And history gets repeated as most people are clueless or too stupid to care.

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This is a real crime

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Feb 27Liked by Lioness of Judah Ministry

Never thought I'd see the day when professionals would go to prison for upholding medical ethics which medical practitioners have to show certification in continued education.

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It`s, plain to see that they will stop at nothing to get what the want it sure as hell has nothing to do with covid never has, it has always been about control, power, and the almighty dollar and if people don`t band together then we are doomed!

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Libs want to take us back in time to about 1938-39 or so.

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Invest time, energy, and research into taking ownership of your own health and get out of the sick care system as soon as possible.

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More proof of the evil behind these Covid shots..........WAKE UP PEOPLE!!!

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They’re getting ready to pull this shit in the USA. Y’all better wake up and do something, or send your children to a lifetime of slavery and servitude to this communist scum.

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Thank you for alerting me. I just posted this on the UK Daily Express, the post was deactivated straight away. I changed a few of the words to circumvent the censorship. Hopefully, stories like this will get people thinking.

A story I will share of a patient I went to, had a twisted bowel, was operated on and the wound was glued shut. Yes, with the internal pressure of all the organs, a UK surgeon glued the wound shut. So when she was showering at home the next day, her wound opened and her internal bowel dropped out through the wound. A ambulance was called, can you get a taxi? She made her own way to A&E, waited 17 hrs in A&E, developed septicaemia. The NHS is broken. But what was the surgeon thinking

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Oct 10, 2022Liked by Lioness of Judah Ministry

Wow! Amazing story. What a hero she is.

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Oct 10, 2022Liked by Lioness of Judah Ministry

THANK YOU SO MUCH for bringing attention to this ......SUPER important.....

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Since the implementation of obamacare in the US, my medical files and most private info already belongs to the state.

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At the risk of misunderstanding your comment, i believe and trust that you're not therefore implying that she should kowtow to the evil Trudeau govt.

By the way, what makes you even think that your most private info already belongs to the state. Do you have any evidence of this? I mean there are many great doctors like this woman who would go to any length to protect their patients privacy. Unfortunately this type of thinking and statement almost presume we should just roll over moreso like the stupid jabs they are trying to force upon everyone.

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Oct 10, 2022·edited Oct 10, 2022

Stepplin22: Here is only one of many sources of information on the accessibility of health care records in the US by the government.


My family doctor of some 25 years told me, upon the implementation of the Affordable Care Act, that he would be mandated by the new law to purchase a 40K computer system that would plug into a national database whereby patient info would be accessible by not only health care providers, but also insurance companies and other agencies, but most importantly by the US government. He closed his practice instead of complying.

Two anecdotes: I was seen at an out of state emergency room and prescribed medication for pain. Years later, during a wellness visit with my regular GP, I was asked if I was still on that medication. My doc referenced the date, the name of the facility, and what I had gone in for. The computer system in which he found that info is interconnected throughout the US and accessible by Medicare, Medicaid, CDC, etc.

Second anecdote: When accessing my health portal online, I was shocked to see a wide red banner running across the top of the screen: "This patient is not vaccinated". Take from that what you will, but the info in my PRIVATE medical records, including whether or not I am vaxxed, is accessible by the government.

You can thank Obama and the Affordable Care Act.

Further, next time you ask anyone in a health care setting if your info is protected by HIPAA, note their reaction. When I have pushed to know exactly who would have access and why, I am met with smirks, eye rolls, etc. "Just sign the paper", they say. I have even had several nurses and office staff admit to me that HIPAA is a big joke.

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To be clear, I remain in rabid opposition to anyone other than my doctor having access to my medical info. I only state facts. The presumption is yours.

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Ending Roe has zero impact on overall privacy, except possibly in the similar way that one could say criminalizing euthanasia ended privacy. Privacy was gone with the implementation of Obamacare.

The Roe ruling doesn't affect a large part of the population, one way or another.

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Oct 10, 2022Liked by Lioness of Judah Ministry

i've had "friends" say to me that it's not comparable to nazi germany because there are no ovens... yet

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You don't need the ovens when you have the jabs.

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Oct 10, 2022Liked by Lioness of Judah Ministry

If Canadians allow this, it will get worse. No one seems concerned except a single doctor. One person cannot prevail against a whole country. If others support her, where are they?

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Trudeau closed the bank accounts of people who donated $25 or more to the peaceful truckers. He ended his unlawful use of the Emergencies Act, but retained the right to close the financial accounts of anyone supporting a cause he deems unacceptable. Canada, like most of the west, is an authoritarian state, a democracy in name only.

And Singh, the leader of the NDP party is also a WEF puppet, enabling Trudeau to stay in power until 2025.

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Canadians seem to like it that way.

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Canadians, especially West coast, are so submissive to the federal and local powers that be. Never questioning do these people in power have their best interests, its like they almost see it as a a bad thing to question politicians. Its time for them to wake up. Canada is a dumpster fire under Trudeau.

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Everybody has limits of how much abuse they'll tolerate. It will be interesting to find where they are.

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I know, right?

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Oct 10, 2022·edited Oct 10, 2022

I agree. Over 82% of Canadians have had at least two jabs, and the rate is even higher in BC. Some, like my brother, are so brainwashed that they've even allowed their babies to be jabbed. We are doomed.

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That's like saying Americans support Biden. Some do support Trudeau, but there's a reason #TrudeauMustGo has been trending on Twitter.

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Well find out in a few weeks how many Americans support Joe. Polls are looking like its fewer than he needs. His days are numbered. Probably won't survive his first term.

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Hopefully, you're right but only if election integrity is ensured.

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Election integrity, or lack thereof, only matters if the electorate is evenly split. Which it is. That means half the country likes the outcome, half doesn't. Irreconcilable differences always lead to divorce. A little cheating is way less important than half the people you meet, more in some states, hate you. We have to change enough minds that cheating can't matter.

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Bravo Dr O’conner!! You are one of few doctors left with true integrity (and warrior spirit). Certainly not at all surprised at the underhanded tactics used by the government aligned CPSO and the judge ruling against you..... I recall reading about witch hunts in the 1600’s ..... What year is this again??? Soon they will be using the mental health act against us. Absolutely disgusting.

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Don't forget next year mental ailments will be justification for euthanasia.

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