So was there hcg in us vaccines? I had a boostrix tetanus shot in 2017? Honestly since then I have inflammatory auto -immunedisease causing vasculities and joint pain and cranial nerve inflammation plus shoulder pain. I am worried now about that boostrix shot. Only steroids help.

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GOD bless you Dr. Coleman for being a true TRUTH Warrior ...

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Tetanus is bogus anyway,


"The Poisoned Needle" by Eleanor McBean


she can explain it better than i do.

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Thank you. Downloaded it and it is interesting. I went looking for her comments on tetanus, after reading about the use of tetanus injection as tool of sterilisation. Reading about tetanus this afternoon was a weird synchronicity for us, as my partner and I had talked about tetanus early this morning. That was my last vaccination after cutting my finger about 20 years ago. She described the immense pressure she faced to get the vaccine when she was applying for residency in Canada. Her intuition was stronger than the pressure to get it.

From McBean's book, here is the research results from a 1902 doctor who was shocked, after giving 3000 small pox injections, that they were killing people:

“I then began a careful study of the relations existing between smallpox and vaccination, with the ultimate result that I was forced to entirely abandon all faith in the medical dogma of vaccinal protection against smallpox. During the epidemic, I had under my inspection 28 smallpox patients, all of whom, with one exception, had been ‘successfully’ vaccinated. Several of these patients had been re-vaccinated before contracting the disease. “Thus I was forced, through the stern logic of disagreeable facts, to the unwelcome conclusion that vaccination had not protected these victims of smallpox. “After the revelations of this dismal experience had dawned upon me I determined to make a careful study of the printed data on vaccination. After a thorough investigation of the statistics of smallpox epidemiology collected from various parts of the world, I was treated to another great surprise, namely, the world’s greatest statisticians on smallpox and vaccination fully corroborated the experience that I had met with in the Lockport epidemic. “Previous to this disappointing experience I had read only the usual literature on the subject, found in libraries and medical schools. I had heard only the “expert” (onesided) testimony of the pro-vaccinists. I knew but “one side of the question and was like the one of whom John Stuart Mill spoke, when he stated: ‘He who knows only his own side of the case knows little of that.’ “After a careful study of the history of vaccination and the extensive experience in its use, I am thoroughly convinced that: “(1) Vaccination is utterly useless as a preventive against smallpox, that millions of vaccinated persons have died of smallpox. 41”

“(2) The practice of this degrading rite is enforced by doctors as a dogma without being understood; that like other infamous dogma it is good only for “fees” “(3) Inoculation as unanimously believed in and practiced by the “regular” doctors for 100 years was guilty of multiplying smallpox... “( 4) Smallpox epidemics were checked by cessation of inoculation and not by the introduction of vaccination. “(5) Smallpox continued to increase under vaccination until sanitation and improved nutrition came into more general use. “(6) Health measures have controlled smallpox, and vaccination has claimed the credit. “(7) Vaccination protects from smallpox only when it kills the patient before smallpox develops. “(8) Vaccination has been the means of disseminating (spreading) consumption, cancer, syphilis, and many other fatal and loathsome diseases. “(9) Tuberculosis is a disease common to cattle and to human beings and has frequently been conveyed by vaccination from the former to the latter, by way of vaccination.”

“(10) Edward Jenner saddled a legacy of disease and death on the human race and incidentally made $150,000 by the transaction. “(11) Many doctors and some editors are making money by propagating this curse. (vaccination) “(12) Vaccination is called ‘successful’ when it succeeds in making healthy people diseased. “(13) Disease as the result of vaccination is the logical harvest from the seed sown. “(14) Vaccination has no scientific basis upon which to rest its claims and no analogy in any ascertained principle or law in nature. “(15) The so called ‘spontaneous cow-pox’ (from which 42” “vaccine is made) is a myth; the disease so named, being tubercular or syphilitic in its nature. “(16) When vaccination kills its victims the facts are suppressed and the death certificates name other diseases as the cause. “(17) Compulsory vaccination has been abolished in England, Switzerland, and certain other countries, while laws sustaining this crime still disgrace the statute books of many states in free (?) America. “(18) Vaccination is one of the foulest blots on the escutcheon of the ‘noble art of healing. 43” (p96-100).

Excerpt From

The Poisoned Needle by Eleanor McBean (1957)

This material may be protected by copyright.

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Thank you for posting this excerpt. Very helpful to see a Dr. look at the facts so long ago, and come up with the right answers, even though it was shocking to her and changed her perspective of her own profession.

In truth, I think it really shouldn’t surprise us that injecting ANYTHING into a system that was designed to be closed and “self-correcting” (with help through prayer, better nutrition, healthy habits) causes trouble. In the blood is LIFE, so don’t screw with it.

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You're welcome. The book looks really interesting with lots of details and references.

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This reminds me of the TED session "innovating to zero",where Bill Gates was presenting his equation on the CO2. There he indicated that the number of people is a factor directly contributing to the generation of CO2, and he said (4'44" https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=qzh07hbPRZY) "if we do a really great job on NEW VACCINES, health care, reproductive health services, we could lower that by perhaps 15% to 20%"...

I know that the internet is full with reports from "fact checkers" claiming that what he really wanted to say was different to what he actually said, but I couldn't help to make the connection with that speach after reading this report.

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And on two separate public statement occasions Tedros has accidentally misspoke – Freudian slip? – and refers to the plan of killing children with vaccine programs.

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Did not see that - but sadly not surprised.

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Saw it too and thought the same thing. Fact that media mentioned just means they were trying to discredit it as it was absolutely an omission of the true intent of vaccines.

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This picture of the Newspaper article is the smoking gun for even the stupidest among us. Then again, there are those who refuse to see what may kill them and or their loved ones. This is serious business of life and death, and good vs evil.

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Thanks for sharing will be linking this today @https://nothingnewunderthesun2016.com/

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I am thoroughly perplexed by their v schedule of 3 in quick succession. Well because I’ve been told as I’ve had more than THREE over my ENTIRE SIX DECADE LIFETIME I no longer need another when I am cut out on the farm.

Queue Vets: They have said that horses require them every other year as our soil contains tetanus bacteria in East Anglia. And that our pets require boosters every year. But prior to their introduction tetanus was exceedingly rare anyways.

Maybe it’s not needed at all? After all they can’t decide on protocol.

One such protocol here in UK is that pets get boosted EVERY YEAR. But on the Govn’t DEFRA site for approved and licensed mostly GMO ones, they are listed as for every THREE YEARS.

It’s like a scam by the best snake oil salesman.

And what was Rockefeller Snr prior to founding Standard Oil?

A snake oil salesman.

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My sister's cat has developed AIDS. And it turns out that this is, per her vet, now very common. Maybe even 80% or so of the cat population. My super researcher sister suspects that AIDS was introduced to the pet world to help with drug sales, as she now feeds her cat a daily dose of immune boosting drugs.

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Thank You!

FYI... Dr. Andrew Wakefield and Robert F. Kennedy Jr. tackled this topic recently in their powerful movie "Infertility: A Diabolical Agenda"

https://infertilitymovie.org/ or


Infertility: A Diabolical Agenda

A film by award-winning filmmaker Andy Wakefield, Robert F. Kennedy, Jr. and Children’s Health Defense. Watch the chilling tale of African women whose fertility was tragically stripped away through an experimental tetanus vaccination program. Are women everywhere next?

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