If the content of that video is accurate, I can't help but wonder if there's any connection to that finding and the fact Pfizer have (in March) invested a large sum of money into acquiring a company that develops cancer treatments?

REF: https://pfizer.com/news/press-release/press-release-detail/pfizer-invests-43-billion-battle-cancer

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Cancer is not a virus. Cancer is a metabolic disease involving disturbances in energy production through respiration and fermentation. If you want to learn more I suggest you speak with Dr. Thomas Seyfried.

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Yes, cancer starts in a virus many times. HPV is at the root of many cancers, including cervical cancers and head and throat cancers.

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SV 40 are also only dead parts of the human genome - and the so called "PolioVirus" as well - everything is built on lies and fraud since decades!!!! And these so-called "vaccinations"/high toxic substances, as you rightly wrote at your article https://lionessofjudah.substack.com/p/a-valuable-article-from-2013-the?utm_source=substack&utm_campaign=post_embed&utm_medium=web , were and are the trigger for countless diseases, disabilities, cancer up to death!!!

https://reader.elsevier.com/reader/sd/pii/S0042682207004321?token=AD7C415B5D60EA8D02554007938B23C3FFAC7008A0C42A61F6693456D7EC925466A086EF8B47A9E8D3781AE41642454C&originRegion=eu-west-1&originCreation=20230502102751 page 5 - enter each letter group in BLAST at Enter Query Sequence, scroll down to the left blue box, click on it and wait for the result. https://blast.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/Blast.cgi?PAGE_TYPE=BlastSearch&BLAST_SPEC=OGP__9606__9558&LINK_LOC=blasthome

the fictious "Polio-virus" https://reader.elsevier.com/reader/sd/pii/S016609341830168X?token=4462CA2BAA43C1AB527D0CBA560FCEDE3F5113E39870433123A6DA6642D2BE43B46E259E55283198DCC628A0F80165F2&originRegion=eu-west-1&originCreation=20230502105127 page 3 again, dead parts of the human genome (omit the fluorescent agents when entering into BLAST)

That everything was a lie, manipulation and fraud from the beginning was immediately clear to everyone who has a little idea of the human organism and its functions!














etc. etc.

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What is a "cancer virus"?

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Examples - a lot of cervical hpv infections that can progress to cancer in some cases...

HPV is human papilloma virus.

Other viruses are known to be a beginning step in liver cancers... Hep B & C are major contributors to liver cancer (https://www.cdc.gov/nchhstp/newsroom/docs/factsheets/viral-hep-liver-cancer.pdf)

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Sorry, but HPV is as much of a myth as "covid." The injection for it can only compete with the one for "shingles" (another invented disease), and the two are superseded only by the "covid" injections. On second thought, giving newborns Hep B injections might be worse than the two, as all injections children receive before their immune system forms. Either way, they are all bad. Even rabies is an invented illness, thanks to the criminal activities of Pasteur:


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HPV isn’t a “myth”. If you think that’s a myth, you must think that the flu and cold viruses are myths as well.

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Isn't SV 40 the simian virus which was past on to humans via vaccines about 40 years ago ? It came from experimenting with monkey tissue in the labs.

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COVID-19 mRNA vaccines contain excessive quantities of bacterial DNA: evidence and implications.


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more of this shocling news. Lets pray that the Japanese professor is protected from assasssinatipn!

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What else will they find? If scientists, medical doctors and specialists are being bribed we could continue to see this terrible

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When will public start accepting that some present vaccines have suspicious qualities No,conspiracies rubbish, prove it, seems to be most used comments There are figures that state deaths have been higher in certain parts of the world and lesser in others so which vaccine was used if any After hearing Pfizer management vaunt their valuable vaccine when they were unsure about its efficacy . Meanwhile Big Pharma keeps manufacturing these deadly missiles asking us to believe them. Is there no protection from these so-called beneficial agencies claiming to save us from these nasty viruses with their super vaccines Older type vaccines worked well like smallpox whooping cough polio measles rubella diptheria but without some of the traumas associated with degrees of covid ,although there were early problems with mixing some of those Fifth vaccination available if anyone wants it but I dont after being told that two doses would be adequate,then three then four.

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Thank you. Please, stay the course.

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This is a complete violation of the Hypocrites Oath, what is wrong with everyone?! You physicians have lost so much trust now and destroyed medicine and science by your silence.

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It’s a Bioweapon . Depopulation and to control whom ever is left .

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Judy Mikovits has been taking about SV40 in covid jab as well as other vaccines for awhile now so I'm not sure if it's breaking news?

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:( 😡

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Is HPV an example of a cancer virus?

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More revelations that don’t surprise. But it’s still a dismal, repugnant finding.

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