When it comes to vaccines, or in this case an experimental gene therapy, data of negative efficacy or no efficacy is ignored. Safety signals are ignored. It was always the plan to use vaccines as a tool for population control therefore it was not allowed to speak ill of any vaccine.

You can pick apart many vaccines to show they are less than worthless but nothing is done. For example, the 30 retrospective Aaby study in Africa showed the DPT vaccine increased overall mortality 10x. Nothing was done to stop using it.

In the U.S. Whooping cough is touted as vaccine preventable disease, yet the medical literature indicates that over 90% of the Bordetella bacteria that causes the disease have evolved past the vaccine, which neither prevents transmission or infection (in other words the population is lied to about the safety & efficacy of this vaccine). In fact, it is known that getting the vaccine increases one's chances of coming down with the infection 4x of the course of one's lifetime and there is nothing one can do to change that.

So, here we have this vaccine with major safety signals (10x overall mortality increase) and negative efficacy as it increases not decreases one's chance of being infected. Is there any interest in pulling it....NO.

Causing harm seems to be the operational paradigm of our captured regulatory agencies.

I submit that you could show the vaccine causes 100% mortality and it still would not be pulled in today's socio-political environment.

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It would win an award

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It has the most wins for maiming and killing

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Apologies, but the injections "only" supply the "hardware"; the "software" comes from instructions through 5G and comparable technologies. The "hardware" is also coming in from all directions, along with carcinogens, and some of those and quite old-fashioned:


The end result is the same as if mRNA was used, but it's not, because it would be an unnecessary overkill, and it would reduce the scope of plausible deniability:


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Great article - a concise summary of the worst observed side effects of the injections and their contribution to excess mortality.

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No real evidence that it's the vaccines besides timing. There are other factors to consider...like EMFs.

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My life-loving ♥️bravest of the brave older sister had beat all the odds with stage 4 cancer 3 years ago until these evil cv19 shots came on the scene. 😪 Now she’s got lesions in the skull, liver and lungs after 7 of these death injections and she needs a total miracle. As Canada’s health hero and radiologist/oncologist, Dr. William Makis says, these “never before seen turbo cancers” that showed up with the cv19 jab rollout are not responding to standard treatments. 🙏♥️🙏

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