thank you

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As someone who has worked with senior IT management when creating an internatially recognized technical certification, Server+, I detailed in my article here https://blaisevanne.substack.com/publish/post/94509072 about the colusion behind the scenes that got certain IT companies pushed to the fore.

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You missed the fallen angel nanotech in the shots. They are attempting to gut us and use our bodies for disembodied spirits imo. Days of Noah revisited. Lest those days be shortened for the elects sake, no flesh would be saved. Put on the full armor of God and use the Word. It is a Sword. One must stand in absolute faith. A double minded person receives nothing. Onward Christian soldiers. See Dr. Ana Mihalcea.

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That may explain the last few avocados I've bought....

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Your a gifted writer , thank you 🙏

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Your archival narration of the times we are in is incredible. Thank you for being an anchor, map and compass in my journey

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This article from the way, way, way back in 1941, touching on a lot of the subjects you write about today. It gets into totalitarianism as Hitler, Stalin and Mussolini were contemporarily practicing it as their governing model. Getting into science, ever-changing, eugenics. How following science instead of being informed by it will unavoidably lead to totalitarianism, being completely at odds with democratic governance.

Today, Foreign Affairs is a consistently globalist totalitarian governance advocacy magazine. It is the single most influential foreign policy publication in the US, the world for that matter. I'm pretty sure you'll never find this article in the publication today. There's a lot to pull forward from this, many aspects especially poignant. Anyone care to join me in reading this and sharing your takeaways?

Science in the Totalitarian State

Foreign Affairs, January, 1941


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May 24, 2023
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Yes, doubtful it could be printed today. The publication was taken over by the very ideology the author was writing about. But it's chock-full of information, I came across it in a keyword search for something else, but it was close enough to return this (thanks algorithms!) In addition to the content that drew me in and seems to be chronicling our times there's little interesting tidbits in it like:

"Today, however, it means more to our society to discover how the atom is constituted than that a new ecclesiastical architecture is developed"

Within our understanding of what 'discovering how the atom is constituted' became known as the Manhattan Project, and then Hiroshima just four years after the writer penned the piece those words gain additional meaning. Easy to miss, many hidden gems.

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May 25, 2023
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Yes. Add the close relationship between government and accrediting systems to that indirect monetary influence. Many parents seeking private and parochial schools for their children to avoid the CRT/DEI/SJW indoctrination are slowly beginning to learn that's not a real escape. Universities require diplomas from accredited high schools given approval by the accrediting systems they choose. Which can and many now do require a school accrediting system incorporate the CRT/DEI/SJW curriculum a part of the private and parochial schools they accredit. And very few parents will pay the money that private and parochial schools cost if the diplomas don't get their children into universities. Leaving fewer and fewer routes of escape for parents trying to protect their children's minds and bodies from the radical indoctrination predators.

So the private and parochial schools play ball. Even when the curriculum violates the very foundations and teachings they are founded upon. The public-private partnerships are the invisible, even more insidious for it, means of government control. The dollars involved are indirect, in the form of fees, directed business, official recognition of the imprimatur the private partner offers exchanged along with prestige and the doors that open to future income to be realized.

And if the only university degrees that are conferred are on students who have submitted to the indoctrination campaigns, then the positions of higher authority in government and businesses that require university degrees get filled by only the indoctrinated. Which means that the managers and bureaucrats who run the nation as those graduates rise in the ranks to leadership and 'expert' status will be the indoctrinated. Ensuring public policy and business policy reflects the values they've been indoctrinated with. It becomes a de facto Party membership proof of loyalty requirement to be in positions of authority. It's brilliant Machiavellian evil.

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May 25, 2023
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And there I was fondly recounting what it was like to go to libraries long ago and sort through the Dewey decimal drawers finding index cards to locate reading material...and the early 1.0 version of the internet that was so much cleaner, no ads, tracking, etc, closer to those libraries. Ha!

I do see things I like and sometimes find useful words and ideas from those who I'm generally opposed to on my discovery journey. Like Noam Chomsky's 'Manufacturing Consent' contains truths I'd once have scoffed at. Describes that system which is observable and pervasive I previously had my eyes and ears closed to. Of course, from his perspective it was a system that he felt excluded from because it wasn't Marxist enough. But, he was right, it's all manufacturing consent.

In that light, the paper below on the first Chief Justice of the United States, John Jay, was written by a professor who's perspective is our courts aren't Marxist enough. But it tells a difficult truth that's hard to accept. Developing Jay's quote, "The People Who Own the Country Ought to Govern It":

The Supreme Court, hegemony, and Its Consequences Minnesota Journal of Law & Inequality, December, 1987


The paper describes judges in black robes as being nothing more than high priests selected to enforce the will of those who own this country over the will of the majority of the people.

And having two decades of experience working in state-level politics and policymaking I know he's right. I've been to my share of high-dollar campaign fundraisers, charity balls, holiday fetes, etc, sharing hors d'oeuvres, clanking glasses, the steady stream of ego-stroking as rent-seekers build networks gaining access to power, real power, hoping to carve out their own fiefdoms. The business owners, lawyers, politicians, judges, doctors, etc, filled with ambition and rewarded for loyalties earned by their skill at negotiating within power. The ambitious lawyers at those events become judges by their negotiations and loyalties. Those ego-stroking events being a continuation of or beginning of professional and social associations. I've been in those closed door meetings and worked, socialized with the powerful, too.

The professor's description fits my experience. I don't share his ideology and policy values, but I learn from his work.

These Marxists share important clarifying insights, albeit for different policy goals. They took the time to discover and share the mechanisms and constructs of a system they felt excluded by. That I and many today feel excluded by. And I'm able to learn from those I disagree with when they have something valuable to share. Like old libraries systems and internet 1.0's. Unfortunately they go to internet 2.0's, 4.0's, 24.0's....

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Now THAT was comprehensively brilliant and beautiful. Thank you. My childhood was much like yours. I am in grief for this most beautiful planet that ever was and ever shall be.

Re the Apeel: I bought a bag of apples for my chicken, only to realize to my horror at the kitchen sink that they were Apeel apples with skin as tough and shiny as shellac! I put on gloves to peel and core them for her, then immediately tossed the peelings in outdoor garbage bin.

She won’t eat them, and she loves apples. She’s a very smart chicken.

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Thank you for this enlightened post.I can’t speak to any of it as I’m historically illiterate. But I will say that it demonstrates what evil we are still dealing with. It never goes away. It just reincarnates into a new package. Unite for freedom dear ones on here. Love and Light. X

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Frankfurt, Germany was home to the Rothschilds and IG-Farben. IG-Farben's supervisory board had four members, or a third, who were themselves Jewish. (Pfizer was previously Wyatt, and then Sterling and Bayer) were not bombed and left standing. The emerging global pharmaceutical colossus being a reincarnation of the Farben pattern: profit before safety; lethal medical experimentation beyond any legal limit, and the use of drugs/vaccines as a means of control.

There was also a concentration camp, Ravensbruck, designed specifically for women. The goal was singular, to destroy women. Ravensbruck was not a camp that targeted the Jewish people, but rather demonstrated that the Socialists did not differentiate between the Polish, Jewish, Gypsies, Czechs, Germans, or the French, because their goal was singular: they wished to destroy women. Destroy their spirits, bodies, and minds, their ability to bear children or trust other human beings; to make them into unwilling slave labor to the Nazi cause.

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Rothschilds may have originated in Germany; but they worked out of The City of London since 1885 as Barons and it's clear Nathan Rothschild, 4th Baronette of Hertfordshire; the first in the peerage to NOT convert to Christianity...IS THE PERSON AT THE TOP OF THE FOOD CHAIN WITH THE ROCKEFELLERS leading this TYRANNY.

The Ding-a-Ling King Charles III is merely a Puppet as Schwab the rest of the Mafia Death Cult running out of Basel, Switzerland as well as The City of London where even the Monarchs must have permission to enter as it is its own country; similar to the Vatican and Washington D.C.. There is a picture of Rothschild pointing his finger into a younger Prince Charles and from their facial expressions, it was VERY CLEAR ABOUT EXACTLY WHO WAS AT THE TOP OF THE HEAP.

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May 24, 2023
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Otto Ambros was a Supervisory board member and manager of IG Farben, Auschwitz and was the creator of thalidomide. At Nuremberg he was sentenced to 8 years but served three years and went on to work for Chemie Grunethal. In 1962 the FDA revealed that Thalidomide had been widely distributed in clinical trials. The FDA claimed that no women had delivered a baby with birth defects. They were wrong. More than 2.5 million doses of Thalidomide had been distributed to more than 1,200 U.S doctors. FDA memo dated October 2, 1962, went out, the “manual” by salesmen that showed the doctor was provided information assuring him of safety of drug. Thalidomide had a 40% infant death rate, over 140,000 miscarriages and 10,000 babies born with severe birth defects including no arms or legs.

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Please read up on Witold Pilecki and Jan Karski what they did to resce Jews and informiong Rooseveld about Auschwitz. Here I used google translate to add some other well documented facts . Why America Allowed the Murder of Jews.

On January 17, 1945, the last prisoners' roll call was held in Auschwitz-Birkenau, which gathered a total of about 67,000 people. By this time, much of the death factory complex had already been destroyed. From the end of November 1944, Himmler's orders concerning the liquidation of the camp and hiding evidence of the crime were carried out.

Why America Allowed Until November 1944, the three main camps of KL Auschwitz operated without any obstacles. The last victims were gassed on November 25 – thirteen Jewish women and children. The last mass transport of prisoners (almost 1700 people from Terezín) was killed in the gas chambers on October 30. After that, the Germans simply had no one to kill.

Most people died in Auschwitz (more precisely, in Auschwitz-Birkenau) in the summer of 1944. It was then that the camps became real factories of death. The Germans opened two new crematoria and led the railway line to Birkenau itself (earlier it ended about a kilometer further, the so-called Judenrampe). Thanks to these improvements, it was possible to kill 12,000 people a day in Birkenau. Such "processing capacity" was enough to murder 400,000 Hungarian Jews in two months.

When the Holocaust of Hungarian Jews took place in Auschwitz-Birkenau, American planes circled over the camp complex. The USAF crews carefully photographed all objects in Auschwitz. In some photos you can even see smoke from the crematoria and pits where corpses were burned. In the photographs there are also trains standing on the siding in Birkenau. It is possible that American planes were flying over the camp at the moment when more Jews were arriving at it.

In 1944, the Auschwitz camps, as well as the whole of Małopolska and Upper Silesia, were within the range of Allied aviation. British and American bombers attacked industrial plants between Kraków, Trzebinia, Katowice and Wodzisław every day. Auschwitz lies exactly in the middle of this area, but the Allied air force avoided the camps. Only once was there an attack on the IG Farben factories, which are part of the Auschwitz III complex. This raid, however, was not about helping the victims of the Holocaust, but about an "ordinary" attack on a German industrial facility.

And yet the destruction of the death factory would have a real impact on the pace of murder. If the Allies had succeeded in destroying the railroad tracks leading to Auschwitz and the crematoria, the Germans simply would have no way to murder. By the summer of 1944, the Allies, and especially the Americans, had a perfect understanding of what was happening at Auschwitz. Polish intelligence informed the West about the Holocaust as early as 1942. In 1943, Jan Karski personally met with President Franklin D. Roosevelt. And the massacre of Jews from Hungary took place practically before the eyes of the Allies. The American press wrote about the Holocaust in 1944.

However, President Roosevelt (who is still considered by many Americans to be the best president in U.S. history) did not order any steps to stop the death factories – not at Auschwitz or anywhere else. Churchill showed similar passivity. And yet for the Allied air force an action over Auschwitz would be a formality. Dlaczego Ameryka pozwoliła na mordowanie Żydów? - blog Rybitzky (salon24.pl)

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I appreciate your work very much but was surprised to read about Poles participating in the mass murder of Jews during WW II. It sounds like an awful propaganda to me like words of a highly manipulated person. Poland was the only country in Europe, where helping Jews was punished with capital punishment. Yet there are more Polish trees in Israel at Yad Vashem symbolizing the families who hid Jews letting them survive than those simpbolizing any other county. Having whole Polish families shot for hiding Jews including pregnant woman along with her other children was rather typical during WWII in Poland. Yes there were Poles who denunciated Jews. But Polish underground Army made it a rule to shoot them. There is lots of propaganda going on talking about Poles participating in mass murder of Jews such as supposedly at Jedwabne, but this is a hideous lie. There is Sumlinski's documentary film about it. Read this book for instance and decide for yourself. https://www.empik.com/powrot-do-jedwabnego-sumlinski-wojciech-kurek-ewa-budzynski-tomasz,p1234316796,ksiazka-p Putting Poles on par with Germans and Ukrainians, who were part of German army such as 14th Waffen Grenadier Division of the SS (1st Galician) and raided Warsaw in addition to performing Wołyń genocide on Poles is extremely unjust. Kind of covid style propaganda or worse. Please get up to date with the historical facts.

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Yes! I made a similar point. Green exposed himself as an ignoramus or a bigot.

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May 24, 2023
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Now you are talking about all of Europe where people persecuted Jews. In your article you mention Poles Ukrainians and Germans. And you never mentioned the fact that unlike in the rest of Europe, in Poland helping the Jews meant capital punishment. Now you are saying that an additional million of Jews were killed in Europe by people form all European countries. Where are the documents testifying to the fraction killed in Poland?. Yes such things did happen, but as I said, the Polish Underground Army (Armia Krajowa) very often executed such Poles. There were no similar practices in other countries. So I still think the picture of Poles during WW II you painted comes form propaganda. Covid style propaganda.

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Great read as usual Kelleigh and thanks to the Lioness for sharing. Will be linking once again @https://nothingnewunderthesun2016.com/

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Yes, that poisonous coating is also carcinogenic, by the way. They should place a sticker when the coating is used, but I doubt they’d comply.

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Trying to still convince a beloved family member...

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Loved this

Keeping. Printing out

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