Wonder how many of the kids getting the COVID jab will be sterile

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Fuck this shit where’s the work at

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Sadly many still refuse to see the first round as a kill off

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I know quite a few jab injured now that we’re perfectly healthy. Regret their decision but you can’t reverse it. They can’t detox this poison. And some are dying from their decision. Doubt they will get the bird flu jab.

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I sure hope they will not comply.

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Not sure. Here’s the way I see it playing out. Now you have a group of people that will never take it. They know all vaccines are nothing but poison especially the new lipid nano tech garbage. People had technology injected into them. Then you have the jab injured. Hopefully they won’t make the same mistake. And then you have people that know jab injured people. Hopefully they woke up. Then you have the clueless. The people that took some of the other sauce and feel fine. They’re gonna get wrecked!

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Sounds quite plausible. . My heart breaks because it’s so sinister. . .

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All everyone had to say was no! Shit show would have been over in one week! Now entering year 5 of 2 weeks to flatten your pulse!

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Dr. Tenpenny I am so grateful for your guidance these past horrible years. You are brilliant and brave.

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I’ve got a dark suspicion and it’s part of the legislation in IHR amendment which James Rowjeski has been warning of. And that is it may be possible that the next round of whatever they’ve planned will be the vaccine will actually be a “antidote “ this will have the effect ( one of many) of closing down the antivax defence as Tedros is adamant he was to eliminate.

Just a cynical thought!!🤔🤨

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I’m not. Sure they have the technology for that. Maybe an antidote to a vaccine but other than that what would the vaccine antidote protect you from? Deadly flu?

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An antidote doesn’t protect it stops the effects of whatever has been injected, ingested or inhaled. For snakebite it stops or neutralises the venom. For something nefarious it would stop the effects of that thus giving the impression if sold that way it was a miraculous vaccine.

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These globalist devils and their government sycophants will think of every which way to destroy us and what sustains us.

People need to wake up and NOT comply!

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If there's a highly contagious flu that's been in the news for what, a month now, where are all the sick people?

No one is buying what they're selling, and like Monkeypox and ebola, and every other supposed highly contagious dis-ease, if there's no one around that believes in it, it doesn't exist.

I've always found it comical that the dreaded norovirus never gets of the ship with the passenger. With 5,000 people on a cruise ship, from all over the country, that are supposedly exposed to a contagious virus, and it doesn't spread through airports and airplanes when they travel to the ship or home, or their communities when they return home from the cruise? Because it's food poisoning and the food stays on the ship. Same when it appears at a convention. The Norwalk virus was obviously created to protect cruise, travel and hospitality businesses.

-There's a phenomena that causes motorcyclists to crash on corners and to hit objects on the road call target fixation, and it's all in the head. The trick to preventing it is to look for a open space around the object or beyond the corner.

Always look to see what never happens with a virus. While a few people in a household or school or work will get sick the winter, consider all other people you or they have been in contact with and how many did not get sick, and how that would be impossible if a novel contagious pathogen existed. The Corona virus, for example, magically stopped at major city borders and state lines, akin to how the Norwalk virus stays on cruise ships.

There's an old adage that also applies to viruses & boogeymen in the closet:

Ignore them and they'll go away.

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It doesn’t exist! A flu is a detox process from being poisoned!

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If anyone doesn’t want the so called flu, don’t inject toxins into your body and you should be fine!

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Ipso Facto:

If you were truly part of a depopulation agenda:

You would also be a part of a repopulation agenda in your likeness.

Once “practically everyone” was gone - or most people, you’d want to re-populate with your own DNA.

Jeffrey Epstein was a big banker of his sperm.

Give me a list of wealthy “insiders” that have banked significant volumes of their sperm, and I will show you the plotters.

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I got there with the following quip below . .. and then I thought, (if you follow that all the way through to its logical conclusion), you would arrive at the spank bank as a “smoking gun”.

‘Be good.

“Okay. I’ll Admit It.

Covid Was Not My Idea.

But I Have A Better One:

Everyone In The World

Should Take The Vaccine.

Except Me.

(And Miss December 2018)

As The Control Group.”

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The perps behind Crime Scene COVID need to be turbo-executed.

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They create a flu season by injecting toxins! Rinse repeat every year same time!

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Thank u Lioness for this interview.

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A little known fact is that protein (meat) is not only necessary for physical strength but for spiritual strength also. When your body is weakened by lack of protein in the diet, you are also spiritually weakened. Our enemy knows this and plans to remove any meat protein from our diet for the upcoming full on spiritual attacks. The Bible supports this in 1 Tim 4: 1-5. KJV

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Unfortunately the stupid is strong throughout large segments of society. These fools will “follow the science “ and take the next round of death jabs. This shouldn’t surprise people given the state of education and a lazy society who want to be taken care of as opposed to doing for themselves. Thus we’ll see social Darwinism at work… the stupid will die. Such a sad state of affairs. Pax

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Dr. Tenpenny, we have lived in this neighborhood for 30 plus years and never once have they sprayed our neighborhood with mosquitos smoke. On the 10th of June, around 8pm, I was in my home and heard the most horrible, loud noise coming from outside. It sounded just like a train roaring into the neighborhood. I immediately got up and looked out the window and it was this huge white monster truck driving by and spraying the street with a massive amount of smoke and you could not even see the truck or the street. It was the most bazaar, scary and crazy thing I’ve ever seen in my life. I remember as a child seeing trucks and our parents would make us come inside because of the chemicals. Remember they outlawed them because if toxic chemicals. This truck was huge and the smoke was massive. Long time neighbors were also in shock as they never seen this either. And this was not reported in the paper or anywhere to warn the people. I immediately started researching and discovered that the CDC puts these orders out. The next day I called the city manager and she stated they were mosquito trucks but she has no idea where this came from or if this was going to be a routine thing or anything. She gave me the number to another department…they didn’t know anything so he gave me to another department…and so on and so on. This is BS so I was told there were 95 people commenting in the group neighborhood about it and from what I was told the neighbors are not too happy with it.

I suppose I need to start a petition and get this crap resolved otherwise we’ve got to get out of here. Any information to help me with this task would be greatly appreciated from you or your readers.

They are going to kill us one way or another. This is why people say get out of the city limits.

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Sorry, I just realized this is not Dr. Tenpenny’s substack but if anyone has any advice it would sure be appreciated! Thx ❤️

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And since when does the CDC care about our health! I also forgot to note that I found a patent about mosquito repellent and it was issued in 2020…we’ll go figure that. The inventor was a man that seems to have an Asian name. I would not be surprised if the CDC bought a patent license from this patent owner to use to kill us. This is getting ridiculous.

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Sherri has been talking about this at least since 2008 since her great book was published though she may not have said it that way, that is death by government. But so has Judy Mikovits et al Suzanne Humphries. One of my favorites is Murder by Injection by Eustace Mullins, free to download online. Look for it.

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