What a piece of shit 💩 this ghoul is

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Just like rust, never sleeps, never takes a day off.

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We need well prepared militias too be on the ready on all 50 states. These heathens have concentration camps on all 50 states. All for dissidents meaning us

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This guy makes "quacks" look good....did he get his MD from Sears? Pax

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Oops,,, ,meant to say this guy makes "quacks look good"

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See the 3 dots after the post, click these and choose EDIT.

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Thanks :-)

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in the world of Medicine, There are a lot more Quacks than Ducks.

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Back of a porn magazine

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Perhaps he acquired his license from a Cracker Jack's box.

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Molon Labe.

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So, how many times has Hotez been vaxed and boosted??

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He's still breathing, so not enough.

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He is probably one of those who recommended that Cons in Congress be Exempt from the mRNA Bioweapons during traitor joe's "Mandates". You know, just in case something goes horribly wrong...

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Yes, and will not admit to being unvaxed.

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Sucking the tit of big pharma while encouraging vaccine genocide.

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Forget winning the argument with scientific evidence, call in the troops.

This tells you they don't have any evidence to support their argument.

Anyone with an ounce of common sense can see right through this.

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Between good old fashioned Common Sense, reason and a one hour Michael Yeadon video before the heavy Consorship campaign started, I knew there was no way in hell I was going to participate in the Global Experiment or should I say Global I.Q. test? That things wouldn't end well for those who voluntarily concent without Informed Concent. I find it VERY HARD to believe that a Gross majority of people globally who could possibly be so naive. #DepopulateTheDepopulators #DefundTyranny

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Out of nearly 1000 employees we only had 16 refused forced vaccinations to keep their job. Globally who knows, but in the countries where it was mandated by employers and government the vast majority went along with it.

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Peter Hotez, a Jewish American doctor has also called for legislation to make criticism of Dr. Fauci a felony.

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He also claims your urine antisemite if your anti-VAX

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That doctor should be on psychiatric meds.

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Hotez, Jewish American dr. I didn't know that but I should have realized every single time.

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They've already sold their souls for a few shekels.

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How about a call for the Insane to be prohibited from becoming a doctor?

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Gate;s front man

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Gates deserves a lethal injection.

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He needs to be jabbed. About 100 times. With a jagged knife. Then thrown to the sharks.

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Hotez actually said, “Science is not something that is typically debated.” What a fraud.

You got that right! Science is ALWAYS debated. If it isn't, then it isn't science, it is BS. What ISN'T allowed to be debated is tyranny! Having the government force people into something against their will is a great idea! Because the government has such a great track record! It is amazing what people will do for money.

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Amen , well said.

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#DefundTyranny #EndAPECnow #LevelTheCCP #FreedomIsNotFree

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Unreal. This is a booger eater in a bowtie. He told Joe Rogan that he loves junk food. And his daughter has autism.

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He is exactly as you describe.

A booger eating junk food eating, filth.

He’s a sweaty slob.

Good lord what woman would sleep with that greasy porn creeper.

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Mental illness at its finest.

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Not human . Sub /species must be satanic. Stay in the Light everyone x

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Hotez is mistaking the example of a "complex" physical system that is our healthcare system for a "non-complex" physical system in building a model of this system, where a "complex" physical system exhibits one ore more "emergent properties," each of which is a property of the whole system and not of the separate parts of this system whereas a "non-complex" physical system exhibits no such properties. Harvard University is making the same mistake thus failing to live up to its motto of "varitas," the word meaning "Truth" in the Latin language. Harvard can live up to this model by conformity to the entropy minimax principle in constructing models of physical systems.

Terry Oldberg

engineer/Scientist/Public Policy Researcher

Los Altos Hills, Calfifornia, USA

1-650-518-6636 (,mobile)

terry_oldberg@yahoo.com (email)

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Who are these vaccine "scientists"? They want to remove every single piece of dissent that reveals them to be the charlatans they are, they are aggressive, prejudiced, against body autonomy and free speech. They need to be reined in and controlled, I find them dangerous and a threat to my health.

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Exactly, well said!

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