I’ve always wanted to visit New Zealand and Australia. After the past few years of their tyranny, I’ve lost all interest. The politicians in charge there should realize how they’re destroying their tourism industry!

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The house of cards is falling

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Arrested, and will no doubt be found guilty in a court of law for 'bombs over target'.

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So... This "conspiracy theorist" has access to government data, releases said data on a "overseas website" and somehow that data is "dangerous misinformation".. Got it lol.

Odd that one of the biggest fears of these "vaccinators" is "Vaccine Hesitancy"

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I am NOT "vaccine hesitant".

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Shocking the balls these demons have . Ughh x

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What? Only 4 deaths they claim. Totally ridiculous. He might not be a doctor but he can look at data and so can we. We can see so.ething isn't right and certainly not just 4 deaths. But now you see that was in purpose and the trying to cover sll.up and cone after any whistle-blower. They have committed mass murder, treason and many other crimes of course they gonna do this.

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Wow. Just yesterday I was TRYING to explain why it's a seriously stupid thing to be "speaking out against" this whistleblower's data, or waste time trying to "debunk" his data. I was begging so-called "truthers" to STOP attacking this guy, stop trying to discredit him. I specifically warned that he was most likely about to be arrested for his troubles, and that people must stop "piling on."

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The gentle whistler was quite possibly a “paid-for-a-propaganda-leak” ACTOR playing his part FOR CON-fYOU-tion. Organized confusion works to condition fear so the weaker shut down their prefrontal cortex ( turn their dual-hemisphere brains ‘off’ ) and either stop asking question or collapse into denial. Those are propaganda OBJECTIVES.

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So anyone who leaks the data which government is desperately trying to hide from us (and which exposes the fact that the jabs are causing an extraordinary increase in excess deaths) obviously works for the bad guys?


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I knew he would be arrested, he let the world see his face and I can't understand why he did that. When you're over the target as he is, you get destroyed, I hear Liz Gunn has fled so she doesn't get arrested too. I guess no one should be surprised at this, it's happening everywhere, if you peel back too many layers of the onion the evil doers strike back, hard. We need to pray for that man, he needs our prayers more than ever now.

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It was for "Credibility" Hanna.

We have had far too many years of "Unnamed government sources" feeding us BS.

It is time for all humans to stand up and own what they say and report.

Forget "Praying" for this hero. If you really want to help this man, grow a set and support him publicly!

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? Liz Gunner is “on the run.” ? ... or merely “rescued” into Deep State ‘oblivion’ ( complicit-propaganda-protection ) as a messaging D.S. ALLY helping to spill FAKE beans ? - - just like ol’ Jeffie Epstain, a PROFESSIONAL blackmailer, who just ‘forgot’ to leave enough dead-man’s triggerS upon his REAL death ? “They” conceivably can and do protect their own who also know how to own “them.” ( ‘Honor’ among BAD-ACTOR psychopaths ! ? ) Beliefs are not necessarily KNOWING when jumping to unexamined self-CON-clusions after the main-scream sNewZzzzie propaganda !

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So now they have given him a chance to present his side of the issue in court, I presume. Did they really want to do that?

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I hope precautions to secure that data from being scrubbed were implemented. If not (knowing what’s happened to other whistleblowers), it was either a gross oversight (unlikely) or an organized tactic.

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Just yesterday I was saying this whistleblower was about to be jailed for his troubles, and that fighting to "debunk" his record-level government data leak was NOT a worthy cause, just because the government's data has some "holes" in it.

If we want to go after "holes" in government data, it's better we go after VAERS, which reports less than 1% of the actual injuries and deaths shortly after injection.

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Doesn't matter. Government action shows they are guilty. We are all talking about it. NZ govt has it's pants down round it's ankles and NZ police are DAKKED. No transparency in govt, no justice and we all know it. Game over! Go run little grubs.

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Everyone at this stage knows that all the governments who aggressively pushed the Scamdemic are guilty of - at the very least - massive overreach over what was effectively a normal flu season. Cognitive dissonance/stockholm syndrome is incapacitating people who were psychologically manipulated into going alone with what was obviously a stupid agenda. https://vicparkpetition.substack.com/p/new-zealand-government-whistle-blower

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Just wondering out loud here, if the information was allowed to be released, or not prevented from being released, and then the full “Hammer of Thor” was brought down on someone. Could this be a attempt of the State to try and scare people from speaking their minds? Look in the release or follow the official State “news” releases looking for intentional supplanted misinformation or other items which can be spun to make the State look, “credible”.

Be well Carpe Diem for tomorrow is not a promise just a rumor, maybe even the mention of tomorrow could be considered spreading misinformation.


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The smiley faced dystopia of the movie "Brazil".

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