This explains so much and reinforces my belief/knowledge that what is going on with my quad jabbed daughter is not my fault. She has blocked her dad and I from her life over a tweet about pronouns. Her woke bs has intensified to an alarming degree.

I have other things to focus on such as my (unjabbed) husband's own fight against cancer, and this video/info is beneficial to my personal well being.

She has become cold, uncaring, selfish and unreachable and we are unable to get through.

It's her problem, not mine.

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Prayers for your husband's recovery and for your daughter 🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻

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The worst part is losing our 12 yr old grand daughter 😭

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God bless you 🙏♥️

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I'm thrice-jabbed, and I regret all three. A good case for taking them was made; the hoops I had to jump through to get them were a real challenge; certain pressures and persuasions were exercised, and for what...? I repeat, your good health, and apologies if I've offended...!

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Psychosis existed prior to injection. The belief system of normalcy is psychotic. How not? Cold War armageddon created a culture tolerating global extinction to save freedom. Double think right there since 1948.

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I have a friend who told me yesterday that her sister, despite developing stage 4 breast cancer, took 4 shots and she's ready to pull up her sleeve for any others that'll come along. She sincerely believes they're beneficial to her. She also will not let anyone wearing a mask enter her house our be in her vicinity. My friend works at a nursing home, and they still require her to wear a mask, keep her distance, and get tested every day she works because she refused the shots. Her coworkers readily roll up their sleeves and most of them have contracted covid several times. Yet, my friend is basically isolated because she might be an asymptomatic carrier and infect the rest. It's ludicrous.

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*without wearing a mask

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The Branch Covidians are mentally ill, just like their political counterparts within the Demoncratic Party.

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Apr 26, 2023
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I work at a ski resort. During the 21/22 season (Dec-Apr) I noticed that people were angry, upset, and unfriendly. I would be surprised if the majority even enjoyed their experience. During the 22/23 season I noticed that people seemed more docile. Not quite with it, but pretty compliant. The one really noticeable thing is/was that the employee pool was scarce, and two of our young employees were found dead at home. A couple of our regulars were also found dead at home. Causes of death weren't given. One regular was on vacation when he died from a massive heart attack. He was barely 40.

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Mostly it was the psychotic who got the jab. They were crazy to inject the black magic voodoo juice.

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Lots of claims about having avoided being jabbed, on the "forewarned is forearmed" principle...

You are to be congratulated for your excellent and robust health - long may it continue!

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That explains Democrats

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"Autistic people are more likely to have gender diversity than neurotypical people, and folks who are gender diverse are more likely to have autism than cisgender folks, according to recent studies." (https://psychcentral.com/autism/autism-and-transgender) Thinking along those lines, if childhood vaccines are known to cause autism, perhaps the new mRNA injections create gender dysphoria along with psychosis and personality changes. Seems an awful lot of kids have suddenly and unexpectedly experienced identity confusion within the past couple of years.

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The media coverage of it is new, but when you shoot the aborted fetuses of little boys and girls into little girls and boys it creates Chimeras, where if the implanted DNA gets a hold of the host's nervous system then what is called Race Memory can imprint on the host. Why everyone doesn't run around thinking that they are a Black Woman with Cervical Cancer due to the polio shot is a mystery to me, but it might be announced on the late news soon.

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What about all those boasting of being "purebloods"? Just as deluded...!

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I just posted a comment above yours citing that the polio shot implanted everyone with the 100 chromosome Alien Life form known as HeLa cells that turned everyone into a Black Woman with a cancerous cervix from HPV18 that was shed from Syphilis. There hasn't been anything even close to a 'pureblood' with respect to Variolation, Vaccination and this current witchery of high tech gene garbaging since the 1700s. Before that the Witch Craze and the Witch Trials was instrumental in calling NORMAL women "witches" who were promptly burned, drowned or otherwise removed so that the pool of pureblood women were reduced centuries before the F-troops left behind during two whirled whars (massive black magicks sacrifices) sullied the gene pool of whomever was left.

We are in the dungeon of an assylum for the criminally insane.

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How is knowing that you haven't injected mRNA toxins into your body, and therefore haven't contaminated your blood, and therefore consider yourself to be pureblood as a result ...deluded?

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How are conventional vaccines that were re-writing the human genome since before the whitecoated freaks ever knew of mRNA not a frank and lethal pollution since the 1700s? How is SHEDDING that was acknowledge by Pfizers own documents not a clear and present danger to those who chose not to volunteer for suicide but is an existential threat of unknown duration since Billy Goat Gaytes said that he wants vaccines that will transfer from the waxed to the unwaxed. There is nothing pure here. There is nothing wholesome here. We are literally in Hell and most people hysterically try to deny by shading their eyes from the flames and plugging their ears from the cries of the Damned and holding their breath against the lung-stopping sulfur.

I'm not attacking you, just attempting to get you to lower your hands and then take a whiff.

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I'm a pureblood have not been sick in 6 years.

Your point?

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Neil's point might be (I can't speak for him) that it was known in 1900 that you can only feel ill if your immune system is working. They have been disabling our immune systems for centuries so that although people might not feel unwell there might be (not guaranteed but an insanely high probability nonetheless) they are still harboring horrors that were implanted in them even from their GRANDPARENTS germ cells that were corrupted by the Most Revered Smallpox vaccine or the Most Holy Polio shat. There is nothing pure in Hell.

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I have noticed and commented for a long time that those who had the vax are crazy now. Not bc they took the vax, (even though that was crazy enough), but after the vax, most were just 'different'. Some had terrible outcomes, one friend plunged right back into alcohol abuse and even now is only somewhat able to hold on to the wagon. Others just became, what I have described as, miserable, nasty people with poor dispositions who don't think rightly anymore. There being no joy in their comportment. I'll never regret not getting the vax for me or for my child.

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Covid Psychosis was the very first 'effect' of the Wuhan Weapon when it was first announced. NATO's books on vaccines make it clear that the Brain and Gonads are primary targets. Mission accomplished I would say at this point now that the Gene Garbage weapon has been deployed.

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