With all respect, people need to do a little basic arithmetic. She says she has 450 houses on route averaging about 4 people each. So that's 1,800 people. If only 1-2 people die each year on her route as she claims, then the people on her route must live to be ~1,000 years old on average.

I'm not in any way suggesting that things are normal. Death rates clearly are elevated by a double digit percentage, and lots more people are suffering side effects. But this story is bunk.

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OK, let me walk you through some math then..

Let's say the average life expectancy is about 80, it's really 73, but let's call it 80.

This means that in 1/80 people are expected to die per year.

Let's say 1000 people do live along this route. 1000/80 = 12 people would be expected to die out of 1000 people every year.

However, most people who are very aged, tend to move to other areas, like nursing homes, and assisted care facilities. So unless this woman is also delivering to a nursing home, retirement community or an assisted care facility, I bet 1-2 is about right.

Now 19 people dead in 4 months, that IS exceptional, but exceptions do happen. It's actually what is called a Poisson distribution in statistics.

Anyhow, time will tell. People can speculate all they want but data won't be able to be hidden forever, even if they attempt it. She just could have been the unlucky lottery winner of USPS. This is the problem with anecdotal evidence. We will see it in the excess mortality statistics, and morticians will see it as well.

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Fundamentally we agree. Time will tell. In fact it already has - the population level statistics are convincing and alarming and show significantly elevated death rates amongst working age people.

On the details however:

1. The USPS worker suggested 1800 people, not 1000. Thus by your logic we would expect 22.5 people to die in a year, not 12. And if we accept your proposed life expectancy of 73 that rises to 25 deaths. In fact I think (from memory) the actual rate is a bit lower than this (actually only 1% or even slightly less), presumably as a result of the shape of the population vs age curve for the US population. So that implies perhaps 18 deaths per year.

2. Your point about nursing homes is a good one. However it appears that only approximately 27% of people die in a nursing home/hospice care (https://www.cdc.gov/mmwr/volumes/69/wr/mm6919a4.htm), which is less than the number who die in their homes. It is also possible that some of the people who die in hospital (~35% of the total) were living in a nursing home but were transferred to hospital prior to their death but it seems very unlikely that the expect annual death rate for the USPS route could be anywhere close to 1-2.

3. If we are going into details one also needs to consider selection bias here too. There will be more deaths than average on some routes. And it is exactly those people who are therefore likely to make a video about it. So even a significant number of deaths over expected is meaningless in the context of a video posted to the internet.

4. There's also the basic sanity test. This lady is suggesting that ~10x as many people are dying as normal. This would imply that the population level mortality rate should be ~30 million instead of ~3 million. That is clearly not the case.

And please remember that my point here is not to suggest that elevated deaths are not occurring. They are. My point is that this story is not good evidence of anything and it is stories like this which, when advanced as proof, damage our cause rather than help it.

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I'm just pointing out that anecdotal evidence is, dangerous to depend on. If she's seen a huge rise, maybe she just hit the unlucky lottery this year or in these last 4 months.

Look up what a Fermi problem is. He was a physicist (and a good one) who believed anybody should be able to calculate an estimate based on almost no knowledge and get within an order of magnitude of being right. His famous example is how many piano tuners are in Chicago? Well you estimate how many people play piano, therefore how many people would own one, how often they have to be tuned, what the population of Chicago is, and how much work a tuner would have to get to be in business, how many pianos a piano tuner could tune in a day. He did the same thing with the number of cars in a city, all sorts of stuff.

It's a good method to understand. It's a quick estimate to see what you might be thinking about MIGHT be correct. If you're within an order of magnitude, then you can do the real research and real math.

And you're right, we're only going to hear about "exceptional times" from people. Nobody is going to make a video "hey nobody died on my route this year! Isn't that weird??"

Here's how I was convinced the vaccines seem to be dangerous. I took a group that would be well reported on, that basically is a random group - celebrities. Well, Justin Bieber got Bells Palsy, his wife had a stroke, Damar Hamlin literally technically died on the field, Celine Dion has a neurological condition, Hank Arron (very old) died, Eric Clapton had neurological issues, Bob Saget died (it's hypothesized he had a seizure in bed and crushed his skull because of the violence of his seizer), Taylor Hawkins died, MAYBE something happened to Jamie Foxx, and there's more.. Those are off the top of my head.

What celebrities died of "covid"?

Time will tell.

We're not going to get hard evidence for a while. Our government lies to us, what will tell is when you can notice it. When people at the office die mysteriously, when people at Church die mysteriously, or in your family, when kids in your kids' school die mysteriously...

I'm already confident in my conclusion, but I'm not going to push it on anybody else.

Even when you have hard data, people won't believe you. I'm an engineer in Silly Con Valley. When colleagues told me "300,000 people died in 2020!!!", I had to point them out that the population of the US is 330,000,000 people. That's means 1 out of a 1000 across the entire population died "of covid". I had to take statistics, I'll probably have a nightmare about that class just thinking about it again, but 99.9%+ survival rate isn't a disaster.

And I know a guy that likes to play with data, he compiled the overall death statistics of covid, in 2020. We had a LITTLE blip up in I think May and June of 2020, and then, it was normal. I think they mischaracterized a lot of deaths, and there was a monetary incentive to do so.

I'm pretty certain the vaccines are dangerous, HOWEVER, I don't expect this to be an extermination event. If I'm wrong, and this is an extermination event, it will be very obvious at some point. That's when we go after everybody that pushed this, jail them for life or exterminate them like roaches, and eliminate their gene lines. I suggest this can be done fairly morally, by forcibly sterilizing their entire gene line.

We will have to be monstrous, for the good of the future world. We can't just be content on "not letting them get away with it", we have exterminate them entirely. It would mean they attempted a genocide. Well, if that's what they have done, we have to do a genocide, on them. The survivors will think twice about attempting it again.

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"I'm just pointing out that anecdotal evidence is, dangerous to depend on"

I thought that's what I was pointing out - and you seemed to disagree with what I was saying - perhaps I misunderstood. And especially this particular piece of anecdotal evidence which doesn't stack up with everything else we know.

I'm very familiar with Fermi (having a physics degree myself), and I think if you look back over this thread I did exactly what you describe. You tried to do a similar thing - the main difference was that you made two significant errors in your estimates (number of people on the route, and percentage of people who die in nursing homes), but even then probably still just about came within an order of magnitude.

I agree that

- covid itself appears to have killed very few people (and those only in specific jurisdictions strongly indicating that these people were killed by policy not disease). The work of (former) Professor Denis Rancourt (another physicist) is compelling here.

- huge numbers of deaths were mischaracterized (there is masses of evidence for this - statistical, whistleblower, and analysis of death certificates).

- the vaccines are dangerous. I'm not convinced by your celebrity method though. I think it's quite hard to know how large the group is and therefore how many deaths and injuries you might expect, and the number of such events which occurred in previous years (when no-one was looking for them and assiduously pointing them out). I think the analysis done by Prof Norman Fenton (a mathematician) showing that excess death rates across every country which measures them correlate better with vaccine uptake than any other hypothetical cause is a much better proofpoint. Ed Dowd's work is also good.

- at least to date, I also agree that this is nowhere close to an extermination event.

On your proposed course of action, I would suggest that being monstrous "for the greater good" is exactly what got us in this mess in the first place, and if we conclude that it is OK to sterilize people and eliminate gene lines for the good of society then how can we complain that they have come to the same conclusion? Put another way - if you become the devil to fight the devil, then who has really won? That's a whole other discussion though :-).

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I'm also pointing out that real events are, always, accompanied with anecdotal evidence. We always will see anecdotal evidence, and it is after all evidence of a kind.

There's no uniform distribution of ages in areas either. Looks like she's in a suburban area which would mean it's probably relatively young people along her route.

I only use celebrities because they can be counted to be reliably reported on. If the vaccines are distributed uniformly, we would expect this to be noticeable with celebrities. Interestingly, the only suspected case I know of a politician getting ill, is Fetterman and that's before he entered congress..

You can simply go to the CDC to calculate excess deaths. No "mainstream media" will cover this, I guarantee that. What little bit left we had for actual news media died in early 2000. We only have propaganda now.

The documentary "Died Suddenly" is garbage. I listen to a guy called Ryan Dawson that calls Stew Peters as StewPiders. Stew Peters is the next Alex Jones - that is that he crazies up anything by taking a real event and then doing intentionally shoddy work on it then reports BS. I think they claimed Australia had like a 60% drop in fertility rates which is absolutely wrong. It's not even 6%.

Propaganda techniques are super interesting to me and I kind of study them as a hobby. What we are seeing now is "kookification", and this article might be that. What is "kookification"? For example, in 9/11, we had Judy Woods who is a very well educated engineer, claiming that directed energy weapons were used to destroy the WTC buildings, which is totally insane. This is so if you're pointing out all the "mistakes" of the FIB and CIA made that could have prevented it (which HEAVILY suggests that at least portions of the US government was involved in the plot) you look like a madman because so many crazy things were said about that day. Hologram planes, UFOs and other nonsense.

Anyhow, IF (that's a big IF) we have something like a 20%+ reduction in the population over the next 5 years, it's not for the "greater good" we have to engage in extermination, we will have to put the fear of god into the establishment for the next 1000 years. This is extreme punishment, not for the "greater good".

Also understand where we are in technology. It's not like Nazi Germany where there's going to be a few grainy black and white films surviving 70 years later. Technology is not going to improve. In 1000 years from now, a display will be no better than what you have in front of you right now. We also no longer depend on "authorities" to preserve data, you can do it. An $11 SD Card can contain literally a solid week's worth of video in HD, twice that if you use a more modern codec, but H264 is the standard now.

And it will just get cheaper.

You have to become as evil as your enemy, it's unfortunate. We can't just be "la-de-dah, you just tried to exterminate a bunch of the population, naugty naughty!" - we'll exterminate them, but we don't have to kill him, just end their reproductive ability.

I don't think it will come to that but if it does, I'll be openly advocating it until a bullet is put into my brain.

What little faith, or trust I had in our system, evaporated over the last 3 years. I had no idea that engineers couldn't logic, they can't. I'm in Silly Con Valley, 90% of the population just acted like cattle. So much for us being a bunch of rebel geniuses - which we were, 20 years ago. Now we're a bunch of sellouts and conformists.

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Yes I agree Stew Peters is (obviously) BS - my guess is that he's a low level grifter whose voice "they" were happy to amplify. And yes 9/11 (and every other criminal act/false flag they commit) is hidden by a dozen or more CIA-planted BS stories to muddy the waters. I don't even think this is that (it could be, but my guess is it's organic)- it's just an anecdote filled with bad math presenting something as extraordinary and/or proof when it is anything but.

Punishment (for people who have committed crimes) is fine. Wiping out gene lines is where you cross into becoming evil. And I think you may have missed my point (or at least you didn't really address it). If you become as evil as your enemy, then - if and when you win - you have not won. You have not eliminated the evil. It remains in existence - just now it is you who have become the evil enemy. This is a big part of Tolkien's message - the ring cannot be used for good - it corrupts and turns to evil everything it touches. And of course Tolkien is merely packaging Christ's message.

If you stoop to wiping out gene lines - that means you are necessarily punishing people who have done nothing wrong for the good of society - that is the very definition of "the greater good". And that whole utilitarian philosophy is morally bankrupt and evil - and was invented by "them" - Jeremy Bentham's bio makes interesting reading. If we were to act that way, then we can never do anything but live in a world just like the one we have today where some people deem themselves justified to make life and death decisions over other people for the good of all. Such a world will *always* be corrupt. Expedience is ever the resort of tyrants - but we must find another way if we wish to break the cycle.

PS If you have no faith in the system - that's a good thing. So don't recreate it and think it will be any different because you and your pals happen (temporarily) to be in charge. Power is the problem. Power corrupts, and just as importantly the corrupt seek power. If you have a society where some people have power over others (and most especially the power to decide life and death), then that society will inevitably decay into tyranny.

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Jul 5, 2023Edited
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Bravely confronting evil and exterminating people are not the same thing at all.

Jesus was indeed brave, and confonted and exposed evil in his day. However when faced with the choice of exterminating his opponents and assuming kingship, or dying on the cross, he chose the cross.

In fact I don't recall the bible recording that Jesus exterminated, caused to be exterminated, or instructed another to exterminate on his behalf anyone at all in his whole life.

Oh - except a version of the bible recently re-written by the Chinese communist party - which changed "let he is without sin, cast the first stone" to Jesus instructing the crowd to stone the adultress to death.

You see how that works? Jesus confronts bravely, even at the cost of his own life, but he does not resort to killing. The CCP would prefer to advocate killing as the solution to society's problems. Whose example should I follow? Hmm. Difficult one there.

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She said in the last four months.

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I think she said 18 or 19 people had died in the last four months, and claimed that 1-2 per year was normal.

I am merely pointing out that 1-2 per year would not be the correct comparison. How many one would expect to die in this period (the winter months remember, when more people tend to die anyway) out of a population of 1800 would depend very much on the demographics of her particular route. Something like 10-12 is probably about right for an average population. In which case 18 would not be statistically significant at all.

One would expect to find a great many similar routes where 18 people had died over the winter just as if one flips a coin ten times it would not be extraordinarily unusual for it to come up heads seven times - and nor would it be proof of anything if it did.

Again - I'm not disputing that there is a problem. There is - and it is evident from the population level staistics which show a very high level of statistical significance. I'm just pointing out that this story is not proof of anything at all, and is not worthy of reporting.

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Fair enough. But there are a lot of coincidences in the last two years.

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Sure - but reporting non-events as significant doesn't help the cause one whit. Just makes us look silly.

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Climate change, no doubt about it.

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Nobody would listen to me I try to warn so many people my own son ignored me. He’s 32 now has myocarditis when I hear stories like this....it kills me. There’s absolutely ZERO satisfaction in being right. Lord, help us and punish the wicked.

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Anyone else getting the strange 'drownings'? Like a 56 year old doctor fishing in an upscale residential pond who falls in and drowns. He lived less than a mile from the pond.

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Do you think these blue pilled people are making the connection yet… 🤦🏽‍♀️🤦🏽‍♀️🤦🏽‍♀️

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Nope. But it’s just beginning. It’s gonna get a lot worse. They’re eventually gonna be forced to acknowledge the fact that they were poisoned by their “government.”

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I don’t know if that will ever happen… 🤦🏽‍♀️

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Deer in headlights.

"Maybe there's something to it?"

She's in the middle of the greatest war ever waged on this planet and 'maybe' there's casualties?

Eric Berne wrote Games People Play in the 1970s about transactional analysis. One of the games was "Ain't it awful?" where people would just complain about how bad things are.

This is that.

Without action in the middle of the biggest war ever witnessed....

well... they'll work it out or it will be worked out for them.

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I wonder what they had in common. I'll bet they all had gas stoves.

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Thanks Rex...I needed that Giggle!!

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Wife and I were counting yesterday after her STILL double masked coworker died suddenly. We are at 18 amongst our circle. In 2020 that number was 1. Pretty sure we forgot a few. 6 of that number are our son’s coworkers. Their supervisor STILL proudly displays her “Fully Vaccinated” coffee mug on every meeting. So thankful for the speed of science.

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people have lost their ability to reason!

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I think that people can’t accept the fact that they have been swindled so deeply and completely. They can’t conceive of the fact that the world is literally run by Bond villains. “But we are SMART, and we Vote for the GOOD people “. Good luck with that cretins.

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"The individual is handicapped by coming face-to-face with a conspiracy so monstrous he cannot believe it exists. The American mind simply has not come to a realization of the evil which has been introduced into our midst. It rejects even the assumption that human creatures could espouse a philosophy which must ultimately destroy all that is good and decent."

J Edgar Hoover, FBI Director

The Elks Magazine (August 1956)

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Everyone seems to think that unspeakable evil could only happen “in the old days” despite the fact that things have clearly gotten worse and steeped even deeper in corruption at every turn.

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Or perhaps coupled with extreme ignorance

Scripture says, “My people die for lack of knowledge”

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I believe that’s exactly it. 💯 Because I see it everyday amongst my own family and friends, STILL! The level of denial is astounding.

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My head almost exploded at the Super Bowl party where everyone was repeating the commotio cordis idiocy regarding Damar Hamlin.

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At least they get mail🤡

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143,233% cancer increase.

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Only the beginning, sadly.

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What a price we are paying. I pray this is at least waking more people up.

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I'm struck by the number of professions where employees must KNOW larger numbers of people are dying. I wouldn't have thought about postal carriers ... but this makes sense.

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I asked early on - My postal carrier told me that the Rural Postal Carrier union was able to keep out the shot mandates for them.

Of course, the folks residing on their routes would not be necessarily knowledgeable of that.

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