I didn't trust doctors (medical/pharma industrial complex) before the plandemic so why would I trust them afterwards?

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The Medical Schools

Shit These Morons Out Every Year.

They Each Live In Constant Terror

Of Being Found Out To Be The Morons

And Shitheads

That They Know Themselves To Be.


Push Any Button.


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How the university system works, is frankly, beyond my comprehension. "How in the Hell do you get good marks?" asked my sister, after slaving away for a month on a term paper frequently till 2 in the morning... and it came back with a "C". She eventually wound up a lawyer, how she survived the gauntlet I can't imagine...

On the other hand I was one of the few graduates from my university's music department to get a job as a professional musician. I applied at the university in the city I was living in to their graduate program in music; asked two of my professors and my instrumental instructor for references -- and they all sent letters NOT recommending me!

And I think of a (now former) friend, who evidently didn't like my comments about The Lethal Injections or the Covid Fraudemic very much... When he got into Medical School 30 years ago, we all had a good laugh at the prospect.. a friend of mine at the time voiced the concern: "Aw, Bill's a nice guy -- but he's STUPID!"

Bill's been practicing medicine now, for over 30 years. But frankly? I wouldn't trust him with a burnt-out match, and never have... 🤔

PS: for your delection and enjoyment: "Talking to Deltas About Liberty, Part 2" https://sexdiaryofanoboist.wordpress.com/2017/03/31/talking-to-deltas-about-liberty-part-2/

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Thank you for a powerful, honest & informative article Dr. Ahmad Malik. It is doctors such as yourself & Dr. Coleman who give me HOPE. The TRUTH will prevail when we continue to speak TRUTH to Medical tyranny. May GOD bless us all & keep us forever in His/Her Care ...

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Thank you

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Revelation 21:8 ....🙏

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This I believe. Also Rev. 18:23


The word associated with sorcery, witchcraft, and poisoning by the administration of drugs is pharmakeia in the Greek.

Deceptions and seductions (lies and promises) are part of the meaning.

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🙏God’s timing is perfect.

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Thank you for this excellent piece you wrote You are a hero! If only there were more like you! God will certainly bless you and your family

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Still happening in Canada.

Bill C-36 in BC: Healthcare workers still mandated.

Sheila Annette Lewis: needs lung transplant to in AB, denied because of her jab status.

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Sadly all of society has to suffer when the subversion of the truth,

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Via weak people, as nations fall to the evil then rise up out of dystopia and death into the dawn of a new age of faith, courage and strength based on truth.

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I lost it with Doktors completely, when my lady hemmoraged heavily & was given a choice of abortion by D&C or death. She survived but we discovered she was still pregnant with our twin daughter whom they had missed terminating. Faith was stillborn 5 months later, except for the cut on the back of her head of fine black hair. Vera Sharav (Never Again is Now Global) has an intimimate knowledge on a global level in understanding & explaining why it's changed radically & globally.

IMO-The medical symbol of 🐍🐍is dead accurate...⚰️⚰️☦️🙏

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So horrible. I’m sorry

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The mainstream fakers (I have to pause to get my vowels straight) pooh pooh any anecdotal evidence? Well, it's THE evidence. On Easter Sunday, a friend's sister, 69 (who was vaxxed x a zillion), had a heart attack. Doc said it was a clot in her neck, "You wouldn't believe how many of these I've done." That was supposed to give the family comfort? The question not asked, "How many of those experiments lived?" The plug was pulled within 24 hours post-surgery. Watching and tallying, I have no trust whatsoever in the industry.

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Comprehend exactly what people are feeling. It's NOT a good thing to imagine needing the services of ETHICAL Doctors in ETHICAL Hospitals and refusing to go due to the fact of them now being 'Death Traps' after SELLING-OUT TO THE GLOBALISTS. They really were IMPLEMENTING THEIR DEPOPULATION OR DESTRUCTION OF THE AMERICAN MIDDLE CLASS NEEDING TO BE DESTROYED SINCE IT WAS DEFINED THE GREATEST ENEMY OF HUMANKIND BY THE BRITISH SINCE THE VICTORY OF THE U.S. REVOLUTION. Here is a Substack addressing this topic by a historian having encylopaedic knowledge requiring years to acrue, it's certain:


Watched Russell Brand Show last night with interview of RFK Jr. and he addressed the history of this current Ai/Bio Nanoweapon Warfare/Psy-Ops we're currently fighting. Didn't know this research began with WW2 Nazi Doctors/Scientists brought to the states way back in the 40's. Was very interesting. He speaks about the recent year's beginning at about 33 min.


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I f-ing hate doctors now. I’m supposed to be a Christian woman and I have utter hatred for these scum . God forgive me.

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As a Christian, I share your disdain.

But consider that hatred gives these drug pushing monsters precious access to your thoughts and feelings and they don't deserve it!

The best strategy is forgiveness (ya, ya, I know) release, rinse, repeat.

We can still be wise as serpents yet harmless as doves. (Matthew 10:6) AMP

I strive to be very healthy and avoid any interaction with these for-profit people.

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Amen - you are so right and believe me I agonize over this every day because I am Orthodox and it’s all about purity of heart and repentance. But I have to be honest before I can heal my heart. I am filled with rage and anger .

I pray about it all the time and confess. It doesn’t help that every one of my friends will not see the truth, and even my own husband is vaxed and refuses to discuss it. My brother died last year of cancer that I believe was hugely exacerbated by the vax. It’s lonely, frustrating and scary . I don’t want to give you excuses...I’m sure you know what I mean 😕

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Hold on. Keep your faith and trust where it belongs.

Many of us feel alone and isolated because our loved ones turned their back on us and God.

Working through resentment has been a daily exercise for me for the last few years. Some days are definitely harder than others but as long as you keep your feet firmly planted in truth, you’re rooted with God. Your relationship with our creator is the one that matters most. Be the light.

I spend time in nature every day. It helps me physically, mentally and spiritually. Witnessing God’s perfect works is inspiring.

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Thank you!! You are absolutely right and this I try to do... I can’t focus on the pain or I’ll go crazy. I have to be the Light and feel my connection to Christ .

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Exactly my feelings, Joanna. Allegiance to hospital protocol and the pharma bribes trumps The Oath. Scene: My doctor's office inside the regional medical center. This was for a routine physical. Sent the Q/A form by e-mail. I filled out. I sent back. I get a call to go to the parking lot, ring them and they'd send someone out to take my temp to see if I could go in the hospital. And by the way, "It would not be a hands-on physical." I told the person to give me a call when the doctor wasn't so damned timid. And they wonder why the hospitals are empty! That and the fear that they won't let you or your loved one out again except through the morgue entrance with big toe stamped "COVID" no matter what the cause. $$$$$$$. $.

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Horrible. They’re all manipulative , controlling cowards now , almost every last one of them, and the irony is they think they’re saving themselves . In the end they will have to live with what they’ve done . I won’t go to a doctor now. God help me if I need help . Take care of yourself!

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Everything you've written I agree with. Think of the prescription meds that have innumerable side effects and people still take them, trusting in the judgement of the white lab coat. I think of the animals sacrificed by these sadists who hook them up to tubes and wires and gauges while they do their dark experiments. I didn't used to think that way, believing the cause was good and, of course, people ruling the earth and the animals. Dr. Ardis is right. God put on this earth everything we need to handle illness. I'll take my xrays to a chiropractor and have him diagnose. I mean it. You take care, too. We need strength for the battle.

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We sure do. I agree with you also. Anyone who can experiment on animals has to be evil.

I do see an osteopath for cranial sacral treatment and that keeps me pretty healthy . I’m glad you have someone you trust.

I heard an interview with Russel Brand and Robert Kennedy today and Kennedy talked about Operation Paperclip when the US hired nazi bioweapon specialists. It started long ago. Fauci is basically one of them. Have you ever heard of that?

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I have. I can't believe how many 3-letter groups have the nefarious purpose to undermine and even exterminate the Americans who love the Constitution. FBI against parents but not against the terrorism that caused 18,000 milk cows to burn to death and I've lost count of the train derailments; CIA that kidnapped and tortured an American general all the while its deputy is arrested for threatening to kill President Trump and his family (the SOB got his just desserts when he was thrown off the ship for instigating a mutiny); DOJ for ignoring Chinese bribes that were accepted by our current administration even while the FBI signed a Russian hoax in a coup against President Trump...it goes on and on.

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I lost confidence in the US mainstream medical profession a long, long time ago. More than half my life ago, and I'm almost 60. It is dead and has been dead. The p(l)andemic was merely the funeral, burial, and memorial service.

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Excellent overview of the Plandemic. I’m afraid the majority of people are still afraid they will get censored or be called a conspiracy theorist if they acknowledge the truth. Humanity is weak and most will just bury their heads in the sand hoping it doesn’t come back. This kind of silence is exactly what the “planners” and “instigators” of the Covid hoax wanted.

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Yes. I will never blindly trust a medical doctor ever again. I will cautiously use their services when required, but almost every last one here in Canada showed a despicable lack of intellectual or moral courage. My desire to use any type of injection is almost nonexistent. I’m horrified at what has been maliciously done to the human race. I can only call it for what it is - EVIL! God help us all. 😢🙏🏻

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Though it may be difficult to believe in the aftermath of COVID, the medical profession does possess a Code of Ethics. The four fundamental concepts of Medical Ethics – its 4 Pillars – are Autonomy, Beneficence, Non-maleficence, and Justice.

Autonomy, Beneficence, Non-maleficence, and Justice

These ethical concepts are thoroughly established in the profession of medicine. I learned them as a medical student, much as a young Catholic learns the Apostle’s Creed. As a medical professor, I taught them to my students, and I made sure my students knew them. I believed then (and still do) that physicians must know the ethical tenets of their profession, because if they do not know them, they cannot follow them.

These ethical concepts are indeed well-established, but they are more than that. They are also valid, legitimate, and sound. They are based on historical lessons, learned the hard way from past abuses foisted upon unsuspecting and defenseless patients by governments, health care systems, corporations, and doctors. Those painful, shameful lessons arose not only from the actions of rogue states like Nazi Germany, but also from our own United States: witness Project MK-Ultra and the Tuskegee Syphilis Experiment.

The 4 Pillars of Medical Ethics protect patients from abuse. They also allow physicians the moral framework to follow their consciences and exercise their individual judgment – provided, of course, that physicians possess the character to do so. However, like human decency itself, the 4 Pillars were completely disregarded by those in authority during COVID.

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In the same way, those who don't know what the Bible teaches, what God requires cannot follow God's ways.

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All 4 pillars came tumbling down during the covid plandemic.

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Stellar article outlining what should be basic ethical, moral, philosophical, educational & statistical standards for all mankind in medicine. The brutish cretins & malfeasants that promoted & mandated these products were not in truth, “man kind” - they are immoral beasts.

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How sad that the vast majority of the people that see the genocide are not standing up for truth

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