The powers-that-be don't want Dowd's information because this is exactly what was planned. They WANTED people to die; less people to control makes it easier to control them.

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I hope that someone will please make a Plandemic of the Vaccinated Black Swan Event bumpersticker.

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Thank you for signing the Health Freedom Bill of Rights to stop the tyranny of the WHO.

Please share our campaign at https://childrenshealthdefense.org/TheGreatFreeset, and check back often for updates.

This is only the beginning!

The Team at Children's Health Defense

Here is the petition:

We demand these rights:

The right to no medical mandates, including medications or biologics.

The right to no discrimination based on medical or healthcare decisions.

The right to informed consent without coercion.

The right to individualized medical care.

The right to exclude third parties from our medical care.

The right to receive medical care regardless of vaccination status.

The right to a medical advocate of our choice.

The right to free movement/travel regardless of vaccination status.

The right to forego quarantine without due process.

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May 5, 2023Edited
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Thank you appreciate it..

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Looks like all the criminals are starting to resign and hide out.. I guess the A team will be replacing them getting ready for the next severe PLANDEMIC, with the WHO pulling the strings.. Need to check the money trail and WEF and WHO and all affiliations for the next group across the globe and here.. Like replacements for Fauci, Walensky, FDA ,etc..

Walensky resigns


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When I heard "WHO says COVID emergency is over" today, my first thought was the next one is ready to be launched. Which was quickly replaced with nah, the next big one will be 2024, it worked so well the first time.

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Yea I hear you but I see it a couple different ways, there was a document that said 2025, but I think we are good to 2024 or 2025.. My thinking is they want to get at least two things done, they learned from all the push back from their last PLANDEMIC.. My feeling is they want to get BIDDING back into office in 2024, and they want to get that WHO treaty passed, after that they will over rule each country, and BIDDING will go along with anything and everything if he gets back in office and all the CDC, FDA, Fauci replacements will be in place, and they will be more ruthless then the last group of EVIL minions.. Meanwhile we will get the other layers of their EVIL.. LGBTQ*******, Bank failures to set up the CBDC, Climate CON, Chemtrail poisons, poison mosquitoes, poison food, poison water, etc,etc,etc..

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I hear you back. No way it will be the same, as they are surely working overtime for new and powerful techniques to ruin our days. As someone who loves chess and 1000 piece puzzles my brain started going where you went but my gut overrode the request. Went thru a divorce 10 years ago and decided to give my oh so brilliant mind a rest, and let my gut do the heavy lifitng for awhile. Gut said no to digging around the upcoming rabbit hole of the evil and get some air with my dogs. These busy build back better bastards are most likley on the high of highs creating civilizations demise.

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Why would Congress do anything? Most of them surely have stock in the pharmaceutical companies and are getting rich off this fascism.

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The davos crowd could use those sat dishes to cook their food on the island they get put on:


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Extremely disturbing .... The Bioweapon from hell ...to depopulate and control those left .

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Our guy in Canada - the supreme being - was , in his sneering way, critical of the official opposition because he used his time to question Biden about the injuries caused by the experimental gene and the mandates. Young T suggested he was wasting his time going down the rabbit holes of conspiracy -polite laughter from his minions. I kind of wonder if Biden even knew who he was in fact talking with since there are some obvious flaws with his thinking processes.

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I really appreciate ED DOWD and STEVE KIRSCH. the numbers are real and probably not reported in the effectual completeness. Meaning if your vax injured PLEASE report it!! ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️. Do not give up. Never give up.

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It would be great if we could "do something" about the pandemic of the vaccinated. To date, though, I have not read anything about a treatment that will undo the effects of the poisonous shots. Until/unless that is found, we won't be able to do very much to help them.

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Dr. Peter McCullough is saying for the vaxxed to take Nattokinase (sp?) 2000fu (100mg per day). I don't know how long they are supposed to take it for, I haven't read that information yet. I keep searching, but haven't found the answer yet. He says it gets rid of the spike protein.

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FWIW, I would be extremely skeptical of any claim, especially by a "prominent" voice in the covid narrative (purportedly on either side of the debate) to have found a viable detox protocol. I think we would have heard more about this one if in fact it really did work.

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For TPTB to admit to this black swan event would be even more financial devastation (licensure revocation until fit to perform duties aka pilots, vehicles, buses, heavy equipment, surgeries, etc) then the the injured collecting SSDI - the immediate collapse of SSI and the 30ish percent basically supporting the 60ish percent AND this sucks all the $$$ flow leaving no more for the grifting TPTB to grift out of the economy.

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As these individuals have proven to be disruptive and dangerous, it is necessary for us as a society to find a way to remove their legal protections. According to French sociologist Alain Ehrenberg's recent works, neoliberalism has shifted many personal responsibilities to individuals, but the State still has a crucial duty to protect its citizens. Although Thatcher and Reagan partially reverted to pre-New Deal policies, any Western government that neglects its sovereign obligations risks inciting a significant revolt. - Luc

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Even as early as Nov. 19, 2021 a letter from researcher Günter Kampf published in The Lancet https://www.thelancet.com/journals/lanepe/article/PIIS2666-7762(21)00258-1/fulltext blew some major holes in the vaccine narrative stopping the spread; in fact, there appears to be greater spread of illness and death among those who took the shots compared to those who left their immune systems alone to fight disease naturally. Per Kampf: the epidemiological relevance of the fully vaccinated “is increasing,” based on the latest data. At best, the jabs are providing no protection whatsoever. At worst, they are making the people who take them more prone to a negative health outcome. “In the UK, it was described that secondary attack rates among household contacts exposed to fully vaccinated index cases was similar to household contacts exposed to unvaccinated index cases (25% for vaccinated vs 23% for unvaccinated). [Twelve] of 31 infections in fully vaccinated household contacts (39%) arose from fully vaccinated epidemiologically linked index cases. Peak viral load did not differ by vaccination status or variant type.”

In Germany, Kampf adds, the rate of symptomatic covid among the vaccinated is increasing. July 2021 was ~16.9 percent among patients 60 years of age and older, but by October 27, that figure was 58.9 percent, “providing clear evidence of the increasing relevance of the fully vaccinated as a possible source of transmission.” A similar phenomenon is occurring in the United Kingdom as well. Symptomatic covid cases among the fully vaccinated are rising just as they are in Israel and elsewhere. The U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) then announced at that time (see https://www.newstarget.com/2021-12-21-lancet-paper-destroys-false-narrative-covid-vaccines.html )four of the top five counties with the highest percentage of fully vaccinated population (84.3-99.9 percent) are “high” transmission counties. Yes, it is the vaccinated probably spreading much or most of the Covid out there… just like vaccine developer van den Bossche and Nobel Prize winner in medicine Montagnier told us a year ago.

“It appears to be grossly negligent to ignore the vaccinated population as a possible and relevant source of transmission when deciding about public health control measures,” Kampf concludes, telling us continuing to call this all a “pandemic of the unvaccinated” is simply false. In reality, this is a pandemic of the vaccinated – exactly as even leftist mouthpiece The Atlantic, had to admit in a backhanded manner, here https://www.theatlantic.com/ideas/archive/2021/09/persuade-unvaccinated-protect-unvaccinated/620091/ - as the plandemic would already be over had everyone chosen to remain unvaccinated. MIT trained Steve Kirsh says the exact same thing about being a pandemic of the unvaccinated, saying “It is the vaccinated that are populating the ICUs, not the unvaccinated. This is why they aren’t talking about it

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The secondary infection will be the issue when they have no more cd8

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The masses all have their heads in the sand trying to lay low in belief they aren’t the next target. When will all hell break loose and the totalitarian plan either be exposed or implemented to enslave us all

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