It would be nice to see a few comments in the youtube linking with the mRNA mass-murders.

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I get it.

I confided my thoughts on the role of humanity in the WWII Holocaust. Unfortunately, history is repeating itself.

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In a way, this is worse than WWII as the 'White Hats' most blessed among all in the world have denied the Lord and are now led by the Demons once taken down...The people had no idea they were actually fighting for the same evil united with those taken down. The People had no clue they were being used as Mafia Enforcers by the Imperialist Fascists; by those TREASONOUS to The Constitution. They were totally deceived by the False Flag Operations of people planning, supporting, and funding both sides in WWII and every False Flag War for Profit and to nullify Inalienable Rights since.

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All perps and their immediate family’s should be locked up and then given a full course of Covid vaccines over the next 6 to 8 weeks. Of course ventilators and Remdisivir will be made available to the prisoners should those items be needed after they receive the jabs.

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Malfeasance mendacity murder.

Nothing less.

The punishment needs to fit the crime.

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malevolent, demonic, satanic.

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If the vaxxxines were supposed to save lives, why is there an overall increase in deaths? It is all to evident that "governments" are part of the criminal conspiracy. Even "good" murderers will not implicate themselves. There will be hell to pay.

22 On that day many will say to me, ‘Lord, Lord, did we not prophesy in your name, and cast out demons in your name, and do many mighty works in your name?’ 23 And then will I declare to them, ‘I never knew you; depart from me, you workers of lawlessness. Matthew 7:22-24

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There is absolutely nothing that could be done to ensure that the punishment fits the crime. The mass genocide and eugenics programme that has and is successfully continuing by way of Vax, radiation, water, foods, destruction of wildlife and sea life, crops, homes, peoples employment - the lot can only be STOPPED if THE PEOPLE SAY A COLLECTIVE NO! We can then find each and every one complicit and the only punishment is death.

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Right, it isn't just the death injections. the globohomopsychopedos are trying to destroy everything good. Saying that isn't hyperbolic.

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People need to understand the purpose and timing of the vax. Covid - which everyone now is aware was engineered in a lab - was created for the purpose of injecting the global north - those pesky middle class demanders of freedom - with a lethal injection designed to kill them and make them infertile - destroying current and future generations of those disposed toward liberty. In short, Covid was created for the vax, not the other way ‘round.

Anyone expecting its creators to acknowledge this, or the results for which the vax (an artificial DNA map, not an attenuated virus as all other (real) vaccines are) was created, is kidding themselves. The vax will continue doing what it was designed to do: maim and kill the young, and make them infertile.

Given that those capable of designing gene therapies are not stupid, any idea any of this was accidental is simply naive.

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Read up on the Kalgeri plan , the. Elites intend to eliminate all people with Caucasian or Russian DNA they believe after decimating world populations the mixed race peoples left will be easier to control. I’m guessing that goes back to the beliefs that blacks and coloured race were inferior in intelligence

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What can be done in Canada to stop the ongoing support of the WEF and the UN's Agenda 2030?

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Jan 22, 2024
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From what you are saying, you are saying the corruption is too deep for any legal system to work.

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MP Leslyn Lewis Canadian petition circulating.sign to have Trudeau stopped from getting us into the WHO

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Stop voting for progs.

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Very well said. It’s time we said it how it is. We’ve had over a year of all just being to afraid to say the truth.

If it’s not the truth let the perpetrators prove otherwise.

If we all say it like this there is not a thing they can do except prove us wrong.

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From Aussie 17 substack: "

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Italian Police Unions Sound the Alarm Over Surge in Officer Deaths Post-COVID-19 Vaccination

"exponential increase in sudden deaths from diseases among state police officers." ""Here we have young colleagues, 29, 34, 40 years old – but people who were well. In the last month, from December 15th until today, I became aware of seven police officers who died suddenly. In the last year, we are almost at 50, if not more.". Antonio Porto, Secretary-General of the Italian Police Union, emphasized."

Police, you are serving people who murder you as well. You are nothing to these monsters, nothing. Why then do you continue to serve them? Your oath is to the people and your Constitution. Making arrests now is crucial to stopping more carnage. I agree, please do your job.

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"Police, you are serving people who murder you as well. You are nothing to these monsters, nothing."

Useful tools, true believers and enforcers should try to understand this truth.

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The Roman Empire Never Ended.

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That's right..it became the catholic church...slaughtering anyone that wouldn't convert..sound familiar because it should.. of course it was always just a way of reorganizing societies belief systems to slot them into feudalism...just like now..only now it;s corporate feudalism... and your overlords will be the same criminals that sold you the 'Book'...because until you define your real enemy..

you aren't going to win anything...

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Each subsequent empire contained seeds of the last.

The empires do not perish: they transform.

The real question is: who founded Rome?

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These bums are keeping their oath to gates. A blood oath to commit murder.

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We are in the midst of a holocaust

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The dead have no voice with which to complain. Do friends, families and fellow man think this is acceptable? where is the outcry?

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I haven’t yet figure out why no dads of dead or maimed children, or husbands of dead or maimed wives, haven’t gone postal on Pharmafia and CDC executives? What punishment possibly could be worse than the murder of your child or wife ... and they’ve already done that?

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That was predicted and hasn't happened yet. I wonder as well.

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Rev 9:21  Neither repented they of their murders, nor of their sorceries, nor of their fornication, nor of their thefts. 

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I am glad to see such a blunt statement. I hope this gets wide distribution.

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dear waxxed you " distanced "to avoid kovid, you " isolated", you sanatized, you blamed the un waxxed , to avoid getting kowidd ... then you went and had kowid spike injected into yourselves and your childern ... and now have symptoms of the spike [ and other stuff ] that they tell you is "long kowidd" even after the "safe and effective " 5 jabs... when its really waxx sppike damage , that your own cell d n a is now making ... good news , look into waxx detox , vit c helped my friends ... dear good God please enlighten our darkness and help us all return to goodness and truth

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The Substack "A Midwestern Doctor" has written recently about vaccine shedding and people that get sick from that. Both primary shedders (those that are recently vaccinated or boosted) and secondary shedders (people that were around primary shedders, that then get others sick from shedding.) Pfizer never tested for shedding of the MRNA vaccines, but according to the articles by "A Midwestern Doctor" their protocols with pregnant women during trials indicate they knew it was an issue.

I believe this was all known in advance, and the DOD and CDC went ahead knowing the vaccines would impact most everyone, vaccinated or not. Short of ending boosters and MRNA, there is no way out of this mess. If the Blob knows the issues, hides the numbers, lies to the public, and is fine accelerating these programs, what is available to us to stop the madness? Most of the Medical Freedom Movement are in on scam, and are accepting large sums of money to push the chosen narrative. Very few in a position to make any changes are on our side.

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