Just reading the introduction into the article appears poorly written, to me.

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If they predicted in in 2014, it may be adjusted to 2-3 more years later. The plans were based on a 2017 - 18 pandemic from what Georgescu said.

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NATO is an evil globalist cabul self-proclaimed elite controlled countries. Since 1911 the globalist elites take over of the banking system and prior plans to depoputate. These masonic controlled individuals have one plan, to wipe you from existence. George Carlin," A club and you ain't in it!" I don't know how you fight these sick bastards when they are infiltrating every aspect of your governments, businesses and banking.

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It seems that Nazi Nato is targeting it's own people. Nazi Germany targeted it's own people too in the 1930s and 40s... but why? Because that is what these evil Nazis do. They are demonic!

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Very informative. Thank you!🙏🏻

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theCovidBlog.com cannot be found.

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i migranti prenderanno le nostre case, terre, beni e uccideranno il popolo bianco o cristiano. Perchè dietro i migranti c'è un progetto dell'Anticristo giudeo che libera la Palestina per indurre gli ebrei di ritornare, dietro un falso antisemitismo e gli arabi in massa si appressano in Europa e USA

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Interesting 🤔 because THEY say that 70% of Americans have been Jabbed 💉💉💉🥺😭💔🤢

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India and China produced their own covid vaccine and both have no mrna in them.....

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Whomever THEY are, they are clearly succeeding in killing IGNORANCE as their Global I.Q. Test continues to take lives. #DepopulateTheDepopulators #ResearchToSurviveToday

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When trying to wrap my mind around all that has taken place, it certainly DOES feel like there is a depopulation agenda taking place. There's little else that explains the deceptions, the propoganda, the incongruities, and the obstinate refusal of those in charge to acknowledge injuries from the jab.

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Youre right. I focused on the wrong deaths. Lots of working age people are dropping now. Ed Dowd covers government stats showing Millions of newly disabled people. Insurance pay outs are up among younger folks. Many countries are investigating excess deaths since the vax. Only the US and Canada are still pushing the vax for everyone..

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They are moving in migrants ( bold ones) to simply kill them . Easier to kill people not spread out…

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This isn’t going to happen

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It's already happening

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All over the highest vaxxed countries. Live birth rates are down sharply since the roll out of the vax.

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That’s not what the stupid website talked about, it talked about millions and millions of deaths into the hundreds of millions …. Zero about birth rates, note I’m not defending the shots, I’m glad I stopped at two (to save my job but said fuck it after that)

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Unfortunately for you 2, too late

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The article most certainly does speak about birth rates and sperm counts.

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I am pretty sure the Philippines will not hit 117 Million shown on deagle by 2025. Based on Philippines Statistics Authority Data, the population in 2024 is probably around 112 million. Maximum increase is around 400 - 600k a year (not yet accounting for ongoing excess deaths and dropping births). I estimate the population will peak sometime in the next 3 years and thereafter drop. However, about 70 million population are jabbed. The future for these folk is unknown. Like every other nation we are seeing multiple reports of sudden unexpected deaths, and many reports of disability.

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