Removed (Banned)Jan 20
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The precise link for the USA is - https://preventgenocide2030.org/usa-1

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Anyone need more proof the WEF has a Satanic connection?

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Well. Unfortunately what should one expect when THE TOP EUGENIST of THE WORLD funds this... He has his minions...

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Link below....

I don't know why people haven't discovered this.

It is no revelation to me.

The WEF, WHO. and UN (SDG) are beyond TREASON and pure evil.

People like psychopath Gates and his GAVI have been trying to depopulate the planet, for decades, using multiple methods, so THEY as sick elites can steal both your assets and any rights you once had.

A poison toxic vaccine was just used on BILLIONS using coercion, and ruin of your life as threats.

Have you all forgotten their motto, YOU USELESS EATERS ' "YOU WILL OWN NOTHING AND BE HAPPY" and BTW EAT BUGS.

IF WE THE PEOPLE DONT TAKE DOWN THIS CRIMINAL CABAL OF ULTRA SICK PEOPLE thinking they are elite and smarter, we will all be dead as they planned.

This is the sick work of decades of planning by Presidents and Prime Ministers.

Tell me this IS NOT a new revelation. Wake up world before its too late .

Do not let the war come to your front door when it's too late . Fight and take the war to the evil doers.

Apologies in advance. This link (Pfizer CEO Dr. BOURLA speaks at WEF) is in a secure cloud (PCloud) given it is censored and taken down by deep state.) . Some may be asked to create a free account to view.


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None of this is surprising as to the harms. The attack on personal freedoms and the propaganda sealed the deal for me. Now names and identities are rolling out. God have mercy. Sisterly love.

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How to Fake Pandemics in 4 Easy Steps

A masterclass by the DOD showman, James Giordano.


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Very good information, now make it stick.

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The world is not catching up fast enough. Everything has been there openly on the table since 2021, and humanity really does not have time to be moving this slowly. Everything is in place, and in action, all still on schedule.🤦‍♀️🤦‍♀️🤦‍♀️😤🤐

Waiting for everyone to "wake up" or catchup, or stop sitting around and finish congratulating themselves or pointing at each other screaming "controlled opposition!", is not helping anyone, and certainly not stopping the juggernaut.🤦‍♀️🤦‍♀️🤦‍♀️🤦‍♀️🤦‍♀️🤦‍♀️🤦‍♀️🤦‍♀️🤦‍♀️🤦‍♀️🤦‍♀️

Don't focus on trying to "save" everyone, or wake them up. Focus on preparing your local community for harder times and get sorted. They will be the peeps you need when things get really Cray, Cray!!😉

#itsnotyou #itsthem #itsnotoveryet ##itsabout2getdirty #wearemany #wearememory #wewillnotforget #wewillnotforgive #mistakeswereNOTmade #getlocalised

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I know this is war, though I've lived decades with a sense of safety, peace and hope. Those never were lies to me, though clearly our reality had many lies woven into it. But the ideals, no. I don't care if my beliefs were idealistic or not based in reality,. because to me, they were real. They. Were. Real. I am a product of that, and I am very real.

No experience with a hot, ground war. Only what I've read and heard. Never fearful in my home. Never ducked and covered. I have lived my whole life away from that. (shouldn't we all?)

Well, now. Here's the experience and the reality of this crazy war. The collateral damage of my loved ones, menticided. Stlll alive, still getting their reality from the TV, shunned or ridiculed me for my decision to avoid these shots. They are all jabbed. Many have cancer. Others have other health issues. But none of them have woken up. Some are fearful, but their fears are different from mine.

Here's what I'm thinking about: what is it like to be on the battlefield, when your best friend is halfway blown up, and he looks at you and doesn't understand what happened, but you do? You know what's going to happen. You don't want to mention it. You don't want to make it real.

What are we fighting for, and how do we fight? The common enemy is the lies and the liars.

How do we go on, when everyone we know and love has been jabbed/collateral damage? When we couldn't save a single one. Do we say something to them? Or do we pretend that everything's going to be OK because they don't have much time left, anyway

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Yes, this is a plan to maim and kill. Tom Renz has a soldier/whistleblower who was injected with the covid shot in 2015, which is when the "tests" for covid 19 begin to appear in government contracts. I think David Martin pushes the time line back further.

It looks like the WEF and friends in the World Bank are going to go for broke. We need to make a commitment to courage and to each other's survival. These psychopaths are trying to take down the human race and the earth itself. This is our time to step forward in strength, in numbers and in courage.

I say to those who have been blackmailed or given money, face your demons and speak out.

To the scientifically oriented among us--be ready to reverse engineer whatever they throw at us. Expose it. If it is neurotoxin, reveal it. If it is radiation, reveal it. If it is synthetic "biology", reveal it. If it is some other technology, reveal it. If it is all these things, come together and speak out. This plan can only work if people are kept in the dark. I feel we understand what needs to be done and we can do it.

Everyone, do not comply. Share your goods, your wealth, whatever you can so people are not trapped into shots or CBDC/stable coin. Do not back down.

If you loved power over others during covid, repent of it. Do not be that cowardly, evil person who loved power and repressed your sisters and brothers. Be free and help others to be free.

Police and military, these are war crimes, you need to make arrests. Prosecutors, you need to conduct fair trials.

Everyone, in every field of expertise is needed. Use your skills. It is the time of courage, of love, of justice. Be that person.

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There are no vaccines involved - only bioweapons

get the terminology correct - it matters

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WEF Roundup: Digital IDs Can Track the Unvaccinated, AI Can Speed Up Development of New Vaccines

The annual meeting of the World Economic Forum wrapped up this week with calls for digital IDs, rapid development of new vaccines, more partnerships with corporate media outlets like The New York Times, and widespread acceptance and proliferation of artificial intelligence in all areas of society, including healthcare and education.


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110% harm to as many humans as possible. There is NO question about it and all claims stating otherwise are strictly verboten!

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