Well doctors can't drug away disease so they want to replace the diseased organs. Big moola involved.

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Bigger payout. That woman filmed at a meeting in a hospital that went around last year, saying the mutilation of our children is good-$33,000 dollars each.

We are simply commodities to them folks. Unhinge.

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This is beyond sick. What has become of the world we live in?

What is the future look like for our children (the planets greatest asset) … ?

Has society become addicted to Nihilism, and given up all integrity, morals,values and ethics?

Didn't the bible say money (and greed for it) are the root of evil?

I am so ashamed of these countries carrying out these satanic practices expediting the killing and death and doing it in aggravated torture of circumstances .

Dr. Vernon Coleman is EXPERT on this topic (highly recommended ).

Be scared. Be very scared. They are coming FOR YOU!


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There are those who believe it is actually "harvest and kill". At what point is a person really "dead"? Organs last much longer in living people than in dead ones. Let the donor beware.

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See my comment.

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Check out Dr Byrne from Ohio.

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Brain death is never certain, & they cannot harvest organs from someone who is physically dead, so where does that leave us?? Think about that & maybe take the organ donor status OFF of your deiver's license

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As soon as I started reading about the abuses of donor patients I took my organ donor status off my driver's license.

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Me too

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Canadas MAID program is the most demonic thing I've ever heard of, so far that is

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Was it 16,000 killed by euthanasia there last year? We just talked about that a couple days ago. Demonic, for sure. Put on your battle armor! If we but humble ourselves and REPENT.. call on God's name and ask forgiveness.. thats all He asks

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Thanks for posting, people need to know this, altho its hard to wrap your head around.

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Excuse me for pointing out the obvious but:

Doesn't the organ donor still need to be ALIVE (aka their heart must be beating) during these harvesting "procedures"?

A person who expires in any orher setting but a hospital CANNOT have their organs harvested...

So, in other words: Do these ghouls SEDATE the victim first, perform these procedures, then shut off life support" after their organs are removed?

If so: how f*cking EVIL and BARBARIC!!

"5% of the people think; 10% of the people think they think; and the other 85% would rather die than think." Thomas Edison

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The problem is that they determine death by cerebral activity. If they declare one to be brain dead you can unplug the patient. But, ethically even while you are brain dead your cells are still alive... hair is growing for example, and a brain-dead mother can still carry her baby to term. I remember having seen an article about such a patient waking up in the corridor transit to his organ harvest procedure. It was a dispute between docs to go ahead or stop the procedure. Unbelievable! -The man is recovering slowly but is very happy to be alive today-.

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How utterly horrifying! All of it is!

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Our priest just told us of a case in Canada where a woman had signed an advanced directive. She had said she wished to be cared for in a certain way if she became ill. She changed her mind when that happened. They took her to court and she list the battle to live. We live in a veu demonic world right now. It's up to us to fall to our knees, repent and cry out to the Lord. He is waiting, the loving Father that he is.

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That was a lot of misspelling. Sorry!

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Correct. Organs cannot be harvested from dead donors. Human decomposition starts around 4 minutes after death, and there is no possible way that any organ can be suitably removed, ready for donation, within that 4 minute window.

Also factor in that euthanasia drugs themselves would likely taint the viability of any removed organ.

I suspect these people are being subject to the same procedures as "brain death organ donation" where they are very much alive, but injected with paralytic agents as their organs are removed.

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That's what I am hearing

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I remember to have read an article about this. Yes, you are right. The organ harvesting occurs as one is paralysed and supposedly brain dead. But who knows what is actually happening to the donor? Okay, I'm happy for anyone given a second chance at life when they finally receive a much needed organ. But then... I wonder if the demand for new organs increased much after Cov and the vax (as many reported organs badly damaged and shutting down after that). Any statistics around?

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Sophie this is all you need to watch to know the truth ! https://youtu.be/l7NgJJtJ-mI?si=xY9Fc_c7GJHAgiyw

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Sorry RWD for my late reply, I just got back from the holidays. I want to thank you for this link, an amazing interview with this knowledgeable doctor. It's a real eye opener on what's going on...

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100% correct

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This was an obvious result & a very alarming one. What I find intriguing is the rapid speed “voluntary” euthanasia programs are being rolled out in western countries post the Covid era where vaccines were forced on populations.

Studies show a clear link with mRNA injections & mental health issues aswell as other obvious debilitating health issues.

Rather that helping people they are now being seen as another medical money making industry. They are just human stock to harvest organs from for others. Who chooses those for harvesting or those who receive the organs. My guess as everything it’s all about those who can pay the most.

This whole “voluntary” euthanasia has a nasty way of spiralling out of control. There is already financial hardship euthanasia.

What will happen next? Tell people once they no longer work that they are a burden to society & should sacrifice themselves?

And when will they come after unvaccinated organs? Those not damaged by mRNA.

Afterall they won’t want damaged goods to sell will they.

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Oh, they're very happy to accept organs from the unvaxxed. https://open.substack.com/pub/nakedemperor/p/canada-unvaccinated-denied-organ

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They are "normalizing: these horrific procedures. Folks in the UK and Ireland should check their drivers' licenses, I believe they put "donor" down as default and you have to opt out. You want to do the right thing and they prey on that kindness. If people only knew whats involved. It is a global industry. Watch on a flight app at 4am. The only air traffic at that time is helicopters going from regional hospitals to major hospitals, delivering "the goods". Godless and heart breaking.

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Hmmm...was this downstream of obammas death panels?

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"Who chooses those for harvesting or those who receive the organs. My guess as everything it’s all about those who can pay the most”.


David Rockefeller, a 101-year-old, overweight man who couldn't stand without a cane, or walk without a walker, was bumped to the front of the heart transplant queue - not just once, but 7 times.

Despite the fact that recipients should be 70 years old or younger, and the U.S. Gift of Life Donor Program stating “There are not enough organs to go around, and those who are in need of a transplant must follow the rules that dictate the waiting list”.

They say special allowances are sometimes made for children, but according to the United Network for Organ Sharing Donor Program “Factors such as a patient’s income, celebrity, status, race or ethnic background play no role in determining allocation of organs.”

Sure they don't.

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How disgusting!

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I think that demon was born without a heart. Did he really have 7 heart transplants?

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The Chinese Communist Party has for 20+ years (some say decades) authorized and aggressively conducted forced organ harvesting on multiple groups including political prisoners, Falun Gong practitioners, Christian, Uyghurs and Tibetans, children, etc. The increased use of forced/coerced euthanasia is simply the next "feeder" for the burgeoning business. Only those who view human life with such disdain (commodity-driven, psychopathically-expressed evil) could conceive of and conduct such activities -- normalizing the idea that "the good of the many" somehow outweighs the good (or value) or "the one". When each has been made in the image of God, the inspiration and mechanisms to carry out such atrocities has to be from satanic sources.

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I don't see a problem with this. No need to sensationalize it and make it weird. I may choose to take part in assisted suicide some day, if my body goes to shit, and I would want my organs to be used if there is anything good left. Waste not. Don't get mixed up with projecting dystopian intentions on everything. That in itself is a mental illness and I don't think it's healthy to encourage such psychological patterns unnecessarily, and in this case it's not necessary or accurate.

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I'd suggest having a closer look at how the euthanasia programs operate before hastily putting up your hand. Statistically, they screw it up more than they get it right and the drugs used, training given, is wildly inadequate. More people have had to be "euthanised" twice, than should occur if it's working how they say it is.😐

Besides, the recent proposed laws and legislation changes around global euthanasia programs, are irresponsibly broad, and dangerously open to interpretation. In some countries, any official health worker person, regardless of medical experience, can declare another as eligible for euthanasia. 🤔😐🤦‍♀️ that opens present and future tyrannical abuse of power in horrifying ways.😐 e.g. you may not get a choice in whether you "choose" euthanasia.😐

#follownone #mistakeswereNOTmade #getlocalised

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I'm just speaking of absolute ideals and not looking into specific programs or health systems. I support the idea of it, but I would never support any abuse thereof. Any medicine systems whether allopathic or naturopathic which did shady things that didn't lay everything out on the table I would denounce. Manipulation and misinformation/disinformation to the trash can, no matter where it originates from. That includes people's cognitive biases. My thing is when/if I decide I'm done with this place, I still do want to donate what's left of my body to someone who wants it, and I have to go through the established protocols and programs, and so I may need to choose the best option which still may have imperfections, yet I would really hate it if, say for example, people had freaked out and caused appropriate options for what I want to have been interfered with to such an extent that they were not at all appropriate at all, forcing me to find my own way in an unsupported atmosphere wherein I would not have the option to choose a feasible method that would allow me to do properly maintain my organs upon my exit, and WASTE the opportunity for me to offer them to someone who might have used them. If people had knee jerked reacted to shut down viable measures out of fear based shenanigans and propaganda I would be pissed.

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It's not a bias to state -

If something can be done, someone somewhere is doing it.

It's simply true.

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It's a balance between commercial interests and right to do things in the first place interests. It would suck for there to be a shortage of organs when they are around, simply because of legal moves by special interest groups, just as much as it would suck for people to be hastened down a track of organ donation unbeknownst to them by unscrupulous health personnel. The devil is in the details. I know a guy who is like 80 something who finally got his kidney, he was on dialysis for like 20 years, and he has already lived longer than I feel like I want to live, but he really seems interested in making it to his 90s to compete with his father, who still comes over and mows his lawn for him and flies airplanes in his 90s so more power to those people if they want to get some organs to live longer, I don't, I just want to gift mine when I go. I just want the option to do so, not blocked by any special interest propaganda groups, but I also don't want any opposing evil special interest groups fast tracking people into organ harvesting. The devil is somewhere in between what everyone wants, and no one person or group will get exactly what they want, but everyone gets something in the end, that's how it works

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"The truth lies somewhere in between...". Is a piece of wisdom, more would do well to remember, because it applies in almost all situations involving life or humanity. The extremes of any situation are a man made construct, for political/society manipulation. Nature is in the nuance.😉

#follownone #mistakeswereNOTmade #getlocalised

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You can "choose" to donate but beware, others may decide to harvest you when your life can be saved. It has happened.

Also, you donate, but everyone after you makes money off your donation. It is an industry, not an altruistic act as they make it to be. If it were, I would support it.

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Maybe you'll get lucky and be live harvested. Keep your fingers crossed! Good luck!

I'm joking, of course. I pray this never happens to you.

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Organ donation is being promoted in school curriculums in Australia. My daughter had to write a pro organ donation assignment. I suggested the alternative narrative and she said no mum, I want to get a good mark.

Imagine the scenario, where after an accident two people arrive at a hospital, one has registered as an organ donator and one has not. Do they receive the same life saving care, if the attending surgeon can make tens of thousands of dollars performing transplant operations with harvested organs?

The underlying causes of dis-ease that present as organ failure is never addressed. Organ transplantation is a rescue at the bottom of a cliff scenario.

Medicine needs a complete overhaul.

Our physiology is underpinned by hydration not oxygenation. Zero oxygen is required. Hydration equals salt plus water. Water follows salt. Every part of our physiology requires moisture. Dryness or dehydration is our Achilles heel. All dis-ease begins with dehydration.

Read my article: we breathe air not oxygen to understand my claims as I logically dismiss the gaseous exchange of oxygen and carbon dioxide as a fraud. We are not machines using gases of combustion and exhaust!

Click on my blue icon to read and ponder.

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Wouldn't the euthanasia drugs mess up the organs? Especially the liver/

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Patient's kidneys are destroyed by all the big pharma meds their doctors have swindled them into taking. It's not normal to require ANY organ transplant. The medical industrial complex is seriously out of control. It's gone amok. Rockefeller you scumball you started this.

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Yes. My organs are fine now, but went haywire after a lot of meds. Then they wanted me to take more meds to counter that. I was so sick.

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Kidneys are vital.

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Demons to the left, demons to the right. Demons in white coats. Demons with scalpels. Get lost demons. Go back to hell where you belong and stay there.

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I agree, harvesting as the method of euthanasia seems like the inevitable outcome. We are already aware of the unethical practices of both the medical profession and of course, Big Pharma, so what would stop them from lying about their methods of harvesting?

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LINK BELOW from an EXPERT on this topic " Euthanasia "

Be scared. Be very sacred.

They are coming for YOU.


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