declined to prescribe Paxlovid for her. She told me there are too many side effects of that. She also is now willing to prescribe Ivermectin, but in Illinois she can only do so for scabies. She told me that if I wanted it to tell her I had scabies, lol. She is aware of the bull shit we have been exposed to. A rare individual in health care.

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Made in Chyna! Posted that possibility way back when. That goes for those face diapers too...made in Chyna. Chyna-owned Joe and the NIHtools pushing those tests/mandates and all the foolish sheeple lined right up in those convenient drive-thrus. Mullis would’ve been 😤!!!

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