Vaccine mandates aren't going to be as readily accepted as they were the last time. And even the testing will be largely rejected by the public at large. They may want to implement this garbage. But people in hell want ice water. It doesn't mean they're going to get it.

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Agreed, Joy! Agreed.

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Don’t fool yourself. Consider the number of people who rely on government and public/civil service jobs, businesses on government contracts, quangos, businesses that cannot take the risk etc., most will go along. The various governments don’t need the rest of us.

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Yes if people are dumb enough to get a vaccine to keep their job, well.....

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I strongly agree with you. They are dreaming if they foolishly believe that they can implement any injections mandates ever again! They can dream all they want, but it won't happen.

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the battle this time will not be nice

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No it seems it won't be "nice" this time. When the Control Group lawsuit was filed in the fall of 2020, only about 2-3% of Americans questioned the safety of ANY vaccines. As of the last report I've seen on the issue, now over 50% are questioning the safety of ANY vaccines, (not just the warp speed death jabs).

I don't see the exterminationists backing down (voluntarily) and the resistance has only exploded via the first phase of the "warp speed" death programs. Their goal is to have reduced world population by a minimum of 2/3rds by 2030. It remains to be seen how they'll manage this. Less likely now they could pull it off via death injections. We've seen too much. However, they're working the starvation angle (shutting down farms) with much fervor. And of course, there's always the nuclear option;-)

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Yeah! - Bring it On! .... it could go either way - safest bet: more variability than last time e.g. close to total rejection in Wyoming and 80%+ compliance in Vermont (contrasted to 95% Covid compliance). Biggest unknown - how violent will the suppression be in Australian and New Zealand? Internment of vaccine resistors will happen there first.

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Yeah, their beta-test for the camps seemed to have very little meaningful resistance. Sad.

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Depopulation goals is what they want too achieve through this mrna bioweopens

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Here we go again . . .

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I swear a revolution is coming sooner than later. If those demons think they're going to pull off another scam, they're going to be surprised at how it's received this time. God is great.

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Too funny. The border is wide-open.

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None of the 40 million illegals here now had to get a jab to get their 5 grand a month electronic debit card and free I phone.....are these bureaucrats gonna start enforcing this?

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And the blue pilled sheep didn’t say boo about it. ???

Hypocrisy at the highest levels and they don’t even see it.

Mind blowing stuff.

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Nope. They are the replacements.

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Never Ever Comply. These Despots and Their Useful Idiots Want YOU and Your Children DEAD. Discernment People, It’s Not Just A Idea. It’s A Life Lesson. Fight Back Against These Evil Politicians and Propagandists. Just Say No.The Revolution Will Not Be Televised.

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Just say NO

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The tyrants are organizing

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Imagine creating something out of nothing, to solve the problem of nothing.

It’s fucking genius.

Everyone on earth should feel disgusted for not thinking of it themselves.

Except once enough people figure that out, the “geniuses” begin to realize: “maybe we didn’t really think this thing all the way through”.

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Bird flu doesn’t exist but the WHO one health plan does which they want to inject everyone, their kids, pets, and food sources to save them from nothing that doesn’t exist except only on the tell lie vision!

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Jun 29·edited Jun 29

The bs WHO one health nonsense! Everything and everyone has to be jabbed to keep everyone safe from something they made up! Oh and while we’re at it, let’s kill off the food supply for the same made up bullshit! The tell lie vision says eating bugs instead of chicken makes the weather gooder! 😜😜😜

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Remember back when Bush was trying to push through the blending of Mexico, the US and Canada? Remember the Amero? No matter how much people don’t want something, these guys just fall back and wait for the next opportunity. I’d like to know how to drive a stake through the heart of this so it doesn’t come back.

It surprises me (but not really). anybody would have the gall to even mention mandates after the disaster of the last 4 years.

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This is NOT flying yet again.


That seen can't be unseen.

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There’s still a lot of sheep that are blind and think they did the right thing. They will go right along. Then there’s jab injured who wish they could take back their decision but there’s no refunds! Once the syringe goes in you can’t reverse that decision! As a human you literally have one shot above ground! Once you give up body autonomy it’s game over!

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I have a very wealthy client now dying of cancer from the jab. His wife has throat paralysis! Can’t sue or buy their health back. Sucks they are very nice people but made the wrong decision!

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The only option remaining for these 'Nice People' is to serve society as an example to others...Though, extremely distasteful and too sad for words. People as your clients should be shouting from the Mountain Tops allowing their voices to echo endlessly about what their choice was and the results.

Bad things happening to good people occurs too often in our world and nothing is going to change the fact of it being magnified in these last years.

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Hopefully they spoke up to family and friends. If you took a couple doses don’t take any more! Strokes seem to be happening more often with higher doses. Bosses friend had one jab and in less than 24hrs head to toe lesions all over his body! Dude is around 400k-500k in med bills! No shit!

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Proof of exactly how malignant a carcinogen the Demons Hiding in Human Being Suits are. They're far worse than a Fentynal-Laced Ciggy.

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