Wait!!! This has to be fake news… we were told by none other than Saint Doctor Fauci that the Jab was safe and effective! Unfortunately act in haste repent in leisure. Really begs the question as to when Justice will be served? Pax

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These bioweapons are so versatile, is there any disease that they cannot cause ?

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Now that’s funny!

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ALL, I mean ALL of these issues that were mentioned 2 years ago are coming true. Prion disease, cancer (cause mRNA depresses immune system), graphene oxide. ALL of it coming true!

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Because prions can survive extreme conditions, they cannot be sterilized or destroyed by immune cells, so they are difficult to treat.

This may not be true. After all, millions ate BSE infected meat (including me) during the Madcow era; this has not translated to that many deaths. It appears, some of our immune cells can destroy prions, though it is a tricky business:


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It is definitely true. Prion disease has been caused iatrogenically during surgical procedures. Prion disease was also caused in people who ate the brains of prion diseased people. Kuru is name of the disease. Just like any other infections disease, it is the susceptibility of the individual and the amount of microorganism: https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC5082740/

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Published Research is contaminated with false conclusions. Alternate scientific conclusions have always been suppressed. I am hopeful for humanity despite this chaos.

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Great, but let me tell you from personal experience, I thought it was nearly impossible for someone I know to die of CJD. You can be as hopeful as you want, but it is happening.

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But also, prions kill slowly, it's often a slow, debilitating death. I submit that those who designed those weapons chose to use prions as the mechanism that would kill most of the victims in a "delayed manner", at which point it's more difficult to attribute it to the "treatment".

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So did cancers - did being the operative word. But only in those whose metabolic/immune systems were wrecked. Hopefully, we can deal with them by adopting healthy, natural healing methods.

The problem for the lunatics, is that they are killing vast amounts of people in a 'non-delayed manner'. Everybody knows what they have done, everybody knows mass-murder is, er, bad.

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Correct. It is a slow death and its a brutal way to die. My father died from Creutzfeldt-Jakob disease (CJD). At the end he was asking us to pull his feeding tube. He wanted to die.

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I have posted this before on several Substacks.

Couple of mad DoD scientists wrote about using prions as bioweapons.

Article was published in 2019 in a UK pub.


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Worth reading, "COVID-19 and Illegal US Bioweapons Activity, an Insider's Revelations": https://www.scivisionpub.com/pdfs/covid19-and-illegal-us-bioweapons-activity-an-insiders-revelations-2432.pdf

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Thanks for the link.

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Yep, scary stuff the DoD is doing.

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Tritorch is the first person I heard about these agencies including DARPA

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This isn't going to end well.

And it's only going to get worse.

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I’m so happy I never got jabbed. The side effects just keep mounting.

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But the shedding :(

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Thankfully I’m not exposed to too many jabbed people, but still aware of and pray I’m safe from it.

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Brains being eaten away?

That would help to explain the increase in episodes of irrational and self-destructive behavior that is becoming impossible to ignore.

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Explains a lot!

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And car "vaccidents", road rage, grocery store line rage etc., etc., etc.!

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I watch a lot of YouTube. I see so many police arrests of out of control women, especially. They’re pulled over for simple things like speeding or drunk driving and act like they have rabies. They’re utterly insane and scream as if being boiled alive.

I can’t help but wonder if these females raging in age from late teens to mid seventies are largely jabbed and have brains being turned to mush as a result. Their rage is off the chart; I don’t understand how cops can deal with this never ending nonsense.

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Maybe the car accidents we’re seeing daily in SoCal too.

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"The Author was made aware of Mossad’s interest in using toxic proteins called prions as a bioweapon since his fellowship at Mossad infiltrated NIH/NIAID. There were frequent conversations among employees at the Laboratory of Immunology, NIAID/NIH about the deadly nature of prions. Prions act as slow poisons allowing large number of people to be poisoned before the plot can be discovered. The long delay between exposure and disease makes deniability easier."


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"The prion research funded by the Gates and Ellison foundations relates to identifying RNA sequences that can induce certain proteins found naturally in the human body to take on prion configurations. These prion diseases include ALS, frontotemporal lobar degeneration, Alzheimer’s disease and other neurological degenerative diseases. By simply reading the published sequence of the Pfizer mRNA vaccine the Author discovered that there were many of these prion inducing sequences in the Pfizer mRNA COVID-19 vaccines [48]. The Author further found that at least one COVID-19 vaccine was associated with an increased risk of Parkinson’s disease [60], a prion related disease. Additional authors have confirmed that the spike protein, the active ingredient in COVID-19 vaccines, also contains amino acid sequences capable of inducing prion disease and have reported patients developing prion disease after receiving a COVID vaccine [61-63]"

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I believe the furin cleavage to also be a problem when it comes to misfolding in replication. That is why we read in this research paper that the furin cleavage is naturally occurring in Covid. https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC7836551/

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Bill Gates's evil chuckle can be heard in the distance " Bwaaaaahahahahaha! "

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Until he meets his Maker, that is.

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I recall hearing Celeste Solum talk about "cavitation" as one of the intended consequences of the mad scientist globalist's plans for us all. Perhaps this is part of their "proof of product performance?" https://celestialreport.com/

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Dr. Richard Fleming MD, JD, PhD, addressed the prion disease early on in the scamdemic. His videos can be watched on Rumble. https://rumble.com/vu1es5-dr.-richard-fleming-says-graphene-oxide-in-vaccines-may-lead-to-prion-disea.html https://rumble.com/vj39nv-dr.-richard-fleming-on-mad-cow-disease-via-the-spike-protein.html

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Dr Stephanie Seneff and Dr P McCullough posted a paper on this in 2022

Innate immune suppression by SARS-CoV-2 mRNA vaccinations: The role of G-quadruplexes, exosomes, and MicroRNAs

Author links open overlay panel

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