The digital ID is being sold to the masses as a convenience but I assure you it is being implemented for nefarious reasons.

The digital currency rollout is an invisible jail cell. If the government doesn’t want you to but something it just blocks your account.

These two demands by the cabal are Biblical in nature. The Mark of the Beast without it you cannot buy anything. Therefore I am not participating in this project and will not

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No. I say NO. Hell NO!

I do not have a passport because to get one I would need some bio eye scan. I say no. So I can't leave my country. So what.

I am still on my paper driving licence and when that runs out I will not get a bio eye scan plastic one. No to that too.

I will take the personal hardship rather than fall prey to their biometric scans.

Fingerprint scans to unlock a phone? No way.

Facial recognition for the same. Absolutely not.

Pictures of myself up online no way.

All that 'normalises' this crap and makes it 'sexy' novel and exciting. I wish people could only see the prison they are building for themselves.

If we all say NO then that is the answer. It is in our power to do that. These relatively minor personal inconveniences are nothing compared with the other option. Well, to me anyway.

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Grow a pair and say no. We are many and they are few

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What happens when someone steals your "biometric" ID?

You are going to get a new body somewhere?

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Your ID may be a fingerprint, retinal scan etc.

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Cut off your finger or hand, remove eyeball. Like any good sci-fi movie. Or 3D print your hand or finger.

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hahah, thats an option!

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They're rolling out digital ID in Canada already. Got a notice from my bank. If you say no, no Internet banking and no use of bank cards. And that's just for starters. This is not going to be a good time.

Also, if you don't outright say no, they'll enrol you by default. I have to say no. I shudder at all the people who are going to say yes because 'convenience'.

How is it convenient?

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Which bank are you with?

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La forza del destino.

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Apr 10, 2023Edited
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We fight against a spiritual force embedded in Modernism after the French Revolution. To this hour the spirit of Technics and the reification of spiritual salvation soul by soul arising by extermination of Divinity into a secular destiny of the State governs. A decision by men playing God was murder by injection to all the ills of our time. In conformity not only intellectuals and medical professionals took the knee. Governments chose to embrace mass murder too.

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Fraunhofer Institute

Digital immunization Passport DAPSI

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'Almost all negative"

Alright, who's the fruitcake that approved of this.

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Time for a paid permanent guerrilla army to take down specific electric grids at the appropriate times...like when you've got 18 planes awaiting biometric entry...or cars traveling south on vacation...

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I can only respect Lioness for her fearless stance.

Governments started treating their citizens as assets around the time, when the Federal Reserve was founded:


Biometrics are only a tiny aspect of population control:


Compliance-training made further progress with the muzzles:


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In my opinion the people who chose the vaxxes already have what amounts to "compliance training" running through their veins as an AI interface. This is why the shots are full of piezoelectric graphene compounds. The Zombie Apocalypse is already up and running inside these people. It will be an apocalypse of total complacency and loss of free will. The Mark will probably be the final interface that makes it all hum. I read not to long ago about a vision someone claims they received where they saw people changing completely and immediately into obedient automatons when the Mark was installed. The alternative given was death.

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If death is the alternative, could we be the people who are spoken of in Revelation 7 (best read in context) verses 13 and 14? These are they who have come out of the great tribulation; they have washed their robes and made them white in the blood of the Lamb.'

In other words, those who became martyrs during the time of testing for noncompliance.

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The cult is a hard habit to break......

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Yes, something like that. :)

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Thank you, EU. Or should I say seig heil? Given that Nazi stands for National SOCIALIST German Workers' Party, which adopted explicitly socialist planks at its first convention, Munich, Feb. 1920 and given that fascism is, BY DEFINITION, the merger of the socialist state with crony big biz, as originally defined by Mussolini in his 1932 work The Doctrine of Fascism, which you can read for free here https://sjsu.edu/faculty/wooda/2B-HUM/Readings/The-Doctrine-of-Fascism.pdf, Hitler would be proud of ya! Or see here https://blaisevanne.substack.com/p/introducing-fasco-marxism

And for those of you who think you can "sit this one out": You cant; you won't. And they never intended for you to be ABLE to. So for those types, I realize they could care less about anyone, care less about truth or justice, but just fore themselves, even out of self interest, they should get off their BROBDIGNAGIAN arses and join the non-violent, MLK style revolt against these fasco-Marxists.

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