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Mar 22
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Hopefully, but How many Americans carry concealed? and these venues in the US are "Gun Free Zones" except for terrorists of course.

This is coming in spades to the US as Russia has border controls and We are Wide Open. Thank a democRat next time you see one for our domestic rapes and murders at the hands of their pampered "Newcomers."

rinoRats just voted today to give more money to foreign countries for border security. And more money for the USA Feral Border Welcoming Agents!!!

The democRats will probably take over the House of NonRepresentation before the sElections in Nov. as rinoRats resign.

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Mar 23
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The Real Tragedy has Yet to Occur. We will fight or die, most likely both, but better on your feet than your knees. We always have choices.

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🙏🙏🙏 prayers

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Nobody deserves this no matter what country or ethnicity. I hope the killers get caught!

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If you check the comments on many MSM articles, you would not believe the hate in so many of them and the cries of Karma. When I pointed this out on one in particular, my comment was censored. For some, apparently there is not enough pain, misery and death in the world.

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Innocent citizens do not deserve such violence. The world is on fire no one is safe, we are living WW lll.

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Its also Purim Eve...hhmmmm....can't help but think psyop false flag

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According to Andy Ngo on Twitter, the Islamic State has already claimed responsibility for the attacks.

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Provoking WW3. Putin’s patience is being tested.

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But Not Ours!!! We accept our own Feral Coupist Gov and wring our hands in apathy. Nothing personal, I can see my face in the mirror.

No Excuse will suffice.

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Just horrific. My prayers go out to all those innocent people. The world is indeed on fire. Very scary times.

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Tragic 🙏

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Thank you for posting these links. I personally do not know anything about this, since I don't watch TV "news" propaganda, or follow social media. I may or may not watch the imbedded vids. The headlines tell me enough.

Terrorist attacks are planned by the deep state, here and abroad. They may use Hamas, or they may use antifa or black lives matter, all are funded and controlled terror groups. They all seek division, instability and chaos, so they can further their globalist agenda. They want to provoke Russia into a war.

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So sad. The world has become a sesspit. Jesus, come and do what you have to do. Amen.

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Jesus, come do what you need to do. We are lost. Amen

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Please accept my sincere condolences. My heart goes out to Moscow.

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As everyone one on this thread has expressed compassion, it’s Good to know that you all are able too show expressed love thru your Words. Yes what happened in Russia is Tragic. My Prayers for them.

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Praying for peace and healing to the families who lost loved ones.

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Oh no love St Petersburg, stay safe ♥️

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