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Sep 2, 2023
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We will never see it because of all of the illegals pouring over our open border… Millions upon millions of people are coming into our country illegally… and none of them have had the shot!

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Sep 1, 2023
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Something is off here

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How about all the miscarriages and stillbirths since the jabs were rolled out? Over 80% of pregnant women lost their babies. Are we counting those who died?

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Sep 1, 2023
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Thank you 🙏

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Sep 1, 2023
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I guess I was being conservative. After further research I realized you are right!

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STUPIDITY is perhaps the most OVERUSED TACTIC of the Prostitute Politicians to HIDE THE CITY OF LONDON'S CLUB OF 300 Intl Mafia' being the REAL GOVT. SHADOWING THEM.

Am FRUSTRATED with everybody telling others to 'WAKE UP' when it's CERTAIN THEY HAVE KNOWN LONG BEFORE THE GENERAL POPULATION OF THE REALITY and were seduced, bribed or threatened into selling-out to the CRIMINALS/ENEMIES OF ALL LIFE ON THE PLANET long ago.


Not going to pretend any of the treasonous sell-outs murdering The Constitution, Republic and Legal Citizens are STUPID any longer.

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Sep 1, 2023Edited
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Can a marriage be murdered or any relationship having Rules defining appropriate boundaries? Government is absolutely what The Holy Bible defines throughout the whole tomb of many books. APPROPRIATE GOVERNMENT IS DEFINED BY GOD and as all entities defined by God...HUMANS MOST CERTAINLY CAN MURDER THE SPIRIT OF IT.

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Sep 1, 2023
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"SHOULD" is perhaps the key word?

What is your opinion...THE NUMBER, PLEASE?

How's that for Caps.

By the way...It and the 'g' key locks all the time.

Now, just go with it since it was so frustrating

wasting time with corrections.

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Sep 1, 2023
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"Wake Up, Politicians!"

Um... Lionness? Has the last 3+ years taught you nothing? I hate to disabuse you of a fantasy: All our politicians, in The West? They're all bought. Every last one of them.

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You need to address this comment to the author of this article.

You want my opinion? Here you go:

ALL the world's governments are serving the same powers. ALL the high level politicians are members of the Secret Societies, basically actors playing out the script written many yrears in advance.

Check Related articles under this post

Grace and peace

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Thank you for the correction Lioness and I hope I did not offend.. But after all this time I'm getting more than a little frustrated. I have to remind myself these people are not stupid (well.. some of them aren't.. 🙄): They're entranced.

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No problem! I understand the frustration... I am not easily offended 😉

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Totally agree with your assessment. There is one big Uniparty that gives the voters no choice.

The “deep state”, government behind the government is corrupt and satanic. Though we can’t pinpoint them, I believe they are the banking family cartels. They control the minions that have billions and money isn’t their greed. They want control of the world in every way, an enslavement of all of mankind.

These inbred filthy creatures know that we outnumber them so much that they are afraid of a world revolution that will hang every last reptile.

It’s a great time in history to be a Dragon Slayer.

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Official figures are always lies. Something is obviously off here.

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All we can do at this point is REFUSE further shots and REFUSE to mask on command. Do not comply!

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Great report.

Maybe give Ardern and the new WEF puppet running the country for Schwab some extra doses of fluoride and a few extra boosters, just to helpl their health, you know!

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I just found that a good friend's cancer is back after four years and he isn't strong enough to beat it. He's in palliative care and will be dead in a month or two.

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Do you know about fenben?

2nd smartest guy in the room has posts about it on substack

Check out this link


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Thanks. I'll look it up.

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Nothing to lose.

Prayers for your friend and you, who would help him.

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If it was me I would try it. I'm not sure he will, but I shall suggest it.

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Take a listen to Dr. Seyfried, who has done much research into cancer being a metabolic disorder and he devised a protocol to treat cancer that includes fenbendazole. https://youtu.be/XOOs6-jrHE4?si=8k69HKY1S-ZqnMcT

Another resource is fenbendazole.org.

Something else to consider is that your friend might still have circulating spike protein in his system, and Flccc.org might be able to provide advice on a protocol to help clear that. As long as he's still alive, there's hope. Prayers for him and for you.

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Sep 1, 2023
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The link doesn't provide that relationship, and if there is one, it

doesn't automatically make him guilty of espousing the evilness that is Hollywood, or any less professional. He is well-respected and has published much research showing success with his treatments. To reject his knowledge out of hand because of guilt by association is an individual choice. You can't chose your family, but you can chose with whom you associate.

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Read this and weep. Acountry that is so small, that it isn't a pimple on an elephants ass.


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Read this and weep. Acountry that is so small, that it isn't a pimple on an elephants ass.


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Out of date already

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"Wake Up, Politicians!

They care not as they, themselves are a part of all of this evil.

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Do you think it could be a waiting game Guy with regards to excess deaths which are, I understand, taken as a five year average? By 2026 the five year average will make out the present figures to be normal. Reading this excellent article brings to mind that some wags have already said that we, those awake, are winning against those criminal billionaires, scientists, allopaths and their minions, un injected politicians, unelected un injected senior public servants and the like and relying on those still asleep to keep us in trim. I don’t see that we’re actually winning in the sense that justice will prevail. We, the awake, know all this of what is happening but yet there is no direct action to actually stop it. Are we unable to stop it or is the situation so hopeless? I don’t see that we’re winning; we only feel the torture of watching and understanding that we have in fact lost. Waiting for the results at the ballot box isn’t anymore a good strategy. Look at the clown that replaced the last ringmaster in AU. Both really ones of the same circus, of the same cloth, owned by those billionaires. The same, I guess really happened in NZ. You’re correct in your observations but until this is seen by our military leaders who are yet uncorrupted, those yet uncorrupted members of police forces who have the backing of uncorrupted members of the judiciary, I despair that we will all be carrying a little suitcase, demurely and silently lined up for a train towards our presently ordained destiny to be written out of history. A promise of a ‘Turkish delight’ of sorts.

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As horrific as the excess deaths are (even one excess death makes the covid scam murder), I think the greater horror will be infertility 20 years down the line.

Based on the effects of the jab on pregnancy and foetuses in utero some are predicting not only widespread infertility among those born to vaxxed mothers, but even a failure to achieve full sexually maturity due to vaccine damage on the various (and delicate) mechanisms that trigger puberty. Naomi Wolfe has covered this subject and her presentations are compelling.

I am not an expert on this subject, but what strikes me is how perfectly this prediction fits with the current 'gender ideology' being forced down our throats. If the coming generation are going to be stuck in a kind of sexually immature / infertile / genderless state (basically medically castrated by exposure to the vax in utero), then it makes sense that 'non-binary' and 'genderless' identities need to be normalised in advance (and celebrated) to blur the boundaries between a horrific crime and a cultural trend.

The latest version of the WPATH's Standards of Care for transgender health (SOC8) even lists 'eunuch' as a bona fide gender identity.

Just as feminism normalised wage slavery for women and the breakup of the family under the banner of 'women's empowerment', the current gender ideology is normalising chemical castration and body modification under the banner of 'gender inclusivity' and 'self expression'.

Feminism itself was the precursor to trans (feminism defined gender as a social construct and biology as a form of oppression), and trans is a precursor to transhumanism. It's all one trajectory / slippery slope/ Overton window/ Hegelian Dialectic).

With artificial wombs just around the corner and a robot/ AI workforce ready to be deployed it makes sense that the technocrats would want to eradicate natural reproduction (having all but destroyed the family already) by sterilising the next generation and replacing mothers with artificial wombs.

A sterilised population has no need for male / female gender which is why we are seeing words like 'mother' or 'breast feeding' being removed from permitted speech. The way they are removing male and female from our culture is by adding 100 new genders (pseudo genders) so we won't notice when they take away the two old fashioned ones (the only two that are real).

Just as children today are taught that marriage was slavery for women and home maker/ mother was the worst fate a woman could endure... the next generation will be taught that male and female gender (and the whole courtship/ pair bonding thing) was oppression and natural biological reproduction and childbirth was a horror that women suffered, until they were liberated by artificial wombs. This is exactly what people were taught in Huxley's Brave New World (Huxley being a member of the Fabian Soicety - elite social engineering think tank).

The cultural infrastructure currently being laid down (with suspicious urgency!) is exactly what you would need to normalise widespread infertility and genderless eunuchs.

In this sense the vax might in fact be mass murder (forced sterility) committed across time (20 years in the future), with the current die off being merely the 'spill from the bucket'.

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I believe this is the outcome they wanted!

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There were no mistakes, they had all the data to expect these results, if these results were not acceptable to them, they would change what they are doing in order to change the outcome. Instead, they have not veered an inch from their course, and actually proposed doing it all over again, for the latest nothing burger of a variant.

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I'm surprised they revealed some reflective figures.

Presumably then the actual figures are X10 worse, or this has been done to distract us from something else.

Meanwhile,in Australia the ABS has been converted into a pokies lounge attached to a morgue.

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