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Jan 26, 2024
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I've wondered the same.

He has Fauci and the Covid thing right, but he's on that climate change horse, which is perplexing.

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An issue just came up recently . . . he claims he always does what his liberal wife tells him to do!!!! WHAT??? That "cinches it" in my book to not support him!

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Jan 26, 2024Edited
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Agree with you on all points.

I have watched the Dr. Soon episode 3 times, and have shared widely.

As for "Ketchup Kerry", is it just me, that his chin continues to grow?

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The human suit is getting a little worn around the edges.

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"Climate Change" made up whole cloth out of "thin air" by Globalist Cabal psychos who, if not influenced by something Satanic, might as well be! Those creeps lust after mass extermination of humanity. Cut off energy. Return us to the Stone Age.

Like Bill Gates (in the footsteps of his Eugenicist father— "the apple doesn't fall far from the tree"!) — gleefully giggling as he mentions the next Plandemic THEY are about to unleash. Those people (and that's stretching it a bit!) are unbelievable Sickos! More like demons-in-sheep's-clothing!

It's so obviously ALL ABOUT DEPOPULATION and CONTROL. And ripping off everybody with their absurd "carbon credits" and "carbon taxes", as if THAT could solve ANYTHING! Except further line their own pockets.

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Global Predators

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When John Kerry stops flying Private, than he can talk Lol. Its rules for thee but, not for me.

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Kerry is just a twisted St. Bernard in drag...Don't wish to hear any more about his REGRESSION into evil, brutal 'Earth Mother Cult' now camouflaged with the definition of 'CLIMATE CHANGE' to de-industrialize the U.S. and the West, nullify Inalienable Rights and destroy the U.S. to 'Build It Back Better' into his beloved Imperialist-Feudal Fascist CCP/China Hellhole.

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He has long pushed his expiry date

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he is such a colossal loser

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Kerry is correct in one way: the people are in mortal danger from the oligarchs and their elitist minions

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Kerry is wasting oxygen. Get rid of him.

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the crap does not fall far from the A.. hole.

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Oh Mr Kerry, you are quite the master of projection gaslighting oratory, you heinous clump of garbage. It's time for you and your filthy comrades to be hurled into the volcano.

It's astonishing to me at this point that so many continue to buy his satanic disingenuousness.

Then again, it's astonishing to me that it wasn't always obvious to me.

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All one has to do for a climate scam education is to drill down on the “CHICAGO CLIMATE EXCHANGE”. Al Gore was one of the stock holders that was screaming about the oceans rising while he was putting the finishing touches on his new 9000 sf home just feet from Pacific Ocean. Hmmm...that 10’ sea level rise would have flooded his house.................right?

Anyway, I believe the Chicago Climate Exchange was the only entity that was legally allowed to trade carbon credits in the US. Now that just doesn’t seem right, right?

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Fucking elite. They needed the crap jabs.

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(POGO the possum, Okefenokee Swamp, Georgia)

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Just who are the opportunists? Who is sharing mis/ dis information sewing confusion? Who is leading by example? 🧐

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Instead of limiting free speech, we should pass a law that limits the number of words any official may utter a day. It would reduce pollution and stress.

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John Kerry could save humanity and do humanity a fav by using the MAID (suicide) program in Canada on himself - one less “human” and one less psychopath pushing a financial poverty grift on the rest of humanity.

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Kerry is a very talented liar 🤥

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