71 MILLION SYMPTOMS. Absolutely astonishing - many people need to be in prison for a long, long time.

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Post vaccine:

Friends mom had a stroke. Age- 50’s

Friends wife had internal convulsion and a messed up menstrual cycle. Age- 30’s.

Boss had a heart attack requiring stents. Age - 60’s.

Other boss got myocarditis, ambulance ride to ER, thought he was having a heart attack. Age - 30’s.

Other Boss sons classmate full body paralysis. Age - 9.

Wife’s coworker, heart attack and died. Age - 50’s.

Coworker died in sleep. Age 60’s.

Coworker, brain cancer. Age 30’s.

Coworker died of unknown causes. Age 60’s.

Neighbor developed 3 aggressive cancers at the same time. Age 50’s.

My mechanic died (heart attack after first shot, died after booster). Age 60’s.

Started in 2008. From 2008-2021, one death from a drug overdose, one death from a medical issue, 1 death from cancer, one heart attack, full recovery, nothing out of the normal… kind of what you’d expect working with a few hundred people over 14 years. Then everything I listed within one year…

It’s definitely above baseline.

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It just means it’s working…. 😢

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Can there be any doubt which side the CDC is on - a) gvt bureaucracy/big pharma vs b) citizens they are charged with protecting. What can be the possible rational justification for hiding/withholding and fighting to keep secret this devastating data other than sheer malevolence and corruption? I’ll wait...

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I tried to tell people the covid death shot was a bioweapon.

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I tried to tell them it was a bio weapon, and they laughed at me. I warned them again and they silenced me, kicked me off of platforms. I tried to warn them yet again, and they fired me. I went and warned them again anyways, and they attacked me.

Now they’re falling apart….

and I’m reminding them to hurry up and take their boosters.

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