Calling that a glitch is like saying my gun fired bullets backwards but it was just a glitch!

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It is a feature, not a glitch, of a BIOWEAPON.

How many more 'features' will we see, besides the ones we have already seen.

"... The World Wonders..."

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It was an intended glitch so as to keep people sick so big pharma can sell more “glitchy” drugs

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I didn’t get it because I didn’t think I needed it. Then came the mandates. Obviously wrong to force people to take medication. But no way did I see such widespread damage coming from the shots. It’s really the icing on the cake of the whole covid shitshow. I can almost see why there’s denial about the harms of the shot. How awful to contemplate that something you did to protect yourself might have instead caused harm. It’s almost inconceivable that the people who cared about our health so much that the world was shut down didn’t care enough to make sure the “cure” wasn’t worse than the disease.

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They didn't care.. it's all planned.

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They cared and this was executed as designed. They cared to do damage

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Wow. The lies that are told.

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A glitch - lol!

How about a pre planned event, from creating the bio weapons and then implementing the planned response - tragic!

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You will see how these CRIMINAL EXPERTS do not explain why this happens.

We are tired of seeing it since 2021. When graphene oxide is introduced into the blood, among other serious and deadly things it does, it leaves you without white blood cells. Therefore, you have no defenses.

Graphene oxide was treacherously introduced into vaccines, we already demonstrated this in 2021, and subsequently in other parts of the world.

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They ‘pushed’ and ‘pushed’ the innocent, but gullible and feeble-minded, to not only have themselves injected but also for them to have their children injected too!

‘Criminal’, is often mooted but it is; Criminal!

I feel desperately sorry for the afflicted who failed to engage their common sense, and sadly placed their trust in those whose duty it was to hold the public's interest in the highest regard; They did nothing of the sort!

I believe that when the ‘money trail’ of contracts and company shares is followed we are going to see financial compromise and inducements on a scale never before imagined.


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Fauci..."I don't recall, I don't remember."

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Where is that little f*cker????

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Nothing glitchy about the jabs. It was intended to do the job of culling and maiming the population and it's doing a good job of it with 3/4 of the jabbies still have no clue of their intended harm are....

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So sad 😭

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What’s the next “glitch” to be “discovered”.

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DISEASE X, Dengue, Ebola, SARS-CoV-3, Marburg, Malaria, ________ and any others you can think of (I can come up with plenty).

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I recall reading an article in 2020 speculating that VAIDS would be a possibility. Another conspiracy theory proven correct.

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sound a lot like AIDS, both Fauci knee deep

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Hmm... that's a good point. I had forgotten about Fauci's AIDS connection.

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So the vaccine was designed to make people need more vaccines if they did not die.

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take them until you die seems to be the motto

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Restoring trust. “Dr” Mandy Cohen. Calling her a clown is insulting to the clown profession

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It should never have been there in the first place! Where are the doctors and other health professionals flagging this up? This is abuse! The babies cannot decide for themselves. Silent Doctors, Midwives etc are complicit!


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Agreeing totally - how do we change it?? There are millions of children at stake.

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For now we keep talking, keep sharing, keep expressing. Have you noticed how the ‘They’ have made ‘Waking up’(Woke) a foolhardy term, attaching all sorts of nonsense to what is in essence common sense and mutual respect, distracting and dividing us whilst the poisoning goes on? We keep pointing out the obvious and exposing the ‘Hall of Mirrors’. That's all it is; ILLUSIORY. It's not ‘Rocket Science’!

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Unfortunately, those who have had the jabs seem to choose to have them for their children, no matter what information is given. As an American, I'll never stop putting my thoughts out there. We have a right to free speech - even though there are people sitting in jail here in the U.S. because of their thoughts (praying in front of an abortion clinic).

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That needs to be stopped.

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Re writing DNA is NO BIG DEAL. Please move on. It’s actually miraculous that the damage hasn’t been far worse. As bad as it has been.

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…Yet! What about the future generations? DNA!

I think that the ‘damage’ is already incalculable.



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It will be very interesting to see. Although hard to imagine people getting any dumber or more compliant. The poor kids. No say in the matter.

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None for the 5G they have been deploying close to schools or the spraying of our skies either!! All of this has to stop.

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Being strictly classified as gene therapies, what did you expect mRNA poisons to do? They have altered genes as well as DNA and RNA. Gee, what could go wrong with that?

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The Graphene Oxide DESTROYS White Blood Cells.

People literally were injecting themselves with Time Released Poison.

TBH though...Most deserve whatever is coming.

They watched as we "Plague Rats" were punished, jailed, censored, fined, bankrupted, fired and did nothing.

Many just told me to take it...Most followed whatever bullshit the NIH/CDC/FDA served about how it "Protected" them or stopped you from "Killing Grandma" etc.

They said cruel things while we barely made it.

They pressured their spouses, friends and kids to get it.

Many cases of "If you don't take it you can't see your grandchildren!" or "You can't come for XMAS dinner, Birthdays, Easter" etc etc etc.

Okay...Fuck you then.

Start digging your own grave for you and your children.

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Many have already...

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Video is horrifying and from what I have learned, accurate. The only part that doesn't make sense is the boosters being needed to "stay alive." More explanation about the mechanisms by which the later boosters do anything that would keep a person alive is needed. My understanding is that the data shows the more boosters one gets, (4rth, 5th, etc.) the more likely one is to die.

Again, what's the mechanism by which ANY of these jabs do anything besides push you closer and closer to an early grave? I'm worried people who've already gotten jabbed up will think they NEED to go on getting boosters, and I've seen ZERO evidence to support the theory that ANY of these jabs do anything to keep anyone alive.

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The theory that the "HIV" particle was responsible for AIDS has already been debunked. It was all a Fauci con. People who tested positive for this particle were coming down with "AIDS" after they started taking Fauci's "antiviral" drugs. People who chose NOT to take Fauci's drugs were NOT dying of "AIDS."

As far as I can tell, they crispered the HIV particle into the spikes SO THAT people would test positive for HIV, and thereby explain away the immune system damage from the covid vax. And this also provides the perps with another platform for this "Disease X" which is going to be blamed for all of the vax deaths (still to come). They will say it's a much deadlier, and much more contagious VERSION of HIV, thereby justifying endless lockdowns and forced jabs. I really do believe this is why they inserted the HIV particle into the spikes.

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