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Mar 24
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You're right, it's gonna get harder and harder to stay below the parapet!

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Mar 25
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Hee hee, sorry - keep out of the way!

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Mar 25
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I don't understand?

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oh well & even if I explained it to you

you would still not understand

sorry about that . . .

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Remember, when the Chemtrails were Poo pooed as Fantasies? Then the Morgellons appeared on peoples bodies, fibrous growing off limbs, and other parts? That was an early Nano Tech experiment.

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Yeah, so I just "looked up " Morgellons.... completely trashed: bonkers people, mental, unsubstantiated etc, etc....

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Oh c'mon... That's just ice crystals forming from a contrail! [Sarcasm]

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Livestock, Sheep, Cattle and wild animals, have been observed doing odd behaviors, walking in circles, spinning, as a test a common Tree Squirrel was caught Blood was taken, it's got Nano Tech in it's Blood. No doubt every warm, and possibly Cold Blooded animals, have Nano Tech in their Nervous systems.

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Soon the Sheeple who wore masks & Boosted up will be having terrible Health issues because the Government Duped all these people that go along to get along.

And a lot are still unconscious.

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Anticipate a Tsunami of " Died Suddenlys", sadly, airline Pilots were forced to get the Covid jabs, to keep their jobs, aircraft will crash....

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It's been happening for 2yrs, mate. Over 400 pilots as of mid last year.

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Just what the cabal want. Far less pleb flights, private jets only, with an unvaccinated pilot of course. "Oh yes, our pilot...harmless, but a right winger" See? All the dots join up.

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On either a substack or another website, it was mentioned, the Morgellons, will grow faster, if exposed to intense light, or Electromagnetic fields.

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Thanks LoJM, I love your stackwork.

PS. (Just tried to share that on my FB page, but it was blocked. i.e.

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Your message couldn't be sent because it includes content that other people on Facebook have reported as abusive.

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FYI-Facebook is calling this spam and isn't allowing it to be posted(in Canada).

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So bob, boycott facbook. ITS EVIL

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Here i've noticed that the material that they're spraying day and night is really different from last year. Before they would spray the typical coal ash type of aeorosols with aluminum and barium, very easy to spot in the daytime because of how it reflects sunlight and how it makes the sky hazy. Now they're spraying a material that doesn't seem reflective and lingers for about a minute and then disappears, but doesn't seem to form a layer that spreads out, and you're left wondering wtf they're spraying but you know you're gonna breathe it at some point. They still spray at the same low altitude.

They've mastered the art of spraying the worst poisons with minimal visual evidence. I don't know if it's graphene or something even worse.

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Where I am, I'm still seeing the typical trails that haze up the skies. Cloudy and rainy almost all the time.

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Be sure to take silica (diatomaceous earth is a good source of silica for example) regularly to detox the aluminum and other heavy metals.

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I heard boron is a good thing to take also.

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Poison nano-particle emissions are part of the natural components of fuel consumption. You get similar output when any fuel is burned to varying degrees depending on the type of fuel.

I believe these chemtrials are purposely laid down in the atmosphere to control weather, which is a failed experiment for the most part. It's that now, with more chemtrails, the rise in nano-particle emissions is steadily rising and has been for perhaps as long as 40-50 years

Yet, since this is happening around the world, where are they hiding the bodies? No one knows the extent of harm to humans.

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They don't need to hide the bodies. The deaths resulting from chronic exposure to chemtrails are not identifiable by a specific cause of death ... they'll die from all kinds of cancer because of the aluminum, or they'll die from cardiovascular disease, or from diseases related to other heavy metals that they're spraying. So these deaths are never blamed on chemtrails ... and if you say so in public, you'll be ridiculed, the masses have no idea how to differentiate chemtrails from contrails, it's sad.

In North America alone, i'm sure thousands die every year because of chemtrails. Years and years of breathing this poison, drinking it, eating it ...

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Alzheimer’s as well…

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They are hiding in plain site. They will purposely not connect the dots to the astrinomical increase in cancer, alzheimers, copd, asthma etc. etc......

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What do we know about the plane and the pilot(s) in the video? Who is doing this? Where did the plane take-off and land?

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I liked Tony's comment there:

"They got Buckleys.

Their AI analysis is predicated on the idea that we who refused to submit to an untested and very suspicious pseudo-vaccine, are stupid, mad, or uneducated. That epithet can be applied to the jab-happy.

I refused, first, because I had proved a decade earlier that no vaccine works, and that all cause injury. Second, I did not believe there was a covid, just as in 2009 the WHO declared a pandemic when not a single case was diagnosed; merely two suspected cases.

Third, I had in my possession a video of psychopathic Bill Gates claiming his vaccines “will eliminate 80% of the world’s population”.

Personally, I consider that AI, taken all the way to sentient robot form, will turn on the Weffers and wipe them all out. That is what they meant by “I want to kill you”. ‘You” is plural. A sentient robot will still be part of humanity. The WEFfers are too stupid to realise this, and Harari is simply insane."

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Hee hee sorry - keep your head down!

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The climategate is a fascinating subject - it is so easy to manipulate because everyone can see as it is. “Manipulate” meaning whatever you want to tell people to believe. They will. If they don’t believe, their neighbors will force them to believe. Not that these neighbors know better, they will advocate for anything that is opposite to the views of their neighbors. The neighbor mentality, if you will. Scattered, fragmented and modulated information gives the enormous edge to one side. The pressure of a handful of “scientists” who pushed the absurd climategate helped it gain momentum sufficient for its survival. Now it thrives.

What can you do? Pay your bills, reduce gas, heat, A/C and whatever else you need to live efficiently - remember, you have to support our favorite jet travelers in their voyages across all skies in total disregard of environmental “protection”.

Ah, the sky. Watch the recent Highwire episode on climate engineering. This one is so different from everything else. I don’t know if it presents “truth” (what is it, anyway?) or an “angle”. But its 76 minutes explain practically everything you need to understand climategate. The speaker clearly is extremely well prepared and knows his stuff.

Key conclusions: 1) The real objective of the climate agenda is to melt the Arctic in order to gain easy access to new oil basins. 2) Geoengineering is being done 24/7 by all jest planes (explained nicely, no sensations, no conspiracies, pure physics). 3) Even if we stopped all spraying planes, the air will self-cleanse only after 2 years or so. 4) The contamination of the air with suspended chemicals is done 24/7 in a number of ways - with the purpose of reducing sunlight which reaches the surface of the Earth.

This last item is far worse than all covids. If they manage to do this, famine will only be mitigated by fake and artificial food (who benefits?). In the meantime, you will see the Earth desert growing daily. In the meantime all mechanical equipment will self-destroy due to accelerated oxidation (with reduced CO2 in the air). Animals and plants will die out sooner because they do not have human capabilities.

Two years ago I was half-joking with the Mad Max landscape desired by the ultra-rich useless eaters. After this interview… You will laugh at your concerns about masks, freedom of speech or vaccine mandates… https://thehighwire.com/ark-videos/unpacking-climate-engineering-with-jim-lee/

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‘Ice crystals’ is exactly what that is.

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FFS! Believing this is a trail of chemicals is even more stupid than believing wearing a cloth face mask will keep out airborne infections. It is ‘even more stupid’ because people were terrorised into believing face masks would save them; for what reason are people drawn to this chem trail cult?

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I was drawn to this "chemtrai cult" because I've been watching the sun disappear year after year. Hardy EVER a sunny day anymore. I have always been a "sun worshiper." Love being out in the sun no matter what season. Up until these last few years, there was always plenty of sun. Now I watch almost every single day, these lines in the sky expand until they turn the sky into these wispy clouds. Lines after lines after lines. I have sat and watched many times, a day that starts out sunny turn completely cloudy within 10 minutes. I have filmed this many times. I'm old enough to know what real clouds look like. As kids in my age group, I can tell you we never drew straight lines crisscrossing each other as clouds! I have also sat out at night with a bright flashlight after seeing these trails, and took videos of these shiny swirling champaign sized particles. Not just a few floating around, big clouds of them. And I was never a believer in the face masks or any of the other BS that went along with that whole psyop. This is what I see almost every single day! We have cloudy/rainy weather for weeks on end with NO SUN! So maybe I should just put a mask over my eyes and pretend I don't see what I see.😎

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