Ok. So how does one improve survival chances?

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Time travel.

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Nov 11Edited
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And the animals we eat.

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Not possible!

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Yes… it is. I should know, I’m from the future. It’s just not publicly available YET… at this point on this timeline.

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FLCCC protocols

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FLCCC does not recognize what is in the live blood analysis or what has been demonstrated in the vials. They don't address the nanotech oxide, just the MSM virus, spike and mRNA. But the virus has not been isolated.

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Perhaps because it’s not recognized as a virus, but classified as something else.

I was exposed to COVID back in 2012. I had the same severe symptoms as COVID victims back then. I took 3 months to go back to work, and 18 months to recover my stamina. Known then as “Severe Accute Respiratory Syndrome@; now more accurately/currently known as COVID 2,: it went be a different label, but the contents of the can were, and still are :

The same.

When COVID 19 came along, (the virus mutated and changed as it had not been isolated), then my symptoms were similar to the flu, with the exception of the inability to smell or taste. My first vaccine was tolerated well, and again was like the a bad case of the old “Hong Cong Flu” in the late 70’s. The second shot caused fatigue and drowsiness.

However, though my first exposure to the virus came 8 years earlier and my body had built up an immunity to the virus (though in a less acute form ), the absence of obesity, diabetes, pulmonary disease, and no history of narcotics, or smoking, made it easier for my body to resist the viruses more lethal form. Those who were not as fortunate in their lifestyle choices and habits, and at worse stress levels, were those who were filling up the morgues and the hospital freezer: as well as those disabled of any age.

So it will be again.

About 1/4 of them will be those who refused the vaccine and were not able to build up immunity due to inherited biological mechanisms or the lack thereof. A large portion of them in the US are located in the midsection of the country.

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Did they inject the control into another person? Or wait to inject it into the same person?

Or did they put the isolate into a spray and spray it on the subject, and harvest the same virus from the newly infected person?

You know, how covid is supposed to spread…

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How did they know what to look for? What did they use as the original strain? The computer generated one from Drosten?

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LONG-term fasting cycles. This method has been mentioned by a couple of front-line docs, such as Makis.

What they will not tell you, however, is that by consuming only your own urine the healing effects are exponentially increased. If water is also used, it MUST be only distilled water.

If I had got the jab, or else suffered any serious problems, it would be first on the list for me to try. Just too many people report complete recovery from just about every disease/pathology known to man. Why would they lie?

Bit more info here:




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Very interesting, thank you. My own experience with urine as fertilizer: Soil test of my vegetable garden in '21 showed I needed to add only N. So '21 and '22, used blood meal, at $136 per 50 lb, and requiring two 50 lb bags. In '22, discovered Rich Earth Institute, Brattleboro Vt with their "Urine My Garden" program. In '23 I used mostly urine as fertilizer. This year, urine exclusively, and for the first time ever (in ~50 years of growing our food) had no leaf miners in the beet leaves nor cabbage worms in the brassicas. Leaf miners did show up in early September, but their damage is minimal. Correlation? Causation? I am wondering if the plants are just stronger, or if they have a different scent signature which deters the cabbage moth and whatever animalcule lays the miner eggs.

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...or if they have a different scent signature ...

Oh Geez, have you tasted them yet? :-)

What I do remember, is gardeners getting young boys to urinate on their compost heaps.

I guess that wouldn't go down too well today.

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We keep the morning urine of my husband separate--to use against deer. The "both of us" stuff goes on as fertilizer.

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Well, yes, we had the first broccoli, with traditionally-made Hollandaise, the night of the ELECTION. Delicious. The broccoli fertilized only by us.

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Actually many conventional farmers do use human waste as fertilizer especially in Cali. I was disgusted to learn this but only because it was filled with pharmaceuticals and community waste. Fascinating discussion though I know a few people that saw amazing results drinking their own urine or using it on skin.

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Yeah. We eat only organic and do not take any pharma drugs.

However, if by waste you mean poop, then that is a very bad idea regardless.

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I think you have not read The Humanure Handbook?

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I refuse to use chemicals, and our kale, cabbage, brussels sprouts leaves looked like fine lace until fall. Obv neem oil and soapy water not enough. But I have lots of pee. Guidance on application? I assume only at night, due to neighbors...

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I had lost your comment, so couldn't respond (which stack was it on?) until this a.m. when somebody "liked" mine, so that led me back to you--

I usually use a 50 urine/50 water dilution. I spray in full daylight, because that's convenient for me; the uriney odor disappears within minutes. And you know how noxious are the odors from synthetic pesticide/herbicides! Yesterday afternoon I sprayed undiluted urine on and under fruit trees; some farming blog I read suggests that fungal spores require leaf tissue for food, that spraying urea just at leaf fall encourages break down of leaves, thus less fungus the following year. Of course, that advice was for straight urea. Also--I apply with a battery backpack sprayer (M4, https://my4sons.com/) which I actually bought just for the purpose of spraying urine. Using U also as deer deterrent; seemed to work well, with capsaicin and garlic added.

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How do you use the urine? I have a problem with leaf miners.

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As to use—I had calculated that 5 gal of urine was equivalent to  the 2# bloodmeal (which was recommended for my 100 square foot beds. I spray the liquid, cut 50% with water, on the soil, trying to avoid the leaves, because even diluted, the urine/water can burn leaves. Please realize that I cannot claim urine fertilization to be the cause for no miners— I noted the lack of miners through the spring/summer, although they did show up in September and are a real problem now in mid-November. But then, at this point, the beets are fully grown so the miners presumably cannot do much damage to the growth itself. Watching the FEMA hearing at moment, will look at both beet beds when I go back outside.

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Chelation therapy

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So far, this might be the only thing capable of destroying, some of the damage. A green laser 532nm wave


In addition, detox with Nattokinase and or Serrapeptase and or Lumbrokinase, Tri Sodium Citrate and activated charcoal. As far as I've read about it, there is no known remedy for everything we absorbed and are absorbing. I pray I'm wrong.

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Okay everybody. It’s time to take a step back here. It’s been three years since most people started getting vaccines. They warned us then “everyone would be sterile,” and yet my multi-vaxxed kids are having babies right now one right after the other—all healthy and doing fine. So are all their vaxxed friends—healthy and conceiving and having normal births and normal kids. I can count ten babies off the top of my head in the last two years alone.

Secondly, the rumors of our loved one’s deaths are greatly exaggerated. They’ve been telling us EVERYONE IS GOING TO DIE for years now and yet I know no one who has died from the vax. My six-time vaxxed mother-in-law is roaming around Paris right now at 92 years old.

We don’t know how many will die or how many vaccines it takes to get one to death’s door. We don’t know anything. That’s what “experimental” means.

What I do know is that the incessant fear mongering isn’t good for anyone.

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Shots vary. No telling what or when this stuff may kick in

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Ivermectin. Cleansing (starve for 3 days, drink a little dandelion tea. One other ingredient I think.

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This is huge. The Cleveland Clinic? That's a massive admission. Trump's win seems to allow institutions and professionals to speak up without fear. It's just beginning, too.

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They still advise employees to get Covid jabs. Flu shot is mandated and must get exempted.

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CDC is still recommending the jabs, but the Florida Department of Health is warning not to get them due to Myocarditis, POTS, autoimmune diseases and DNA damage.

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Trump called Operation Warp Speed one of his greatest achievements in life, the vaccine was a beautiful thing?

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And he says it saved millions of lives and refers to himself as the "father of vaccines." A lot of people don't know this one, but in 2019 he signed an executive order to "modernize and speed up vaccine production."

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The one saving grace, he did not mandate the injections/never were vaccines. Managed Covid horribly, but was the better choice over Harris. The country needed to get by the craziness of open borders, transgenderism, boys playing in women's sports, forgiving college loans, aborting babies til 9 months, etc....

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I agree but he's distancing himself from rfk and malone is saying he's been asked to head up the usda. Mr mrna? And susie ... He could have been selected to bring us abother poison?

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One snake two heads! The goal is the same, just looks different - Transhumanism. One World Government. Merge with machines. Technocracy. Be hooked up to the AI god. Hivemind.


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Yes he surely did.

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Beginning stages of exposing Big Pharma and the deep state. Could Susie Wiles be the head of the snake and Trump is keeping his enemies close? J D Vance worked for Palantir also.

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Cleveland hasn't admitted anything about the vaccines. They simply talked about the death rate of myocarditis. They are carefully avoiding the truth.

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Go ahead and compare this admission and the fact they are admitting massive deaths to the rhetoric of the last few years. The difference is enormous, as I stated. And more to come as these nefarious institutions and professionals try to get ahead of RFK. The Cleveland Clinic and others realize what is coming, and they will endeavor to mitigate the destruction of their institutions sure to come.

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Exactly... from the very beginning.. their plan was to blame it all on circulating "Covid1984" virus.. and not s.c. vaxx. How can you prove (in court) otherwise, when judges r mostly corrupt? They will never admit real culprit. There is no smoking gun... just some stats open to interpretation.

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I was looking for the actual wording something from them but just saw the myocarditis info. Nothing to do with the mass die-off.

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They just quote the CDC narrative.

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My concern here is with Trumps 1st pick/Chief of Staff Susie Wiles, #1 Big Harma Lobbiest?

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Nov 11
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Malone is Ok. He was criticizing C19/useless PCR testing starting 2022, and all that. He's not corrupt. Just been researching that tech before covid.

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I'm sorry but he's controlled opposition. He (and his wife) are lifers in the DOD, government, creepy, science sector. There's no way he would have taken them knowing the risks but he says he has. There's also a lot he says in saying nothing. He's not to be trusted.

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I would need more convincing of that, but you do make an interesting point that he would not have taken them. So what exactly is his role? Convince people he is for real and then get appointed to top gov. post? Perhaps. I still find that hard to believe. He has testified at many congressional investigative hearings but I did hear complaints that they could have brought in bigger guns. But speaking of BS this article is total garbage I'm not taking anyone here too seriously...

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His role is anyones guess but I assume as a person involved with development of such, calling out bad, bad, bad, might then be trusted for another when hr says, "this one is safe, trust me."

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Also, i'm not sure if you know or not, but I read he showed up in Japan about a week before the replicon vaccine was being deployed.

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Listen no one, I mean no one will be perfect. Malone has been speaking against the vaxx since at least 2021. He’s another Democrat who woke up.

Lots of rumors are floating around. Let’s see who is really going to head up the USDA.

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I disagree but we can hope. He's a very shady character.

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Joel Salatin.

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Robert Malone is top notch critic of mRNA AND yes he was an original researcher. He received the jab and had a bad reaction. He writes on Substack most every day long and comprehensive article mostly about the mRNA and covid. None of his work is pay walled. RFK literally wrote the book on Fauci and it is devastating. Not sure he isn't captured though.

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I'm not sure any of them are not captured. I've followed Malone a long time, prior tomcovid even, by accident. He (and his wife) are long time government/darpa/dod people. I do not believe anyone credited with the development/invention, knowing the harms, rna transfection, etc. of mrna would have taken them. I think he's controlled op, and apparently he's saying he's been contacted to head up the USDA. i can only imagine why. But that's the least of my worries, I'd like to see them stop creating viruses so they don't need to create a more dangerous "cure." Stop spraying the skies, our food, water, etc. I won't hold my breathe. Be well.

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He also said he regrets ever being a part of it, but I am sure he didn't refuse any payments.

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Not sure Trump will be buying what pharma is selling with RFK, Jr. on board. Plus Trump needs someone who knows the ropes in lots of areas and is tough. I hear she is. Tough people usually don't stab you in the back, the weak ones do.

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Big Harma needed a insider, they sure got it. Remember when the mob would tamper with the jury?

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Read my comment above. Not so sure any of this is going in the right direction.

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Trump team already backing away from promise to Kennedy?



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Hope you’re right, but my guess is Trump is just a pacifier. Nothing of significance will be done

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I wonder about the attitude of the vast majority of MAGA and Trump supporters regarding anti-Covid injections. I wonder what percentage of these supporters are true believers in the official narratives that the pandemic was real, i.e. not a scam/hoax; that the injections are non-toxic, i.e. safe and effective; that viruses are physically causative agents of disease.

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Alot of them bought it hook/line & sinker. I found it amazing Covid was not mentioned during the debates & for the entire 3hr 10 min interview w/J Rogan?

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I think that the politicians and the talking heads just want to memory hole it. They’re content with the narrative that the vaccines ended the pandemic. It’s a completely stupid narrative, obviously, but there’s been an orchestrated effort to dumb down the American body politic for decades now.

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Vance did mention cv vx briefly on Rogan. But yes vx is still being danced around

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Vance actually said he had a bad reaction to the jab!

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He's an investor in an mrna biopharma company, quite a woke one too.

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Elon Musk said his Pronouns are Fauci. It appears he wants to see Gates and Fauci be arrested

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It is due to the fact that Trump is part of the plan. Like many, I have spent hundreds of hours researching Trump, Rogan, Musk, JD Vance - What people don’t realize is that the globalist and founder of Palantir, which makes and provides facial recognition and surveillance software for the DOD, CIA and other intelligence agencies is the number one financail backer of Vance, and was during his senate run. Of course, the little demon/alian Musk is building our digital planet with Spacex, Skynet with so far over 7000 low orbit satellities, NeuroLink, “free speech" platform X, and his AI. Not to mention, he believes we need to all merge with the AI.

Don’t get me taking about Trump, whom I was fooled by in 2016 and 2020 - He will fill his cabnet and top power positions with Jew and Christian Zionist= WW3

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Trump supporters know the scamdemic was to scare people into following what the government said and to get the bioweapon jab into people. The jab will keep Big pharma in work for decades.

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So do you think that Trump supporters generally — obviously there will be outliers — are still okay with Trump authorizing Operation Warp Speed (OWS) and Trump telling his supporters to get the injection? I think that these Trump supporters must be experiencing some form of deep cognitive dissonance. Either that or they are completely deceived about the jabs, i.e. true believers that the jabs are “safe and effective” and that the jabs “ended the pandemic”.

There are too many things about Trump and the MAGA crowd — even including RFK Jr and the MAHA crowd — that irk me. Sometimes I can’t put my finger on it. It’s more like a gut instinct that these people are not to be trusted. Other times I get caught up in the euphoria of not having another Democrat administration. Then I catch myself wondering and thinking “What if Trump was selected to convince the conservative patriots (as opposed to the woke liberal apologists for globalism) that OWS was acceptable, because these patriots would have opposed H. Clinton with every fiber of their being? What if Trump and Company is actually not the lesser evil?”

It’s enough to keep one’s head spinning for weeks, months, years. The confusion serves the policy makers at the highest echelons of political-ecclesiastical-financial power.

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Trump's Operation Warpspeed was used to end the lockdowns, which were going to be permanent. Trump didn't tell or force people to get the jab, he left it up to us to make the decision.

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That’s fear mongering. “Permanent lockdowns”?!?! Pshaw. It’s Trump fans rationalizing wickedness. The lockdowns were wicked. Everything about the scam was wicked. It still is. When I hear stuff like this, I start thinking (again) that MAGA is a cult of personality. The Great Leader can do no wrong and is to be considered blameless and salvific.

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Sorry for being so harsh and rude. I distinctly remember Trump telling his supporters to get vaccinated. I distinctly remember a campaign commercial for the 2020 POTUS election of Trump praising Fauci. I distinctly remember Fauci saying that Trump followed Fauci’s counsel. Trump praised the (so-called) “vaccines”.

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The lockdowns were used to buy some time prior to the Collapse. Maybe the financial and political powers that control the shadow government are implementing their De-Growth Agenda, and they want a controlled Collapse instead of a totally chaotic one. Chaos would ruin things for everyone, including TPTB in control of the shadow government.

Anyway, the lockdowns delayed the inevitable and structural Collapse. But not for long. We’re right on schedule for the Great Reset and the implementation of Agenda 2030. It doesn’t matter if the governments of the nations don’t have the political will to do it or if the peoples of these governments don’t want it. The world’s shadow government is doing it.

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On the other hand, as a sort of insider, she may have the dope on Pharma. Is it possible that this figured into his choice?

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check out a you tube video by dr john campbell....new global health body

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Campbell was pro jab and mask.

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Originally but he’s come a long way from that.

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But he is not anymore. He's red pilled now.

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If he is not admitting to what is in live blood dark field analysis and what is in the Vaxxx vials he is controlled opposition. I do not know if he has posted this.

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Campbell has been nothing short of heroic in his non-stop coverage of the jab and the devastation it has caused. I highly recommend his work. Anyone saying otherwise is here to create confusion

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In fall of '21, when I began to watch him, he was evidently (as in, there was visible evidence) changing his mind. The muscles of his mouth gave away the his changing attitude. I reason that he had to keep his opinions to himself, in order to keep his show from being De-Tubed--but his face told the story.

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The Cleveland Clinic is an official forum, so if it comes out with something like this, it must be bait-and-switch or a limited hangout. One doesn't exclude the other.

In order to maintain plausible deniability during the depopulation process, there is an embarrassingly large variety of ways people are being "taken care of," and "vaccines" belong to those. I have collected 13 major groups that can also converge:


For that matter, mRNA looks like a red herring to me, although it doesn't matter much, because several other methods can produce the same symptoms:


"Vaccines" are now little more than boosted methods to maim/kill and to size up popular resistance and compliance levels. Also, there are other methods to "vaccinate" people, which was clear already over two years ago:


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There was no virus, therefor no spike protein and no mRNA. It's nanotech graphene hydroxide with other metals. (laquintacolumna .net and drdavidnixon. com)

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There are definitely Spike Proteins that damage the heart along with all the other bad stuff they put in the Vaccines. When you see people fall over in a few seconds that is the heart being damaged by the Spike Proteins that created myocarditis.

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Maybe. If there was no isolated virus, you can't make a spike protein from the virus. Maybe graphene hydroxide nano technology.

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Those people look like they’ve been zapped by some laser beam but what’s in their heart might be a target and that is where the injections corrupt tissue.

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I vacillate between “We’re all going to DIE. We’re DOOMED!! This iteration of civilization is collapsing” and “It’s going to be a rough ride, but enough human communities will survive to rebuild a new world”.

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I like your perspective.

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Thanks. There’s a Substack author, Margaret Anna Alice, who coined the term combining apocalypse with optimist.

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And what about “shedding” to the unvaccinated!

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Therein lies the question.

I’d just like to see the EUA be withdrawn.

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And what about the blood supply. We are all in this.

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No death vax for me but most of my family has been. No health problems that I know of among them other than my nephew who got the myocarditis. He is tall and lean and was in cross country and works out and is now in the National Guard and in college. Sounds like I should get ready for some funerals. The only reason I can think of as to why those who have lost loved ones due to this haven’t gone helterskelter is 1. ignorance (willful or otherwise) and 2. they don’t want to say goodbye and abandon whoever is left. I’m just waiting for an awake and aware old man who has lost the love of his life to this to start the show.

The Hopi indians have a prophecy that people in high places will be hunted like animals. The hunting will spread and get out of control. This will lead to armageddon. Sooooo many enemies, so little time. Not nearly enough ammo. The best these traitors of humanity can hope for is life in prison.

There Is No Peaceful Solution


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The fact is, no one knows the long term consequences of these jabs.

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Yeah. There are plenty of (so-called) “experts” who are true believers that their predictions are the equivalent to divine revelation or prophecy.

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Experts feel a burning desire to share their “expertise”. I wish they would just shut up:).

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I heard this quip about an “expert”. He’s/She’s a has-been drip under pressure. More seriously “If anyone thinks he is something when he is nothing, he deceives himself.” Experts are true believers in their something-ness.

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Very few are holistic thinkers.

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Or Covid

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I don’t believe that even the (so-called) “experts” actually KNOW what coronavirus disease (aka Covid) even is, much less the cause, much much less that this “disease” was actually caused by a virus.

This is a GREAT book. https://principia-scientific.com/virus-mania-a-stark-warning-from-a-top-pioneer-in-virus-research/

“The population is terrified by reports of so-called COVID-19, measles, swine flu, SARS, BSE, AIDS or polio. However, the authors of "Virus Mania," investigative journalist Torsten Engelbrecht, Dr. Claus Köhnlein, MD, Dr. Samantha Bailey, MD, and Dr. Stefano Scoglio, BSc PhD, show that this fear-mongering is unfounded and that virus mayhem ignores basic scientific facts: The existence, the pathogenicity and the deadly effects of these agents have never been proven. The book "Virus Mania" will also outline how modern medicine uses dubious indirect lab tools claiming to prove the existence of viruses such as antibody tests and the polymerase chain reaction (PCR). The alleged viruses may be, in fact, also be seen as particles produced by the cells themselves as a consequence of certain stress factors such as drugs. These particles are then "picked up" by antibody and PCR tests and mistakenly interpreted as epidemic-causing viruses. The authors analyze all real causes of the illnesses named COVID-19, avian flu, AIDS or Spanish flu, among them pharmaceuticals, lifestyle drugs, pesticides, heavy metals, pollution, malnutrition and stress. To substantiate it, the authors cite dozens of highly renowned scientists, among them the Nobel laureates Kary Mullis, Barbara McClintock, Walter Gilbert and Sir Frank Macfarlane Burnet as well as microbiologist and Pulitzer Prize winner René Dubos...”

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The Covid jabs are the Mark Of The Beast

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Maybe. I’m dubious. The mark of the beast determines who can buy & sell and who cannot. That’s not a present characteristic of the toxic shots. Later? Maybe.

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It certainly was in some places. No travel, no entertainment, no resturaunts, no job, etc.

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True. Baby steps.

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Covid was a scam.

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You really think they are going to GOF a scam? It’s real. Not sure what it does. Different things to different people. Won’t really know for years.

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GOF is another scam.

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I 💯 percent agree. I’m sure that these Dr Frankenstein types mess around in labs with their levels four and five biocontainment suits and equipment pretending to create super pathogens. They’re play acting.

Man-made pandemics are a lie. Covid didn’t happen. It was just an ordinary (so-called) “cold and flu season”. The medical protocols killed a bunch of people. Iatrogenic democide. Who knows how much damage the poisonous shots have done and for how long.

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Most medical research is a scam. 98% of it. How many trillions have they spent researching “cancer”?

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A bioweapon with a heart toxin mixed in to cause myocarditis.

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Maybe so. Maybe not. I don’t believe that (so-called) “bioweapons” are real. It’s fear mongering. But I agree with you that the shots are toxic. How toxic? What percentage of people who got 1-2 doses have died from them? Have developed new and permanent illness from them? No one knows. It’s not being directly researched by toxicologists.

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At least 10 people that I knew have either dropped dead, bled out spontaneously, or come down with turbo cancer, as the doctors are calling it. I did not get any shots or even a covid test.

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Covid was never isolated. It is the 5G that we are surrounded by making people sick. Most people are unhealthy anyway.

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You’re right. The so-called “virus” which supposedly causes coronavirus disease (aka Covid) was never proven to do as it was claimed it did. It’s very likely that there was another cause of this disease. It’s questionable whether or not there even WAS a new disease. Lots of people who died already had multiple co-morbidities. And the protocols — remdesivir (spelling?) and intubation — killed plenty of people. Or maybe there really were some novel cases of pneumonia.

Maybe it was electromagnetic radiation poisoning that caused these pneumonias. How can an average person know?

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The nursing homes had had 5G installed and the patients injected with medazolam which rendered them unable to fight off the cell death caused by the 5G. The ventilators killed off those that weren't dying fast enough. If you watch Fall of the Cabal series on bitchute.com, there is much info available in the videos.

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Oh yeah. I forgot Midazolam, a drug used to induce anesthesia.

The hospital protocols, used in nursing homes too, euthanized plenty of “Covid” patients. It was iatrogenic mass murder. Doctor and government approved. Orders came down from the shadow government to kill a bunch of useless eaters who were getting their pension benefits and their Social Security benefits (and whatever it’s called in countries other than the USA) and their Medicare benefits.

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yep we do, its death.

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