Until the American College of OB/Gyn (ACOG) comes out publicly and announces no jabs for pregnant women.... I have no hope here.

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The focus must be clear. The globalist objective must be targeted above all, before time runs out:


It doesn't matter what's in the injections beyond the fact that they cause harm and they kill, which was possible to prove over a year ago, but it made no difference:


It's a much more intriguing question what's NOT in the vials:


One must proceed with caution; whatever is valid for reading, is valid for videos as well. Here are my warnings regarding a few hilariously-popular sources:


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This was spectacular - May it be known far & wide for the sake of real health!

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The ones who need ho know won't see it.

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Just got done watching...very powerful. Ron Johnson said they will never pull it because the FDA can’t afford to admit they were wrong. There are currently 250 clinical trials for mNRA vaxxes or drugs...total of 400 planned. The insanity goes on.

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The FDA, CDC, or surgeon general may release or announce warnings, and the manufacturers may halt production and/or recall products.


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Do you think there is even a chance of this happening? 

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At least by having the roundtable and suggesting what should be happening, should wake people to ask why the steps aren't getting taken. Praying it clicks for people to finally understand what's going on.

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I'm guessing the national emergency declaration will end first, but that will not stop the unending stream of other experimental drugs/shots that are getting research and tested. The question is whether to trust these, as manufacturing quality, storage, administration, as well as side effects could also be questionable.


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"As a physician who has vowed to do no harm, my opinion is we should not mandate harm." - Dr. Kirk A. Milhoan MD, Pediatric Cardiologist

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Please let this bitch break wide open now. We’ve waited far too long.

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Are they willing to quit pussyfooting around in these medical circles and admit it is a depopulation agenda?

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Unlikely. Johnson ran a little sideshow which few people will ever see, and none of those who most need to see it. It's unfortunate Johnson's party lost the senate. Again. Then he could have made a difference. Maybe 2025. Until then, the beatings will continue.

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Do you think the republicans can win with the tricks the Dems used? Obviously a few were downright stolen

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If any were stolen, it was because they were very close. The problem is half the country likes the corruption and tyranny, or tolerate it because the corrupt government pays them for loyalty. If it ain't close, cheating doesn't matter. But both sides cheat. Read Parallel Election for insight. Dems still believe Trump cheated in 2016. Of course they deny it was a factor in 20 or 22. That's the nature of a corrupt society. The solution is to convince enough others so that the elections won't be so close.

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