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Mar 27
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Sam take care of your gut and your mitochondria… many things to read and take naturally.

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Injury from the bioweapon will be problematic for many. As an advocate for hyperbaric oxygen I am biased but believe it will be an important component in treatment if for no other reason it rehabilitates mitochondrial function, and there is little question the bioweapon is causing mitochondrial dysfunction.

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Oh; I see! They put it in air food and water, but NEVER in ivermectin! Just like the CIA runs all the media EXCEPT substack! Is this some sort of kiddie game like hide and seek?

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What do you mean? Are you casting doubt on Dr. Betsy? A year ago she predicted that 1 billion would die, and it's already happened!!!!

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See this is where we get ourselves into hot water. It's not a matter of "casting doubt" it is a matter of asking questions. If we are not free to ask questions then we will have learned nothing from the vaccines and the mask wearing. Even Dr Betsy, any doctor, or any "expert" is up for questioning. This should be considered normal and desirable. Rather than shame someone for having the nerve to question. YOu must admit it is a good question since they are contaminating everything but not Ivermectin?

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Apologies - I was joking a little bit. I think this article is highly, highly questionable myself - and the claim that 1 billion people have died in the last year (>10% of the global population) is nonsensical.

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I believe you are wrong. If you worked the medical industry, you would see a different picture. And, how many people in your family and community are gone? Many in mine, and many injuries.

YOu go ahead and take their poison, but I will work til my last day to expose the dark and go about to make servere changes.

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Of course I'm not going to take the poison.

And I support any effort you make to expose the dark and make changes.

I am simply pointing out that the claim that 1 billion died from any and all causes (let alone just the vaccine) within the last year is nonsense. That is >10% of the gobal population. And no >10% of people in my family and community are not gone.

Making silly, and trivially disprovable, claims is NOT exposing the dark. It's doing their work for them.

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I agree.

I would never take any drug including IVM. New FDA ruling could be a bait and switch.

Influenza exploded due to the arrival of electricity in the 19th century. What is the antidote to 5G my good doctor?

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Dunno I’m a PhD economist not an allopathic criminal. But I’m a strong advocate of wearing tinfoil hats since everything turns out to be a conspiracy anyway.

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Im with ya. Start out with the hat..feel your way through the mounds of data put out to confuse. Always take the high road and never trust those who are found to be liars and criminal

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How do you know influenza exploded due to the arrival of electricity?

I'm not saying it didn't by the way. Perhaps it did. BUT

(1) How do you know influenza "exploded" at all?

(2) How do you know it is caused by electricity?

Just because you have figured out that that the claim that influenza is caused by a transmissible virus is a confidence trick doesn't mean that any or all alternatives are true. There is about exactrly as much evidence for electricity causing influenza as there is for it being caused by a virus.

The world is filled with conmen - one may be less successful than another, but all the less successful conman needs to increase his success is more believers.

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Exactly and wouldn't it be great if "science" concentrated on finding the answers to what caused the 1912 "influenza".

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It was 1918 in Kansas where the military was being trained in the use of wireless radio.

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And yet, if we can trust the historical record (which itself is questionable)

- the Spanish 'flu occurred in many places around the world, not just Kansas

- there are plenty of other factors which might have caused the 'flu - there was apparently a very large vaccination campaign immediately preceding the outbreaks. Perhaps that was the cause?

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I’m so with you here Doc. I have an incredibly good BS meter and I really hope people use good judgment here. I vet my sources carefully. Be careful who you allow in to your precious life.

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"A little more than a year ago on USAWatchdog.com, Dr. Eads predicted “At Least 1 Billion Dead or Disabled from CV19 Bioweapon.” We have already eclipsed that number, and there is no end in sight with new and skyrocketing death and injury numbers."

We have eclipsed 1 billion dead in a year? Are you sure about that? Hmmm.

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I agree. While I thing "17 million" most often cited is a severe underestimate, I can well imagine that worldwide, it could be as high as half a billion. But how on earth would we ever know?

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Because 1 billion, or half a billion is vastly more than the total number of deaths which has occurred in the last year. The population of the world is 8-9 billion. Therefore ~100 million die each year, give or take.

If 1 billion people died that's ~10x as many as normal. If that was actually occurring all the things they faked during the pandemic would be happening for real - hospitals and mortuaries overflowing, funeral homes unable to cope, cemeteries buying up land etc.

My guess is the vaccine may have killed 5-10 million who would not otherwise have died, although it may be more. Certainly 17 million is within the realm of possibility although I suspect it's on the high side. And whatever the number of deaths is, there are many more injuries.

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I base my speculation on the number of people in my own local sphere who have died directly from the "vaccine" (I stopped counting at 30; ). Plus the daily reports of celebrities, athletes, etc who only have exposure because of their fame, so they represent the many "un-notables" dying every day from it.

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The trouble is - how do you know that someone has died directly from the vaccine - unless they die within a day or two of taking it?

And if you know 30 people who have died within a day or two then I would suggest that you either know a huge number of people or you have had a very unusual experience.

I don't know anyone who I am 100% certain died from the vaccine.

One of the cashier's at a shop my wife shops at said her husband saw someone die at a vaccine clinic - but that's pretty removed from me - there will be tens of thousands of people I know at that level of remove.

I know 2 or 3 people who have died for whom the vaccine could have been the cause - but I cannot say for certain.

I know several more people who have had injuries which could have been caused by the vaccine, but again I cannot say that for certain.

In general the death rate seems to be running a few percent above normal which would sugest that perhaps something like 5 million deaths globally is the right number, and maybe 50 million injured.

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I know six souls who died within two days. Others in their sleep after "feeling unwell" just a few weeks after, others whose cancers returned with a vengeance in a couple of weeks, my ex who developed stage 4 cancer within three weeks of second jab. Many young adults who "died suddenly" of heart attacks, not from drugs. I don't need to second-guess any of this.

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It’s not just the covid bioweapon injection now. They are putting this same toxic shit in regular vaccines and injectable medications too.

I’m super sensitive to the shedding/transmitting.

I have a friend that didn’t take the Covid bioweapon injection. He’s an Uber driver and has been driving people who have. I never had any problems with him shedding these last three years. Then about 5 to 6 months ago he had a heart attack and was told by Dr’s he had diabetes. (I’ve wondered if that have been caused by the shedding. 🤷🏼‍♀️) His blood glucose was 300. They gave him injections of insulin while in the hospital. I found out, the hard way, he is now shedding. It took 5 to 6 months to circulate to fully contaminate his body.

I know of two others that are now shedding from the regular vaccines. Whatever vaccines would be given to a four year old. It took two and a half months till he too started shedding. And then my second cousin who took the Tdap to travel to Bali, as well as a flu shot. She too is now shedding.

They’re gonna get us all one way or another. Bastards!

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I don't know how much of what she specifically says here will prove true, but I am feeling the effects on my own health, as well as seeing it in others.

But yes, everyone needs treatment. Sin removal.

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John 1:29 providing ‘the treatment’.

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So glad you published this. I've had this gnawing feeling that cancer is also claiming those who didn't get the shots. I have a good friend who has had two unvaxxed siblings die of rapid cancer in the past 6 months (2.5 months diagnosis to death), a neighbour die of turbo cancer, and another neighbour now with end stage cancer. She doesn't make the connection yet. (she trusts the medical establishment). I haven't felt myself since getting Covid in 2022. Those around me who have had at least one booster are dealing with all sorts of chronic and weird symptoms, from vision issues to constant flu and colds, to blood pressure variations. But the rapid onset cancer does concern me.

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thank you

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https://fenbendazole.substack.com learn how to protect against turbocancers with safe, inexpensive, available, OTC fenbendazole

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Live blood analysis via dark field microscope st 200x magnification is showing hydrogel filaments, quantum dots, self assembling tech, and/or synthetic biology in the blood of both the vjaxed and unvjaxed.

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I guess shedding is a thing, but let’s look at this realistically.

The majority of people who received the vax in this country are doing well so far. They are the rule, not the exception. Have some died and become injured? Yes, absolutely.

Are some people sensitive to shedding? Yes, but most are not. Look around you! The lights are on, the banks are staffed, football is being played, nurses are showing up for work, trucks are on the roads—life has continued on for a majority of people, vaxxed and unvaxxed.

Ivermectin? Look, the only way people are going to get through this is to be ultra smart. Do the opposite of what the government tells you to do. I bought enough ivermectin to get me through some tough times a few years ago but I wouldn’t buy any now. Why? Because the government can’t be trusted. Ever.

This this doctor in the video above is extolling ivermectin without taking the government’s pyscopathy into consideration is concerning.

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It's good to be cautious.

The role of health and electricity was buried by pharma.

Influenza appears to also relate to sun cycles. The data in the book Invisible Rainbow is very impressive. The data shows explosion of Influenza beginning in 1890, when electric wiring became ubiquitous in England and Wales. It shows that Influenza is not contagious.

Vaccines were useless, as today.

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2019 began the new solar flare cycle.

What timing for a novel virus and disappearing flu data since Influenza follows this 11 year cycle. The next cycle will arrive for the UN 2030 project psyop.

The dream is over. (John Lennon)

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All over the world because the military installed it throughout their empire during WW I.

Like today, bring in the kill shots.

Rockefeller medicine was installed by then.

The UK had impeccable medical records.

Check them out in the book Disolving Illusions.

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Karen Kingston (on here) just wrote there has been admission by US government that china used the covid farse to collect all our DNA! This is BS! Now, to get that surrendered, burned and try these evil entities for crimes against humanity. Punish with exorbinant fees they can't possibly pay and hang them in the deepest gallows

No, no mercy for the chinese government who takes advantages of our kindness in a variety of ways. Trying to take over is more like it.


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taking advice from someone in this physical condition is....risky

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