Yep, move along please, nothing to see here, move along!

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While I'm convinced of the vaxx's role in this, I suspect that political ideology helps skew the numbers as well.

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In what sense?

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I think that people who are more likely to follow the government "guidance" on vaxxination are also more likely to believe things like having less children reduces their carbon footprint or stops climate change. They're less likely to see babies as gifts from God; their god is the government. I'm quite sure there's ample evidence to support that.

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People who get the jab are also more prone to believing in abortion. We also have to dig deeper. Not everyone got the same jab. Those whom were jabbed and were able to conceive got which brand and lot number? Maybe these jabbed were of the family-oriented variety and would not have considered their fetuses carbon pollution.

Let's dig deeper on who got jabbed with what (all jabs, not just COVID, are dangerous) and who then had trouble conceiving, assuming they truly wanted a child and didn't abort or avoid it.

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also anyone in mortal fear is not likely to start or grow a family

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And if you get cancer, Trump got some more MRNA warp speed death shots for you. Of course Trump's warp speed shots actually cause cancer, but Trump is still on our side. Don't pay attention to that. He just happened to dig up from the grave with a sordid past old Oracle Larry Ellison. Good ol' Larry is kind of like a Fauci character or think of him like a Birx with out the scarf. But Trump is just being ill advised. He is all good. Not that him saying he wants to acquire Canada, Greenland, Mexico seems like a one world government and that he wants massive AI to monitor what you ate for breakfast is a bad thing. Just think about the other things. He let out most of the J6ers. Then he says a lot of good stuff.

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BY DESIGN! As in straight out DER! SDS (Safety Data Sheets) From Pfizer/Moderna/AZ Showed this in their 'Limited' Trial tests in other mammals!! Especially by 'Design', the amalgamation of Toxic CONVID Jab 'Ingredients'( ANY mRNA 'Jabs') centralising in Anatomical reproductive Systems - Both Genders= Noted in mRNA 'Jab' test outcomes - Along with DNA warping!

Note; 'Patented' gene technologies, MEAN, that altered 'organisms' via usage of said Patented Technologies , ARE NOW the 'Property' of the Patent Holder! ANY offspring POST Usage of said gene technologies, ARE ALSO, the 'Property' of the Same Patents holders- AND ON!

A HARD 1 off Lesson for Future Mankind & Sheep= Once you open Pandora's box, there is NO 'return to Sender'!

This article on Czech women/men, WILL be replicated Globally - Pro Rata!!


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Take the Bioweapon off the market. They won’t , ask yourself why .

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While this result could be due to the shots, it could also be a selection bias. Religious conservative women were probably more likely to resist taking the clot shots in the first place than were their brainwashed, liberal counterparts who took the shots. Also, liberal women were already likely to decline giving birth due to birth control, abortion, and feminism.

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"If we do a really great job with vaccines, we can reduce the world population..."—Bill Gates. Looks like we're doing a really great job.

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Show sheep the Kill Gates TED talk and they laugh it off while driving to get the updated clot shot🤪

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The War On The Child: Battlefront “No Preggo No Bambino”

pas de grossesse, pas d'enfant


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Keep messing with the slavics and the Semites will pay more dearly than you can imagine.

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It's a depopulation shot so is anyone surprised? Where I live the public health officer is still pushing shots on six month old babies. No one seems to care.

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