Hang the lot

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It’s mostly the cruelty of women that the lockdown propagandists relied on, Laura! That’s why we all appreciate ye women NOT of that frame of mind all the more.

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I live in a small town. When I went to check out a book a my local 'woke' library, I was told I was not wearing my mask properly hence she became known as the Library Na$i.

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Who was she to decide what was proper or not ? Are there mask specialists?

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It was representative of the whole covid episode. The righteous and virtuous felt they could impose their will. They gloried in it.

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But they still don't care. The gaslighting continues unabated.

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Is the BPM going to be the whipping boy? Making everything okay again. ??? Oh brother. That is cruel immature and chicken.

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If by BPM you mean "Boris Johnson" over here in Canada I have no sympathy for the evil, collaborating, messy-haired moronic prick. Just like our darling Justine Castreau he should be facing something like "Nuremberg II"; be inevitably found guilty and preferably guillotined: No possibility of faking, no ambiguity. Their executions must be public, and televised. Nothing less is adequate.

And that goes for Matt Hancock, Simon Case, Bill Gates, Klaus Schwab, Anthony Fauci, Yuval Noah Harari, Scott Morrison, Donald Trump, Jacintha Adern, Joe Biden, Gretchen Witmer, Gavin Newsom -- the whole despicable, damnable crew, across the planet. Every last collaborating quisling God-damned (literally) one of them.

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BPM - British prime minister. Sorry for more alphabet soup. 😵‍💫

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There are a multitude of spooks and DOD that were involved in operation Warp Speed. They too should face the guillotines or gallows, makes no difference to me as long as it’s in the public square.

If the information I’m reading is true and the bioweapon “vaccine” has harmed the immune system and millions will die, then many doctors will be found hanging from lampposts. The rage will be uncontrollable.

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Mr. Carlson... I suspected it will be in the BILLIONS. 5.55 billion people on Earth, supposedly, have taken at least one of those injections. Based on what I've been hearing, I fully expect a 30% mortality rate of the human population, by this time next year.

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To this day I have ZERO appetite to talk to most of my biological or inherited family.

After 18 months of forwarding pertinent info and pleading with them...I just had to walk away.

It was like everything that happened was justifiable in their petulant minds. Nothing was "too much" to mitigate the threat of the pandemic...to them.

I just cannot even imagine the thought of enjoying their company anymore.

Who knows....maybe way down the road?

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You possibly have read CS Lewis "Narnia" books? Remember the parable of "Uncle Andrew" at the beginning of the series, and of the Dwarfs "who would not be taken in" at the other? The reality they found themselves in was not acceptable to them, so they made themselves utterly incapable of perceiving it. That's what you're dealing with, with your family, with the vast majority of humanity.

As Jesus advised, shake the dust off your sandals, and walk away.

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Right on the money. The Last Battle....the scene in the stable...."the dwarfs are for the dwarfs". One cannot reason with this.

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Notice how he justifies his actions by putting it back on the people, and their free will… a very satanic perspective.

| Mr Hancock responded: ‘None. But 149 chose to enter the country and are now in Quarantine Hotels due to their own free will!’ to which Mr Case replied: ‘Hilarious.’ |

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Those that knowingly perpetrated evil, cruel and inhumane treatment of other human beings have forfeited their right to walk among humankind for to do so only says this is acceptable behavior for the next truly mentally ill, evil power hungry individuals wanting to fill these soon to be vacated positions. Are we not reaping the “paper clip” German scientists spared (for accountability of their Nazi atrocities) and brought here to do nasty deeds in our government aka DARPA? Stop repeating history!

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Make no mistake this was one of the many depopulation events they warned us about. They told us they were going to do it, they did, and people still don't get it. Just like when Jesus tried to change the world in a positive way and upset the corrupt system. They killed him for it. He saw all of this coming way back then, and he was and still is right.

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Mar 11, 2023
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I think most people in government are not capable in the private sector. They are chosen for their acting ability and speech giving prowess. Now it's skin color, gender, nationality, and pronouns into the mix. What could possibly go wrong with this criteria?

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We’ve lived through a terrible time of warning. Powerful governments are an existential threat to civilization. Usually the worst people get into the most powerful offices.

If we learn this now, then the Great Reset and other totalitarian horrors might be strangled before they can grow bigger.

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"Chirp! Chirp! Chirpety! Chirpety!" Go the mainstream media crickets... 🙄

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Today is 11 March.

3 years ago - 11 March 2020 - the WHO declared a pandemic.

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The WHO is a criminal gang; its members should have been arrested, its assets confiscated, decades ago...

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Sadly the WHO is in charge of the world. Recently Biden signed over US sovereignty to the WHO in the event of another pandemic - which Gates has already warned is forthcoming - and the MSM said nothing. Crickets yet again. Some argue Biden’s act was treasonous.

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"Some argue"? No question. The only thing that would let Joe Biden off the hook since he was shoe-horned into the Whitehouse is he's obviously senile.

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Clearly they will use “senile” excuse when Biden launches nukes from Minot Airforce base in ND. They clearly replaced those commanders with individuals more amenable to the WEF agenda.

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Likely quite some time ago...

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Over Here, the phrase that came to mind was "Licensed Sadism".

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