Have NO DOUBT what-so-ever about the neighbors to the North of the U.S. rising. It's simply instinct to know their time is coming to oppose the Black Nobility as the U.S. did 240 yrs. ago. THIS TIME, CANADA WILL LEAD AND A DORMANCY OF ATTITUDE IN THE U.S. WILL FALL OUT OF STAGNATION .

Canada is destined to lead as they did with the 'Trucker's Protest' inspiring the whole world.

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Do you have a link to the US opposing 240 years ago please

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I knew the entire thing from day one was a scam, the fake "covid" all the way to the bioweapon injections. I bet you can guess what I did thru out, absolutely nothing and thank God I listened to Him.

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I tried. It’s 5,324 pages, with 17 pages of table of contents, 22 pages of executive summary and 593 pages of the actual content. And 4,688 pages of testimony transcripts. No doubt, a very important work, and a lot of effort.

But… no-one will read it. Maybe except dedicated lawyers who need support for their statements. And historians will gladly produced new thousands of pages reporting what has already been reported many times before.

From the perspective of the actual impact, it’s a missed approach. Such voluminous work should be split into more digestible small parts, allowing anyone interested to dive into specific aspects. Fortunately, you can download volumes 1 and 2 (reporting and analytical) as separate PDF files from here: https://nationalcitizensinquiry.ca/commissioners-report/

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Dec 6, 2023
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The average human attention span is 8.25 seconds. In goldfish: 9 seconds… The average human attention span decreased by almost 25% from 2000 to 2015. 7% of people forget their birthdays. 25% of teenagers forget important information.

Our capacity to process information has been changing critically in recent 20-30 years. This applies to older generations as well - those who write and compile such reports. The authors easily overcome this problem because they are inherently involved and interested in the subject matter. But the readers... no-one is interested in this subject matter as much as the authors. It’s natural, and the same is in all fields of science, life, technology.

This is where older generations (say, people over 40) lose with the younger ones. For matters of such importance, where our common future is at stake, it is crucial. The younger generations will determine the quality of life of the older ones. If the authors (speakers, writers, media content creators) do not understand this, or choose to neglect it because they are too important to change their ways, we will wake up tomorrow in the world that we won’t recognize.

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Dec 6, 2023
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I get it, clappers are always welcome, “sensitive” people feel they belong in the same club, silently supporting each other, and never daring to venture off the “right” line. Now, dare you to write something different, not even a critique, merely different, and here you pick it up and you try to build your important world around it.

Clearly, you can’t see it that what you are doing right now is exactly what “they” want us all to do. You have just decided to make up accusations against what I have NOT written in the comment. I intended to only inspire a different view of writing style in general - because we are in the writing environment of Substack. You have just chosen to divide and conquer, neglecting my recognition of the importance of the report, and choosing to challenge me personally. Ok, so here are your answers: 1) I HAVEN’T asked for a report within any number of seconds. 2) I HAVEN’T suggested any required limit of seconds or “all” reports. 3) I HAVEN’T suggested anything about your actions, whether you should or should not read anything. 4) No, I DON’T want them ALL to be shortened or extended or widened or narrowed or whatever. These four questions came from your imagination and have nothing to do with what I wrote.

On top of all this, I haven’t criticized the report in any way. In fact, I haven’t made ANY reference to this very report. But you won’t see it this way if you choose whatever you feel fit to make a clash. This is exactly what “they” want you to do. You have just scored 1 point in their game.

We are in an open space where everyone is free to write whatever one wants. I see comments as a source of inspiration to all readers, not necessarily limiting the scope of the comment to a naturally narrow subject matter. This includes your freedom to read anything you want in my comment, even if it is not there - which you have just done. My freedom is not to make an empty dispute about what I haven’t written but you have noticed there even though it is not there. Respectfully, Dan.

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Dec 6, 2023
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Everyone has the right to say/write whatever they want. It may be reasonable and based on shared reality, and it may be utterly stupid and completely out of context. This is being human and communicating. Everyone has the right to express one thing and be miserably misinterpreted as well as to misread or mishear what was written/said. Every form of expression/reaction is legitimate, because that’s the way we navigate in this world. We share our opinions, we communicate what we think or feel, or we speak out whatever has accumulated within for a long long time and finally flooded the reason and has to be removed from the system. This is us being human. When we are studying under great tutors, we are encouraged to this. When we are working under great bosses, they demand our being honest and saying whatever comes to our mind, no matter what.

For some reason, an idea has gained force in online communities like Substack or anti-social media that you have to comply with the climate prevailing locally. You have to praise local heroes, applaud local initiatives, support some and attack others. It’s become completely absurd. “Freedom” thinkers openly attack thought normalization, while themselves adhere to the cult of selected individuals and negate any dissenting voices. This has become so strong that it sometimes outweighs full totalitarian approaches. You can’t criticize the select few who do something. Don’t even try to write openly that you don’t like what they do. The “freedom” thinking new wave will attack you far stronger that you would expect from the perceived “enemy”. It’s the true manifestation of how “the oppressed become the oppressors” - and they see their own transformation into beasts devouring the budding humanity as justified and honorable. An amazing process in itself.

Why? What’s wrong with not liking an idea, a book, an author, or even the whole groupie team following a “brave” activist? You don’t like something or somebody, you have the right to say it, no justification needed. In fact, your negative input may be a great feedback for the group/person. Who knows, maybe they need honest, negative opinions. It’s another extreme, but it also is part of our being human and saying whatever you feel the need to say. Glorifying an initiative without any reflections and pondering about intricacies is like praying to a small red book - the mind becomes so obsessed with the only version of truth and the only authorized manner of “supporting” the glorious leaders. It is a laughter to the face of the movement defending “freedom of expression”.

Some historians say that the old regimes are good and should stay as they are. You learn them, you find ways to coexist, and it’s not easy, but a certain balance is achieved and slowly things become bearable. But when the opposition comes to power, they have to be “better” than the old tyranny and they always, inevitably become more oppressive and more merciless than the “regime” they were fighting against. That’s exactly the process that you can see now with the “freedom” movement. A year ago it was pretty coherent and tolerant. It quickly morphed into fractions fighting for power and “monopoly” of who is right and how much. In 2020-2022, the outlawed doctors were in opposition to the whole medical structure. A few months later they themselves become a new medical tyranny, not yet fully fledged, but already gaining strength and becoming selfless in cleaning up those who dare to discuss their opinions or ways. Professionals, experts, specialists, renowned and acclaimed individuals are becoming a new medical structure with the only approved way of behaving, thinking and being. The 2019-2023 opportunity for the humanity to rise up as a stronger and more understanding environment is being steadily buried and lost in the new One Truth. Some of these new “free” professionals are already becoming authoritarian, with no mercy for their critics. It’s a terrifying process.

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They better print this off and hide a copy.

It is getting fierce out there ...Kevin McKernan just had his entire database wiped out.

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Oh No..his findings were priceless! I guess government officials. big pharma are getting nervous.

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Hard copies and thumb drives! Forget cloud storage.

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That is crazy. I hope that there is something that could be done to save the database?

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I mean this respectfully, but what is the “National Citizens Inquiry”? It would have to be a government entity to have subpoena power, correct? And if they can issue subpoenas, wouldn’t it be a big deal for 100% of the people issued them to ignore them? So something seems - odd.

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Now let's find an agency that wasn't involved and is willing to prosecute.

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Criminals will never investigate themselves. They know that will end in only one outcome.

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I see those individuals who pushed, enforced , mandated the shot as terrorists. Nothing less.

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Genocidal maniacs as a minimum please!

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5,000 pages to say the blindingly obvious. Kept the uncivil serpents in a job I suppose.

"A full judicial investigation into the authorization process under which the COVID-19 vaccines were approved must be carried out, it states."

So they can have 100, 000 pages to say the the blindingly obvious. That will keep the uncivil serpents occupied for a few years.

I have no idea how many pages I might be said to have in this but at least I did it quicker and without payment!


And this for Canada as well. Various links within.


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I have no words that could explain the grave feelings I have. As time goes on, I wonder what type of lie I will be told today.

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.Thank you LOJM for your ongoing ballsy journalism. . Hoping these many cracks of truth will soon lead to a deluge of awareness for the masses. .

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Not only 'the government and the media, but also the "corporate cabal"...

One local company is trying to backpedal now; Claiming that they never made the Jabs compulsory as a condition of Employment?? In 2021 the workers were told point blank that without the Jab, they would be fired.

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This psyops gets crazier by the day , sure is a test of my endurance and faith . Jacobs ladder comes to mind for some reason 🙏

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we get rid of this evil useless government then and only then can we repair this country Trudeau and his puppets must go to prison for all there lies and people who they hurt and killed

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