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Mar 22
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I wonder should we call it genocide or democide🧐 cause we know all the governments were behind it.

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Good point.

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Both King Charles and Princess Catherine (Kate) have now announced they are being treated for cancer. Kate is only in her 40s. One cannot help but wonder if they have taken the Jabs.

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Or is it staged? Who knows. I don’t know either but there are some skeptics that say the royal family is trying to normalize all the cancer that’s everyone knows about now. Nothing would surprise me any more. Check out the substack of Aussie 17. He’s got the video of her explaining it all.

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Interesting point, Tex. The Info Ops have been flying thick & fast for the past several years.

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could the propaganda be- people are getting cancer who don't normally get cancer and hey, look the king and princess have cancer too. So we can't blame them. Must be something else not their fault. the reptilians really aren't trying to genocide the commoners.

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something I just came across makes more sense for the British royals getting cancer.

"royal families symbolize the history, mythology and customs of their respective nations—and so they arguably have to go, along with all the rest of British culture, in favor of the global order"


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Forgive me, but I fail to see where these two and their war with cancer is any more important that the millions of "lower" humans fighting their cancer battles.

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Keep pushing. Keep exposing. Stay strong. 💪

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The CDC and FDA and AMA have been fully redacted in my mind. Absolutely nothing to see here worth a plug nickle or the loss of one life. These agencies are another name for DEATH!

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Dear Lord, deliver us from evil - protect us from this global genocide & help us to help ourselves continue to be in right action & speak Truth to tyranny ...

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