The only "Pandemic" Spreading around the World is the "Virus" of Lies, Deceptions and Chaos with the Spread of Fear through the Deadly Bioweapon of GOF "Bovine 💩 Feces" created in a test tube in a Kingdom not very far away by the Angel of the Bottomless pit in Revelations 9:11. Cultured from "Satanic BS" by the 1% Evil Scientific Luciferian Globalists...
Put on some Rubber gloves and a Mask, gather some Stones, preferably ones that comfortably fit into your hands. Then add some "Bovine 💩 Feces", rub the Rocks throughly and seek out the 1% who have "Selected" themselves and who were never "Elected" by any of us. Begin to share your rocks with Accuracy and also please Share Generously...! 😁
Give the Gift that keeps on Spreading...! Deliver and Share ASAP...! 😁
Have a Wonderful Day, Rock on Brothers and Sisters...!
Thank you! The links are gold!
A Simple Solution...? 🤔
The only "Pandemic" Spreading around the World is the "Virus" of Lies, Deceptions and Chaos with the Spread of Fear through the Deadly Bioweapon of GOF "Bovine 💩 Feces" created in a test tube in a Kingdom not very far away by the Angel of the Bottomless pit in Revelations 9:11. Cultured from "Satanic BS" by the 1% Evil Scientific Luciferian Globalists...
Put on some Rubber gloves and a Mask, gather some Stones, preferably ones that comfortably fit into your hands. Then add some "Bovine 💩 Feces", rub the Rocks throughly and seek out the 1% who have "Selected" themselves and who were never "Elected" by any of us. Begin to share your rocks with Accuracy and also please Share Generously...! 😁
Give the Gift that keeps on Spreading...! Deliver and Share ASAP...! 😁
Have a Wonderful Day, Rock on Brothers and Sisters...!
Much Love & Aloha to all 💯❤️