On Stew Peters show, it says that those scientists left from the Clinton Airport.

Over 206+ people died of airplane crashes or “suicide” in the Clinton surroundings. Like Epstein 🤔

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They were not heading to the train wreck.

Matthew 10:16 NKJV

"Behold, I send you out as sheep in the midst of wolves. Therefore be wise as serpents and harmless as doves.

I never believe the first thing I read. People can write anything.

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You got to be kidding me… 🤦🏽‍♀️🤦🏽‍♀️🤦🏽‍♀️

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I hope and pray everyone on that plane knew the Lord .

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Too many weird happenings lately for most of this to be mere happenstance. They are moving at warp speed to get the great reset done. Get ready for their worst, we have not seen it yet, but it's coming.

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Plane crashes have a history of happening with important people on board at critical moments.

Just saying.

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[Arthur and Ford are caught in an improbability field]

Arthur Dent: You know, if this is Southend, there's something very odd about it.

Ford Prefect: What, you mean the way the sea stays steady as a rock and the buildings keep washing up and down? Yes, I thought that was odd.

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Nonsense. Planes with important people in them inexplicably explode in mid flight all the time. Nothing to see here.

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RemovedFeb 23, 2023·edited Feb 23, 2023
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C.R. could probably have come up with a dozen stories like that from over the years.. Paul Wellstone for example comes to mind.

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or Larry McDonald.

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Just read his bio on Lyingpedia... Would they take out an entire airliner to get just one person? 😳

... Of course they would... 😱

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Having flown in that type of aircraft with a full load, taking off in wIndy conditions (as they did) is never a good idea.

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Reminds me of Congressman McDonald. *gasp*

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Won’t they just send another team then?

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Causes delay. Lets some attention shift away.

Regardless, the coincidences are stacking up.

Seen the VC revision? A massive increase in tolerance levels, just by chance revised for the first time in 17 years. Just weeks prior.


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Honestly, I’d understand it if God chose to destroy the earth now.

How much more must we endure?

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Watch this, and weep:

"The Bolshevik Revolution: Darkness Descends" https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=n6So_41zNgw

This is what's in store for us.

"You may triumph on the field of battle for a day, but against the power that has risen in the East, there is no victory."

-- Denethor, Steward of Gondor

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I think it can and will get way worse than this... unless we turn to Him.

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The people who took the jab are mostly nonbelievers. That’s over 70% of the population. I don’t think they will ever choose to believe.

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Not true at all.

I know many supposedly deeply religious god fearing bible reading peeps that took the jab.

Of course taking the jab negates all that, but the believers do not KNOW that!

"to Believe" means to 'not KNOW'

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Yes, today may one day be the good old days.

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Death surrounds the Clintons. Only someone with a death wish would ever get near that name even if it's the name of an airport.

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5 more to add to "The Clinton Bodycount"?

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RemovedFeb 23, 2023·edited Feb 23, 2023
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Give you three hints: The monsters responsible are evil and crazy, and the Woke idiots supporting them are as dumb as rocks.

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Voters are complicit in it all for they sanction the Crime family and its enFORCEr's.

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