Follow the link embedded in the substack, and a few seconds in a speaker will rhetorically ask: "What is the thing on earth that is likely to kill the most people?"

Government is the reigning champ at killing people. No small surprise that they've entered the 'people prevention' business.

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Lioness, could you please get this out to people?

Much love in Christ,


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That paper cited above tries to show that 5G causes Covid. To date, that correlation does not exist. Many have written about it but no one has proven it. Rural areas of the world where 5G does not exist had high levels of Covid 19 and high death rates.

Further, that paper states that the US Government agrees with the author's hypothesis. Nothing is further from the truth.

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Very disturbing to watch. Let us pray that the world wakes up and see that justice is done. Pray , pray, and pray.

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It’s so sad. What do you say to someone young who were manipulated into taking two? And now feels less active and unable to do their sports? Or when they saw they definitely want a family when they grow up?

They may get cognitive dissonance and be unable to accept the vac, but when the truth is everywhere they will be angry.

Just like Klaus predicted - a more angry world.

And who are they angry with Klaus? YOU AND YOUR EVIL CABAL.

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Great video thanks 🙏

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Why is no one talking about Bill Gates video of control o Inc. population through vaccines?? Fact checkers (ha ha ha) say it’s taken out of context! Fact checked bought and paid for by your very own George Soros.

Just search bill gates population control Ted talk. Oh you’ll only find the fact checker saying it’s wrong SO TED talk must’ve pulled the video?

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I hate typos. *controlling

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Just read that the sudden lay offs at these big monopolies they announced is really about covering up the death and injuries. Twitter and others. Is this possible? Absolutely. Consolidating airlines and destruction of other airlines for the same reason?

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A little humor goes a long way Cube Cubis ... and it’s only Monday.

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wait what?? this was planned???? noooooooo. you're lying

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You bet your bottom dollar it was planned! It’s like a bad James Bond movie… or maybe I can say Thanos from Avengers… They so like telling us what’s going to happen beforehand…

These people sure need to get right with God before they meet him face-to-face! 🔥🔥🔥

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