Ya think so !? How about it’s dangerous for any living being to have mRNA in their system. I have a dead sister to prove it. I don’t think they realize they may have opened a Pandora’s Box on earths population. It may be too late for all of us when all is said and done. The unvaccinated blood supply must be protected

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I am so very, very sorry. I believe that was their intention. I don’t believe there was anything new about this supposed vaccine. They knew what it would do. That’s why they pushed it so heavy all around the world. I do know that Jesus is coming back soon. I think they know it too once again I’m very sorry about your sister Willie how painful

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Nice to hear a vaccinated person state this, I'm so sorry for your sister, my condolences. 4 billion took the covid jab, we do need to protect the unvaccinated who haven't had kids yet. I'm unvaccinated but my 25 year old twins were coerced into taking the jab, I do not know how long my kids will live. Jabbed or unjabbed we are all in this together demanding justice.

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Sorry for your loss and the loss of so many more at the hands of these scoundrels. Morality certainly won't stop them, but exposure might. Thanks to all who play a roll in exposing the heartless monsters of the world!

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Do you have any idea how this could be done? I know we can arrange to have our own blood taken and stored.

But, I've been hearing recently that anyone who has been 'shed' on probably is infected too.

The fact that the only doctors and scientists who know what's going in can't get into their labs.

This situation has gone beyond the realm of decency into the macabre. Enough said!

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So far it hasn’t been done that I know of but hopefully they will get started before it’s too late. I’d be Leary of the blood supply until it is accomplished.

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Sorry Willie for your loss . 🙏

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Based on my research and studies I think you are correct concerning, shedding is real and use of your own blood if needed in a surgery.

I saw a few articles where blood banks and the Red Cross are not concerned about separating the blood based on vaccination status. Even if they were to separate it, I personally don’t trust them.

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All by design. There was no mistakes made.

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One can no longer request a specific blood donor. Additionally, most if not all blood (human and animal) is tainted with self assembling nano tech. Don’t believe it? Get a dark field microscope and analyze your live blood at 200x magnification. Too expensive? Research the many brave souls (a lot of them are on this platform) analyzing live blood and numerous products including but not limited to air, food, water, meds, and everyday items used by humans. We must find a permanent and safe detox. We must stop the nefarious from continuing to poison us.

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Totally agree, I will fight tooth and nail NOT to have that poison in my system.

Not even the blood banks are trustworthy, they mix the batches with vaxxed and nonvaxxed. So even on my death bed, 1. I will not go to hospital, and 2. If I am forced to go, I will refuse all blood and the fake safe serum.

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there is no unvaccinated blood supply is my understanding.

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Not that we are aware of. I’d be interested in knowing what’s happening to our blood supply. I worry about our future if someone doesn’t take the danger seriously for the public.

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your right !

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What kind of an insane vile person would put up their child to be sacrificed on the Wall Street pharmaceutical alter. Pure Evil!

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I was just thinking the exact same thing

There really are some brainless people in the world

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Exactly, I was going to comment the same - what parent is so braindead as to allow their innocent infant child to be experimented on? Of course, I know these companies pay well for "volunteers".

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You took the words right out of my mouth.

This is insanity…criminal insanity.

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It’s amazing how many parents don’t know that it’s experimental. I believe that the vast majority of humans have absolutely no idea what’s been perpetrated against them by those they trusted.

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Ya think???? 😉

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Wow, I’m surprised we’re even finding out about this because they keep their trials quiet or lie about them

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Just the thought that Moderna would test this concoction on infants is HORRIFYING.

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Ban insanity in the medical industry.

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what kind of monstrous parent subjects their infant to a trial like this?

where did murderna get these babies? CPS? like the aids babies that fauci murdered back in the 90s?


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So evil, this disease is not a problem in babies.

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Gouhls and their enablers sacrificing children

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Who is signing their kids up for this crap???

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Culling all humans! Bio weapons harming the infants. Quick, get the word out! Cuz sheeple don’t know ya know? Those with more than a couple of brain cells understand we don’t have a deficiency in mRNA LNP bullsh_t. Okay? Why do folks need to be told this? Pretty obvious this is nefarious witch’s brew poison crap you probably don’t want to put in a child’s body. Heck, they asked for 75 years before revealing the ingredients list! You can’t help stupid. Parents allowing this sh_t to be injected into their infant don’t deserve to be parents. These kids got the short end of the stick, unfortunately.

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Just who are the demented macabre fools and freaked in the head asswipes who decided babies should take the death jab? Child abusers and murderers! Try and then execute them!

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Why not just let the child get RSV?

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Whats RSV?

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Respiratory syncytial virus (RSV) causes infections of the lungs and respiratory tract. It's so common that most children have been infected with the virus by age 2. Respiratory syncytial (sin-SISH-ul) virus can also infect adults.

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They're going after the children & ignorant parents seem to be helping them- speechless

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Really, Moderna? Now? What about all of the people who have been harmed, or died, from the Experimental Shots? Sorry, but this lame “pause“ does not, and will NEVER, make up for all of the damag done by Moderna. Nice try, though.

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Too Little Too Late!

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