Great article. TurboCancer is what resulted in learning about fenbendazole. Close relative, with no breast tissue from 2009 masectomy, developed metastatic BC “everywhere” in late 2021 after two moderna covid shots. Lung, bone, kidney, pancreas. At 83, she refused all treatment and went home to hospice care. Nothing to lose so she took fenbendazole (222 mg per day)...available from pet store or amazon. Cancer gone in 4 months, she felt and looked better in 1 month! Read her Case Report at https://fenbendazole.substack.com

No side effects! We don’t have to die from most solid tumor cancers any more! Fenben is cheap, OTC, side effect free antiparasitic medicine that cures...cures! cancer. It will change your life to know that you can not worry about cancer. Read the Substack, all the science and supporting findings are there. Not selling a thing, not even subscriptions. This is a pay-it-forward effort to help others eradicate their cancers.

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For some reason the masses want the best of what modern day oncology offers & it's not fenbendazole? They would rather die than be proven that this stuff works? They think a mnra injection over ivm/hcq is the answer?

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Careful you don't believe what you think.

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I have used Fenbendazole and Joe tippens protocol with CBD and Bioavailable Curcumin. I've had no side effects. This is for a polyp that was found in my uterus. I did Not take the jab.

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I did not see any "self-assembling" things in the recorded microscopy, except something looking like a salt crystal forming in a drop exposed to open air, drying the sample out. I did see things I suspect are nanoparticles, nanotubes and ribbons. I suspect this comes from industrial waste, plastic bags, solar panels, coloring etc.

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You are paranoid and nuts. good bye.

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Are you sure?

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We've been witnessing an increase in fetal death rates...coupled with a "strange silence"...not sure what it's gonna take for the public to get enraged and demand for these shots to be stopped and the data to be evaluated, but until that day...everyone is getting rich who is promoting it. SICK


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Thank you Dr. Coleman for posting Dr. Ana's brilliant work. I've been following her for over a year. I pray hard each & every day for humankind. I will never stop speaking Truth to tyranny & my Soul is not for sale. Dear Lord, deliver us from evil ...

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Just what all sh%& did they put in this crud??

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Why can't copy this to give to my friends who do not have computer. I am 83y. was a nurse and need proof that these vaccines are bio-weapons. There isn't any reason for them to believe me.

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