I'm proud of him for standing his ground and not abandoning principles.

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I'm not too sure what it means to "fake it", sorry... can someone explain? you roll up your sleeve and someone pretends to shoot you but doesn't?? Anyways, in Quebec, there was a big scandal when the rollout began about tons of people buying their way out with fake vaccine passports. I remember they threatened to fine the guilty. We never heard from this ever. Guess what?? turns out it was the doctors and nurses that bought most of the fake passports... MSM couln't get the info out, right???

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Medicine as we once knew it will never be the same. Never again will I trust the ones that said and continue to say ‘safe and effective.’ The pendulum is swinging the other way, and many are waking up to the crimes against humanity.

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That is what a divine masculine presence looks and sounds like. Right there. Thank you sir. Autonomy. Integrity. Truth. Courage. Dealing with the consequences of courage takes a lot more courage.

Deep respect to you , sir. You embody a human being.

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So very proud & thankful for all the brave whistleblowers in every profession that not only refused the depopulation shots but refused to fake it AND spoke up to help save others from taking it❣️

God bless every single one of you Hero Whistleblowers.

Praying God will reign down His righteous judgement on all the evil demon possessed people who created this poison & pushed it on others & cowards in the medical community who knew & stayed silent.

The Tyrants that are in control MUST be removed or they will continue to harm us any & every evil way they can think of!?!

Lord Jesus, please show us how to stop them & help us, we need another miracle from You & we need Revival Worldwide 🙏🏼

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Sure, just "pretend" to shoot somebody as a sniper, just fake it... right. He did the right thing.

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I don’t believe this. Why did he wait till now to tell us.

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this is potentially great news. did a substantial percentage of his fellow soldiers fake it? if so, we're going to see a matching increase in survivors

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Canada has reached the end of the road as a single political unit. Regardless of how WWIII ends, that nation in its current form is OVER. This is a good thing!


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Well done, Brett Campbell, you have integrity.

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One thing that makes this young man exemplary is that when he tells this story you get no sense that he was debating making his deals with evil. Nope.

His internal guidance system did not hold an option labeled "Making phony deals with evil death mongers to protect my own a$$." Clearly not. He wanted truth and choice. He maintained options that were not "offered" to him. He remembered who is in charge and who is responsible for his choices. Himself.

The US military and medical professions need to become WORTHY of people like this man again.

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I say Boost Boost Baby if you’re that dumb, we will have a going away party for you.

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I knew that "faking it" with COVID-19 "vaccine" injections would be the case for some personnel in the military. Some military personnel are worth too much money to be used as pawns this way. It costs a lot of money to train special ops soldiers. The government looks at that as an "investment" in an "asset." And there aren't too many of those people around.

The military has known that the COVID-19 "vaccines" were a scam from the beginning. They had to -- because the DoD who was involved in a large part of the mRNA development program. To believe otherwise is nonsense, it's documented.

Worst of all. Information was publicly available as it relates to the dangers of mRNA, causing uncontrollable inflammation, and auto immune disorders. There was a document on the NIH website from April, 2019 detailing this. There are older ones as well.

I link to the April, 2019 document here:


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