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Feb 17, 2024Edited
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Yeah Evil people like Bill Gates

Lucifer’s Minions. They are knowingly murdering. That’s Satans Goal.

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Feb 18, 2024
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Kelleigh you ever watch Zak from Wretched Watchman talks about eugenics and tranhumanism and he Loves the Lord . That be YouTube

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Feb 18, 2024
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No Wretched watchman

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You would go to the live part and that will say Watch Tower , nothing to do with Jehova witness

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Except his daughter married a muslim, so you know they will not practice infanticide.

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Governments are committing democide. It’s a eugenics and depopulation and enslavement program/operation. If you must, look past the governments and toward the power players who indirectly influence and directly control governments. That will usually take you more into the weeds than it will take you into clearly seeing things as they really are. What’s plain and clear and simple and straightforward? Look at what GOVERNMENTS are doing. They are killing and maiming their own people. Get that through your thick skulls and stop supporting your governments. As is being commonly said “You cannot comply your way out of tyranny”. Sure. We are slaves. Wage slaves and tax slaves and debt slaves. We are subjects. We are not free. There have been slave rebellions. Would you rather die as a rebel or stay a slave?

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Feb 17, 2024
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Frankly, I am totally ignorant about the answer to the question “How many people have awakened to the fact that they are slaves?” When we look at the famous saying of Christ “If you abide in My word, you are truly My disciples. And you will know the truth, and the truth will set free you”, Christ’s listeners ARGUED with Him. Clearly, they didn’t abide in His word. Are we any better?

Frankly, I don’t know how (I’m not aware of the extent of how) enslaved I am, in the specific context of the words of Christ which followed next. “Truly, truly, I say to you that everyone practicing the sin is a slave of the sin. Now the slave does not abide in the house to the age; the son abides to the age. So if the Son shall set you free, you will be free indeed.” If I had to guess, there are very Very VERY few people who are “free indeed”.

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Well said.

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Well said yes. Thankfully though, He isn’t measuring degrees of freedom. He gifted it entirely, ..we are (usually) just slow to learn to walk it out. We are fully known by Him, He knows who are His, and who will soon become His upon their repentant request in belief. Praise and thank You LORD Jesus.

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Many have awakened to the fact that the 'vaccines' are potentially lethal, or life-altering at best.

They might not say it in public (yet), but they do not want any more jabs, regardless of govt. pressure and insane jabbering about 'safe and effective'.

There are also countries with relatively large cohorts in the control group, such as the UK where 30% have never been jabbed. The UK also publishes death data according to 'vaccination' status, which according to ONS data show 61K dying in the control group vs. 1 million in the, especially 4x, jabbed. That should be game over.

It could also help explain the apparent better outcomes in say Sweden or Denmark (though Denmark is still at about 6% excess deaths, Sweden have none). Those countries did not push boosters past the 2, or maybe 3rd for certain groups.

Of course, it could well be that it will come for the <4 boosted, just gonna take a bit longer.

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Wow! All my family are alive and well. We’re all vaccinated, all 36 of us. I personally have had seven shots. Three of my friends, all unvaccinated, died. Strange that the “lethal” shots killed none of us.

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Amazing - were you on pharma;s payroll - or are a bot

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Depopulation and lots of money was made . All very evil . We are in a spiritual war , that’s not ending anytime soon . Pray the Lord intervenes 🙏

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I’m troubled by this enslavement operation. Frankly, I don’t know if “freedom” — as provided by a constitutional and republican form of government — is great big lie. Have you read about Americans (for example) being born into a system of Admiralty Law, as opposed to the law of the land? I have, but I don’t understand it well. Supposedly, we are born into legal slavery. If so, are we to rebel and fight for our freedom or are we to submit to our government? It’s complicated by these writings in the Bible. “Slaves, obey your earthly masters with respect and fear, and with sincerity of heart, just as you would obey Christ. Obey them not only to win their favor when their eye is on you, but like slaves of Christ, doing the will of God from your heart. Serve wholeheartedly, as if you were serving the Lord, not men, because you know that the Lord will reward everyone for whatever good he does, whether he is slave or free.” Would you counsel men to serve their governments “wholeheartedly”??

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People have lost any form of moral compass . Kindness and love of one another is either diluted or gone in most . Bible clearly speaks of the significance of Love .

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Yes. The Bible speaks of "And because iniquity shall abound, the love of many shall wax cold". More evidence that the root of all problems is sin, iniquity, trespasses.

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The Satanic cult injects you to kill the "Christ" inside you.

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Just don’t ask the mainstream media about it. According to the fact checkers, the injections are still miraculous and safe & effective.

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If in fact Admiralty Law is in effect at birth, the 'earthly masters' do not make it clear that it is. So if their message is at odds with fact, then they practice continuous deception like their father the Devil.

To your next point, as Christians we should use all of God's Word to apply to our situation. If you look at the kings and queens (the government) of Israel and Judah, at least 80% are corrupt and wicked. Under King Ahab and Queen Jezebel, Elijah is clearly an enemy of the royalty while servant Obadiah trying his best, finds a bit of a middle ground. You can also read/remember about Jeremiah and Daniel and realize each king/government must be assessed with prayer, scripture and discernment.

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“ You can also read/remember about Jeremiah and Daniel and realize each king/government must be assessed with prayer, scripture and discernment.”

Absolutely. It puts the onus (the burden of proof) back onto the subjects of the king or government. The question “Do I submit or do I resist?” requires personal revelation, rather than trusting one’s own understanding, even if this understanding comes from one’s private interpretation of what was revealed back then to the people back then. The question “Do I obey my government?” has to do with the here and now, not the then and there. The time has come to beg for wisdom and discernment and godly intelligence. Answers are not going to come from men.

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I believe the Er Nurse . It was a big fat lie from the father of lyes and his minions The Luciferian Elite. We live in troubling times if you don’t know The Lord Yeshua Jesus Christ . For he did not give us a Spirit of fear but of a sound mind that all who believe in Him would have understanding .

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I live in Gainesville near the UF Medical Center. Medical assistants and nurses were telling me similar stories. Overtime hours were only allowed because they were not hiring replacements for nurses and staff who left in 2020 to avoid the mahem that never happened.

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So this story challenges the MEDICAL FREEDOM claims about the emergency need for Ivermectin and HCQ that Trump helped to push. So where do the lies begin? Is MSM in cahoots with McCullough et al?

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They are all pharma drugs. IVM has been robustly linked (animal studies) with genotoxic/cytotoxic/fertility issues. The claim it is perfectly safe is based, not on long-term studies, but on the WHO and Gates 'treating' millions of Africans with billions of doses. The claim also often mentions that IVM has won a Nobel Prize. Sound familiar?

I'm not saying IVM is dangerous, but do we really know?

The seeming fact that we can cure just about anything using long-term urine fasts is anathema to both conventional doctors and 'freedom' doctors. Though, to be fair Dr. Cole, and possibly Makis, certainly Drs. Mercola and Seneff have mentioned fasting. I'm sure many others as well, but urine seems a step too far.

As people who know how corrupt the whole industry is, it is our duty to figure this out ourselves. It costs nothing, is always available and can never, ever be banned. There is just too much anecdotal evidence to ignore any longer.

( https://evolutionaryhealthplan.info/#_Ref40644295 )

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So you could allege the Health Freedom fakers were promoting the depopulation agenda from the hopium side.

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Great interview. My only complaint is how hard it was to listen to her voice... worst case of vocal fry I've ever heard. But what she had to say, was the explosive truth.

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I had no problem with the audio. Perhaps her voice reminds of a personal issue.... Ha!

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I think the culture is largely desensitized to it, as it's so common. But that poor woman will have no voice box left in a few years.

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That's not her normal voice. The raspiness if a signature of someone under stress. Her normal unstressed voice is likely much smoother and happier. I say this with 30 years in the medical field and a wife in the field of psychiatry....But she does need to see a dermatologist for her neck issues.

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I'd bet you're wrong, with due respect and despite your medical knowledge and experience.

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A bet?... Ha! -- Before retirement, my wife was a mental health expert with a focus on suicide prevention. She was good at detecting depression and stress in a subject's voice over the phone. A key indicator is the tension or relaxation of the vocal cords, which can make speech sound strained, like the nurse n the video. New technology has made voice analysis more accurate than the polygraph. Computer Voice Stress Analysts, (CVSA) is so successful, law enforcement has replace polygraph with CVSA.

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Vocal Fry is real and there are many videos on the phenomenon, which took hold amongst the millenial generation, following the affectations of the Kardashians. It saturated the culture and was unconsciously adopted especially by young women but men do it too.

In this particular case, her unfortunate affliction might be intensified by the stress she has gone through, but I doubt it. That speech style is not expressed by most traumatized people.

With all due respect to your wife's expertise in her field, I maintain my position on this.

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Hopefully not a jab injury but just the video/tech. Vocal cord paralysis and chronic pharyngitis for example.

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She wasn't jabbed. People really do talk like this especially women. It became the thing about 20 years ago. I'm sure she's completely unaware of it.

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Most people are like frog’s in a pot of water over a flame. Bye the time the water is boiling it’s to late to jump out.

Apathy and willful ignorance is killing our country. People know more about their idols in music and sports than they do about their Constitution and American history. It’s like third generation family businesses going out of business because they didn’t have to build it, just reap the benefits of it. That’s what’s happened. Most reap the benefits of this country without thinking of the cost of building it or what it takes to keep it.

Every great nation falls because they think the good times will never end.

Our end is coming fast and most don’t see it and in turn don’t see the need to fight to keep it for their own children.

It does give me some hope when ordinary people do extra ordinary things for other’s by shining light on the truth. That’s what we must do is shine the light on evil in this fallen world and share the hope of eternal life through Jesus Christ our Lord and Savior.

If one doesn’t know Christ as their personal savior, I would suggest to start by reading the book of John in the NKJS Bible. That’s the most important thing one can do.

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How to get such people into the msm spotlight and hopefully reach the masses...that’s the question those awake need to figure out and quick.

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Yes. I said this as well, over 2 yrs ago. Ambulance runs and post ER/hospitalization visits exploded after jab rollouts. So so obvious. Sold in 15 nations so far. #2 in kindle ‘virology’ today. https://www.amazon.com/Vaccine-Injuries-Lies-Deaths-Resources-ebook/dp/B0BYMMW3QM/ref=mp_s_a_1_1?crid=MTS8JF4254GJ&keywords=deanna+kline+book&qid=1708218322&sprefix=deanna+kline%2Caps%2C92&sr=8-1

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Anyone with half a brain cell would have surmised that this was a scam. We saw nurses and many first responders doing dance routines. If they were so overwhelmed why did'nt we see them so exhausted that they could'nt even go home? They would have slept in the hospitals. If you have time for dance routines during work time, you are certainly under worked and bored.

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You would think they had learned their lesson. I pray that we have learned ours.

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