I heard this spoken or read it somewhere not long ago that there is a prophesy: Scientists will not be forgiven.

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Thank you for highlighting Karen Kingston and her work. I saw her on WVW TV.com early on and have been following her ever since. All her interviews are cataloged there that she did with Brannon Howse, as well as many other host and guests that air on that channel.

WVW (World View Weekend) is a great source for current news and information presented from a Christian World View that you won’t see on MSM. If one hasn’t checked them out, I would highly recommend that they do.

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Did the Co-"Inventor" of this "mRNA Technology" name it after himself...?

malone RiboNucleic Acid...?

or please,

mRNA = Malone Repent Now Amen...?

(Luke 4:6‭-‬7) to Jesus

And the devil said to Him, “All this authority I will give You, and their glory; for this has been delivered to me, and I give it to whomever I wish. Therefore, if You will worship before me, all will be Yours.”

Know, The 1% Tyrannical Globalist Elites have either already sold their souls for Power and Fame or it was from inbreeding from Satanic Bloodlines for a Biblical time as this...

For we do not wrestle against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this age, against spiritual hosts of wickedness in the heavenly places.

Ephesians 6:12 NKJV

Just Dots from the first book to the last book of the bible...

1) Genesis (3:22)... Then the Lord God said, “Behold, the man has become like one of Us, to know good and evil. And now, lest he put out his hand and take also of the tree of life, and eat, and live forever”— 

2) Why Guidestones built on (3/22/)1980, The Guidestones 1st Commandment is... "Maintain humanity under 500,000,000 in perpetual balance with nature" 

3) Why Yale Skull and Bones use the Number (322) in the logo?

1) (Revelations 9:11)

"And they had as king over them the angel of the bottomless pit, whose name in Hebrew is Abaddon, but in Greek he has the name Apollyon."

2) Sept 11,2001, Then after the Twin Towers Destruction we continue to call Evil, Abaddon and Apollyon for Emergencies...!

3) WHY in EMERGENCY DO YOU CALL LSD @911...? Coincidence...? Why is there now a Pit where the Towers once stood...? With fire...? Coincidence...? 

Aloha & God bless, kyle

Yesterday was a gift...

Today is an opportunity...

Tomorrow never promised...

Live Life, Love Others, & Leave no regrets...

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Evil always hides in plain sight...

It's why Evil needs to Show and Reveal his plan first...

Evil then carries out his Evil at a latter date...

Evil "pretends" to have the true power of our creator GOD/YAHWEH...

Know the only thing that Evil creates is "Chaos"...

Know "Evil" is the reversal of "Live"...

Know "Devil" is the reversal of "Lived"...

Evil is a "Liar and a Deceiver"...

Know who we truly war against...

"Ordo Ab Chao" is "Order Out of Chaos" and being Deceived by looking Left or Right...

To understand the origination of this war, simply look up or down...

It either comes from GOD/YAHWEH, for good...

Or from the Evil trilogy of "LSD" Lucifer, Satan and the Devil...

II Timothy 1:7

For God has not given us a spirit of fear, but of power and of love and of a sound mind.

Luke 10:19

Behold, I give you the authority to trample on serpents and scorpions, and over all the power of the enemy, and nothing shall by any means hurt you.

Aloha & God bless, kyle

Yesterday was a gift...

Today is an opportunity...

Tomorrow never promised...

Live Life, Love Others, & Leave no regrets...

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My heartbreak is the Church. If I could ask the Lord, early in 2020, when the crisis was being revealed - 'What's this about?' and have him immediately answer 'It's about control'.. Where were the 600,000 clergymen in America, that purport to lead God's people? Are they not on talking terms with Him? The crisis was permitted because men, having the Spirit of Truth- never bother to use it.. Imagine the loss of lives that might have been spared, with one simple answer at the get go? (as for me and my house - we never took a test - never wore a mask - never considered a shot - never closed our business (Which BTW - thrived due to other closures), NEVER GOT SICK, and are shaking our heads now in sorrow and disgust at the clergymen who turned out to be nothing more than 'hirelings'.

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I Kings 19: Yet I have reserved seven thousand in Israel, all whose knees have not bowed to Baal, and every mouth that has not kissed him.”

I, too, am disgusted by the ignorance and cowardice - just like the German church vs. Bonhoeffer's Confessing Church in 1939 Germany - of many. Thankfully, just like Germany, not all. Cf. August Landmesser (may have been someone else, but the pix still stands) here https://www.warhistoryonline.com/world-war-ii/august-landmesser.html

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One of the late great Bible researchers pointed out something very interesting about that verse in I Kings.. He said - 'It does seem odd that the man of God was unaware of the presence of so many that were seemingly steadfast'. I suppose you could apply that right now. Where are they that are steadfast? Why so quiet?

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Probably many like me - labouring away in ignominy, such as my substack Att Viska (from the verse in quietness and strength is my trust in the OT, is a Swedish word "to whisper" or be quiet. Maybe 100 -200 readers if that...

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Well in this case, my beef with 'quiet' is with the clergymen in America who used to be a guiding force.. now all they can talk about is 'comforts, safety, and prosperity. It was the job of the Spiritual leadership to return the nation back to tracking with God. That meant repenting and turning from our national crimes; which are military and medical (sorcery). The clergymen in America took the bait, signed on the line, became a corporation under the state, beholding to government instead of God - and when the crisis rolled around in 2020, they closed up shop. The one place that was the most necessary, the church, was closed. This nation is a ticking time bomb now..

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Thanks. While I am in IT, and have a grad degree in linguistics, I also have another grad degree in theology, where I studied under people like JI Packer, Bruce Waltke who translated the NIV, have two years of Koine Greek, etc. Yes, there are MANY, MANY faithful pastors, like pastor Artur Pawlowski in Calgary, John MacArthur in LA, etc. My own pastor at College Church Wheaton is standing up. But there are FAR too many who are not, and a LOT of the church is merely interested in, as Francis Shaeffer put it, their own personal peace and prosperity, and totally bought into things like the Covid gambit, faux global warming, etc. We are just repeating exactly what happened in Nazi Germany, where only the Confessing Church under Bonhoeffer stood. And the result of that complicity? See pictures, say, of Dresden, 1945. That will occur here. The Bible talks about in 1 Peter "For it is time for judgment to begin with God’s household; and if it begins with us, what will the outcome be for those who do not obey the gospel of God?"

I get it that people don't want the 401 (c) (3) church. Personally, I don't have a problem with is AS LONG AS they do NOT let it impact their prophetic mission, e.g., Bonhoeffer, Niemoller, or say, Sophie Scholl.

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I have mentioned the faithful men. Yes, there are far too few of them. Which is what facilitated their persecution. It's easier to go after a few, than a nation of clergy. And yes, it will happen here. The Word can't be broken. God said seedtime and harvest will remain until the end of the earth. Jeremiah 50 and 51 tell the story of the USA after her transition to Great Babylon. It's a terrible portrait of who we are and the recompense to come. 11's are being put in front of me non stop lately. I've tried for over 10 years to make a difference, but you can't compete with comfort.

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This is why as a Christian, I have never trusted organized religion. This debacle has confirmed my mistrust.

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Agree 100%, Sorry for my humble 2cents my Brother Bert...

"Organized = 501c3" corporations, I think that's what changes Faith to Corporate and Pastors to CEO's...

The Love of GOD/YAHWEH and the Son JESUS CHRIST/YESHUA to the need and love of Money...?

Aloha & God Bless Brother, kyle

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Your 2 cents is welcome here nothing to be sorry about.

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Not sure what you mean my "organized." Even if it's my cat and me on Sunday morning, it's "organized."

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The church systems with the big overhead. Not saying they are bad, just not my cup of tea. I like local control and small governance.

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Thanks, Bert. Yes, reasonable point. Thanks,

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Aloha Blaise, I think organized can be replaced with 501c3 non profit corporation or just 501c3 non taxable corporation...?

Aloha & God bless, kyle

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I had a little difficulty at first understanding her use of the word "nanotechnology" in conjunction with mRNA, but yes, the liquid nanoparticles (LNPs) are nanotechnolgy designed to bypass cellular defenses, and quite good at doing so. In this instance they are used to deliver modRNA (pseudouridilated mRNA, or whatever you want to call it), not mRNA, into cells, along with other toxic genetic junk byproducts of manufacture), and it's difficult to see any "therapeutic" value in the design. It would appear to be solely a bioweapon.

Kingston's statements summarized here are generally verifiable through other independent sources. For that matter, I would say that anyone with a basic understanding of biochemistry and genetics, given a little bit of research, could have seen the danger by just looking at the information available in 2020, and yet many who do have that understanding failed to see. I currently only have one (retired) scientist in my circle of acquaintances, an entomologist, and I don't think that she saw it before I pointed it out to her. The many churches that embraced the lies of the "authorities" were of no help.

In terms of prophecy, I prefer Revelation 18:23b, which is retrospective, over Matthew 24:19-22, which is prospective. Both are prophetic, but the retrospective view potentially encompasses the present day, with the object of deception being "all the nations". One must, however, appreciate who are οἱ ἔμποροί (τῆς γῆς, v. 3), οἱ μεγιστᾶνες τῆς γῆς, and οἱ φαρμάκοι. English translations are not very helpful in that regard, but then they were written before pharma's deception of all the nations became crystal clear in 2020, not that it wasn't taking place long before that.

The direct pharma-related warnings are reinforced in Gal. 5:20 and Rev. 9:21, 21:8, and 22:15, and possibly in a few Septuagint passages.

Rev. 22:11 Let the evildoer continue to do evil, and the filthy be filthy still;

let the righteous continue to act righteously, and the holy be holy still.”

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Bioweapon.. period . Never ever jab pregnant women without thorough clinical trials . This IS of biblical proportions. Thank u Lioness .

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I didn't know who is Kingston in Jan 2020 but seeing the genetic sequence of the Spike protein which came out little later, it was obvious to me, that we are dealing with a bioweapon containing pieces of OTHER pathogenic (Marburg, cholera, anthrax, etc, etc) NIH data bases entries... There is genetics out there, including mRNA, synthetic genes like the mod mRNA (in Pfizer. Mod-E-RNA concoctions) and there is nanotechnology, and Kingston never speaks about the first one properly. While using the extremely deceptive word covid19 'vaccines', like all MD's, the misinformation is being propagated more and more... Sure nanotechnology can be lethal, and the injections should have NEVER BEEN APPLIED ON HUMAN BEINGS, who are now genetically modified!!! That part is the essential goal of covid crimes. Not sure is it all deliberate or just a lack of knowledge, of all the 'experts'...

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