I am an MD with a Masters degree in chemistry. My graduate research paper was on dioxin, particularly 2,3,7,8 Tetrachlorodibenzodioxin (2,3,7,8 TCDD). I have several comments specifically on the dioxin matter in the East Palestine derailment, spill and subsequent open burn.

1) The specific chemical reactions that create dioxins are different for every type of dioxin, so it is hyperbolic to assert that everyone in the vast exposure zone will be intoxicated by dioxin.

2) On the opposite side of this, the "controlled burn" was only controlled in the size of the fire, and an open burn of vinly chloride CANNOT control the type of created contaminants, virtually all of which will have varying degrees of toxicity.

3) Different dioxins have different levels of toxicity, with the 2,3,7,8 TCDD the most toxic. This is the version that most people refer to when they say "dioxin", but it is not the most prevalent product in open burn of vinyl chloride, to the best of my knowledge.

4) Even so, if only minute levels of dioxins are released in a burn, the toxicity of the agent is so high that horrible consequences can result.

5) The size of the burn was enormous (as seen from space) and the black cloud produced was a Pandora's Box of dioxins and nearly as toxic non-dioxin chemistry that you will, hopefully, ever see.

6) No-one, to my knowledge, has even begun to approach the actual analysis of the scope and severity of the catastrophe. This is typical in the current la-la-land bureaucracy that passes for a government. Just have the press write more articles to make it go away, and magic!, it's not a problem any more.

7) They don't want to have to mount a response because they no longer have the capacity to. The frank incompetence is what they ignore on one hand, and deny on the other. The widespread denial that our system is collapsing is just a manifestation of the drug addled populace which cannot cope with the hostile realities that we are facing. Voting the bums out will no longer solve anything. There is nobody coming to the rescue.

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Thank u great essay Ms. Nelson and Lioness. Seems like USA has been evil for quite some time to “protect “ us . How about those who work in those Biolabs and are even consultants and contractors for those Biolabs ?? They need to speak up .

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What more will it take for people to see that THEY ARE the target? May they go public in their local communities on a massive scale. Questions can be posed, data provided and let the dead silence from their officials ring like the bell of hell that they haven't a clue.

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